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"Hello, Central!" Could You Comment On My Case?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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so much together centered on your godhood. My personal quest: Could you share your inside and/or could Hatonn thru you comment on my case. It seems I have some kind of misunderstandigs in my life. I know it is very personal... and anyway thank you for your great work.....

with Love and Peace to you and your family always



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 29, 2007


Dear CA:

Thank you for your letter. We all have a contract that we made with Creator God prior to our entering this present lifestream. The things we chose to experience for our lessons in soul growth are basically what happens to us, but sometimes by freewill choices we do alter these experiences. I do not know your contract with Creator God, and I am not to know. That is only between you and God.

The important thing is to learn from our experiences to gain knowledge and wisdom, because if we do not learn our lessons, they will repeat until we do learn them. It is sad that so many people today keep repeating their lessons and do not graduate,. Life, my friend, is what happens to us, while we are making other plans.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer