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"Hello, Central!" Is Tiredness A Symptom of Ascension? (Updated Oct. 4, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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, I've noticed I sleep a LOT, and am still tired! How can that be? I can easily sleep 12 hours a night, no kidding! It's like my body needs it? And when I wake up, I feel like I've been busy in my sleep state (I can only remember bits and pieces of my dreams). Is this normal or is something wrong with me? I don't like to go to the doctor's if I can help it, so I'm hoping this is one of the symptoms of ascension? I've been trying to do better at eating better (eating less meat, eating more chicken) and drinking more water and whatnot. I've never touched a cigarette, don't drink (maybe a drink once a month), don't take prescription medication and never taken drugs, so I like to think I'm doing ok. Sure, there's plenty I can work on, but baby steps right? I do what I can for myself more now - I'll take a leave of absence from work even though I'm not sick, because we all need a "my" day! We shouldn't feel guilty about that either! Just stay home and relax (or in my case, take long naps, since I can't seem to get enough sleep these days!) and leave the bustling world outside.

We wait for NESARA - may it happen today!!! Then Contact of our Star Friends, can't wait!!! As I constantly tell myself and am told everyday by another Lightworker, MUST BE PATIENT!!! So hard to be patient and continue hanging on sometimes, but I know in the end, the Light will prevail, so be it!

Many blessings to both of you for all the work you do.

In Light and Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: M.T.

DATE: Oct. 3, 2006


Dear M.T.:

I shall address only your symptom of tiredness at this time. Much has already been written on the symptoms of Ascension.

The tiredness that you are experiencing is definitely a major symptom of your body adjusting to the higher frequencies. All of the enlightened ones are experiencing fatigue in varying degrees at this time. This is quite normal, so sleep when you need to do so.

Taking time off to relax allows your body to catch up and your mind to adjust to the ever increasing frequencies of Mother Earth. Remember to ask your Guides and Guardian Angels to assist you in getting sound sleep, and when necessary to remove your fatigue to push on with your mission. You can have instant renewal when needed. I seem to need that quite often.

If you knew all that you were doing during your sleep state, you probably would feel too exhausted to even go to work in the morning. All of

the Lightworkers are doing magnificent things in many dimensions, but have mostly bits and pieces of dreams as evidence of their work. That is changing gradually as our memories are being restored.

We are all learning two of the hardest of lessons in soul growth, that of patience and endurance. My friend, do not attempt to ever go it alone, but remember to take and Angel along for the ride. You will be amazed at how simple and easy the tasks become. Your Guardian Angels can truly change your day, and even remove your tiredness, but you must ask them for their help---always.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: YL

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 9:14 AM

Subject: "Hello, Central!" Is Tiredness A Symptom of Ascension?

Hello Patrick,

I have read this article with interest.

I feel similar at times, yet my 'tiredness' is of a more exhausting nature in my so called 'wake-state'. I am tired of feeling the same sadness every day when being awake, as I am tired of hearing people fighting in the neighbourhood, as well as noticing my own spouse still acting in a way as if so 'he did not get it, yet'.

I am tired of feeling sad, so I am laying down, talking to God asking for relief for all of us. I am doing my Christ Light Meditation and I am falling asleep over it, waking up the next morning with some memories of dreams that I had which are often powerful, yet not for me to remember all the way.

I wake up and I don't wish to get up, as I am more comfortable and at peace with the loving energies of my sleep.

Yet, I have to get up, because our little daughter needs her mommy - so may day 'has to begin'!

Then I am sitting there with her at the breakfast table, wondering if she will be able to enjoy a life having peace of mind by being able to create freely - her life - by using her thought program that 'runs the software called God's Laws of Love and Light' and simply enjoy waking up each and every morning by greeting the day to come, knowing that she won't have to constantly transcend other people's negative energies through her personal auric field and being more occupied healing one'self from it, rather than using her energies freely and creatively to help create a beautiful world for all.

I love to help, but I am so very tired sometimes that the pain over so much ignorance does not let me sleep, because my mind can't rest, and as much as I am doing my meditations lately I cannot help but wonder, as my thoughts keep running-off without myself being able to control them, whereas I find myself grieving and screaming ALL THE THRUTH THERE IS silently into space, screaming from and into my soul asking God to please make the change for Love and Light, NOW as I cannot wait another Day!


So, please dear Creator God have mercy and help us ALL, so we won't have to suffer another Day! Let tomorrow bring Joy, Laughter and most of all Release us from centuries of disconnection from your Love.

Can tomorrow be Day ONE, please?

Love, Peace and Light



----- Original Message -----

From: FB


Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 11:37 AM

Subject: "Hello, Central!" Is Tiredness A Symptom of Ascension?

Hello patrick and to all of you readers,

I must say that I also read this topic with great interest.

I have the same 'problem' that I must sleep at least 10h to feel properly awake, but then when I'm awake I feel fantastic inside. But as YL said I also feel a sadness for the world around me, all those persons who are still being brainwashed and do not believe I their God given powers.

I can't remember most of my dreams since more than a year, but I guess I'm still dreaming, but I can't remember most of them because they are in a different reality or dimension that I can't understand when I come back from sleep to this 3D world. Patrick, can you share your opinion on this please?

The more I wait for Nesara, the more I realise that we all are Nesara. Because each of us wants peace, freedom and happiness for everyone around. We nearly forget to think for ourselves (in this modern world terms). By that I mean many friends can not understand me anymore; my only heart-felt wish is just for everyone to feel as good as I feel. Most of the time I just do things for others just because it makes me feel great and also makes the person or animal or insect or plant or whatever else feel better.

As it was already said in many places before: give love and you will receive it back magnified in a way you'd never hoped.

All the people who put their friends and anything else first and don't procastinate feel happier as the days go by. And all (or most of them) readers of Fourwinds do this I've noticed, we just hope for a better world for everyone else.. We never ask: I want a better world for myself (It has no meaning for us), we don't even wish anything for ourselves. I hope I'm not mistaken, but as Patrick says we hold the light and make it stronger everyday just by doing this everyday.

I guess many readers are also always trying to come up with ideas to help the world get better... Even if we don't get them all to work, just constantly thinking of such plans is not an easy task and I'm sure it helps the mass consciouness.

Never forget the lightworker you are and shine that bright positive light everyday more and more.

It really makes me sad to see most humans act like robots, who must go each day to work to earn money and be able to survive without happiness, because they don't believe they have the power to change anything.

NESARA is here for many of us readers, please GOD make it available NOW to everyone else who is not aware of it.

With lots of Gratitude and Love for all the work everyone does.