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"Hello, Central!" How Can We Best Prepare For the Coming Disasters?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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read such things, perhaps NESARA would be here already. I have a question regarding the 'preparation' spoken of by Hilarion in a recent article.

Patrick Bellringer, can you let us know how we can best prepare ourselves for the coming disasters? Not all of us have the finances to arrange self-sufficiency or shelters. Prayers and meditations and raising vibrations is one thing, yet if we are facing nuclear bombs, no food or water... how can the people protect themselves?

I understand you are busy with much great work to do, but I am sure there are many more than I beginning to wonder how bad things will actually get and how best we can prepare. It seems the time is near. Do you have any practical suggestions for us?

Thank you and bless you



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 8, 2006


Dear RM:

Thank you for your letter, and welcome to Fourwinds.

As you know, basic Truths never become outdated, yet some of these spiritual messages such as the one to which you refer by Hillarion do have some dated information. During the 1990's the probability of a nuclear World War III was very great. With such negativity and destruction to our planet from a third world war, Mother Earth could not have tolerated it any longer.

Agreement had been made between Creator God and our planet Earth Shan to allow her to immediately go into her cleansing mode of volcanic activity, earthquakes and a physical polar shift 180 degrees should Nuclear World War III begin. Therefore, the spiritual messages of the 1990's encouraged everyone to prepare survival shelters stocked with food, clothing and basic necessities for their families.

The people of Earth Shan are awakening in far greater numbers than was anticipated, and their positive energy created by demanding peace and an end to war has changed the future of Earth Shan. Positive energy has prevailed, as the mass consciousness of the people tipped the balance of power on our planet to the Light. As a result, in 1998 Creator God Aton decreed that nuclear for evil intent would no longer be allowed on our planet.

Since that time any nuclear warhead carried into space was neutralized by the Forces of Light, if it went beyond the 150 mile limit from the Earth's surface set by Aton. Also, no nuclear technology was allowed to be used against the people of Earth Shan to start another world war. Consequently, the need for Earth Shan to do sudden major cleansing has subsided.

Because of the Darkside's unwillingness to cooperate and allow balance to be restored in the financial area and to allow NESARA to be implemented, in the spring of this year Earth Shan reached another critical point in being overwhelmed with negativity. Again she nearly "threw up" with major earth changes, which would have caused an immediate evacuation of the planet. The prayers and petitions of the Lightworkers worldwide brought the healing energies that stabilized our Mother Earth.

Since then we have had massive infusions of Light energy from the Higher Realisms and an ever increasing awakening of Earth Shan's people. We are now well beyond the need for massive earth changes and survival preparations by the people. Creator God has recently said to me that our transition into 5D can be as smooth as glass, if we create the energies for it to be so.

Therefore, my friend, read these spiritual messages with discernment, and do not allow fear to rule the day. "We have come a long way, baby!" The Darkside is being soundly defeated, and we shall very soon establish our Golden Age, the Kingdom of Heaven on our planet for evermore. Do not worry about earth changes. Should the need arise for our planet to make serious adjustments, we shall be lifted off by starship to safety during such adjustments. Be at peace!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer