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"Hello, Centra! I Like To Travel To See Our Beautiful Planet, But Work, Prices And Restrictions Prevent Me. Will That Change?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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like to travel to those places, but unable to due to work and all. I hope you can help me and clearity to this question. So many enjoyable on Earth Shan, and yet stress is aboundant nowdays. Again thanks for the update information that your providing by Creater God Aton, and others.

Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 30. 2006


Dear AGS:

How would you like an international passport, Homeland Security gone and no restrictions or airport surveillance, and even a starship with crew to take you anywhere on Earth Shan or the Cosmos? You could have breakfast in Japan, lunch on Venus and dinner on Jupiter and be back for the 10 o'clock news! Anything will be possible with the darkside gone. You will soon have no need for a survival job, no stress and be able to choose to do whatever you like most to do to help in cleaning up and bringing balance to our planet. Life will be fun. People will be at peace and joyful, helping and caring for each other and our Mother Earth.

Negative energy and negative people are now choosing to leave our planet in droves. The positive energy is increasing exponentially, as the Light becomes brighter and brighter. the NESARA bubble is about to burst, as the windows of Heaven open and pour out an over-flowing blessing of abundance upon the good people of Earth Shan.

Expect these great miracles at any moment, that shall change your life and your world forever! Feel the energy and the excitement in the air, like Christmas is here early this year! I say "peace on earth and good will to all---ho, ho, ho!" My friend, you shall soon travel to the stars!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer