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"Hello, Central!" Why Does Fourwinds Continue To Publish Truly RACIST Propaganda? (up-dated)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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l. But I do not understand why such a website as Fourwinds continues to publish truly RACIST propaganda. You have disguised it as Truth, yet it is spreading or fear among people, lowering frequencies, and igniting hatred.

No particular place on Earth Shan 'belongs' to anyone. All the instutional laws put in place and labels such as 'illegal aliens' will not change this fact. We are all brothers and sisters. The reason behind such hatred toward other cultures is the lies and misinformation fed to us for thousands of years.

Do those patriotic Americans who consider themselves natives remember the horrific invasion that took place hundreds of years ago to provide the land and means of existence that they are now defending as their own? The hypocrisy is blinding!

To read such bitter and racist words on this website makes me utterly disappointed. Why has this vessel of Truth and enlightenment succumbed to such shallow propaganda? Why are you contributing to the hatred and separation of the people? This anger toward 'illegal aliens' and obsession over private property is a product of the BBB&G's. For this website to be promoting such negative and materialistic (and purely 3D) attitudes degrades its credibility and works against the Light. Patrick you must know this.

Mother Earth is not a piece of private property.

Peace to All



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 2, 2006


Dear K:

Thank you for your concerns about immigration. Your accusations of Fourwinds publishing racist propaganda is not true, and apparently based upon the twisted perceptions of our modern society and ignorance of Truth. Had you a broader knowledge of my writings and of the Laws of God and Creation, you would not be making such inaccurate statements.

For your edification I present here again some of the Laws of God and Creation (The Laws of Balance), as written by Esu Immanuel Sananda in Phoenix Journal 27, that pertain to our present U.S. problem of illegal immigration. There are a total of 18 Laws, not 10 as many believe.

Law Number 9 - You must not steal: materially or emotionally.

Law Number 10 - You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.

Law Number 11 - You must not impose nor force your freewill upon the freewill of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference".

Law Number 12 - You must not judge others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions, which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and Creation.

Law Number 13 - As ye sow so shall ye reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect".

Law Number 16 - You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".

Law Number 17 - Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits ye shall know them).

Law Number 18 - You must not commit the actor of slavery upon any human being of God.

I shall not take the time to elaborate on how these Laws impact upon illegal immigration except for Laws 9 and 10. You must do your own homework. The illegal alien is both coveting and stealing what is not his.

Creator God Aton in His wisdom to create a world in balance and harmony has determined these Laws for that end. Each person was given a freewill to establish his own individual sovereignty, and each nation as a people must have their own sovereignty to live in freedom and in peace. When a people trespass upon another nation's sovereignty, they upset the balance and harmony of Creator's Plan.

The problem, as you claim, is not about land. Mexico has their own land. The people and their government have neglected their land, and the people have suffered greatly. As a nation they have not followed God's Laws of Balance, and so in their desperation, they are taking what is their neighbor's. How can you say this is the right ting for them to do?

We are our brother's keeper, and we will do all we can to help our brother, when he comes to us with good intent. We are to be wise and judge his behavior and actions to know his intent, so we respond properly. Unless we do so, we err. One who has entered our nation unlawfully, has broken our laws and has shown his wrongful intent, is not trustworthy. He must now earn our trust by becoming a responsible person.

If our Mexican brother, as an "illegal alien", sets about to trash our culture, our flag, our laws and ourlanguage and marches in our streets in protest against our nation, what are we to think? When he acts as an insolent and ungrateful and selfish child are we to give him what he demands? Even if he acts responsibly, takes a job and enters "the system" of education, health care, welfare, etc., and by sheer numbers overwhelms our capacities to the determent of our people, this still creates imbalance and disharmony.

The answer to our illegal immigration problem in the U.S. has nothing to do with racism. That is only the cry of the Zionists, who wish to destroy our nation for the good of their One World Order. The answer is to assist our Mexican neighbors to build their own sovereign nation into one of harmony and balance for the good of their people and not to encourage them to steal from others.

It is time that you, my friend, stop adding to the problem with your negativity, and do your homework to know what you can do to help in a responsible way to bring peace and joy to our desperate neighbors and their sovereign land of Mexico.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: BR


Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:11 PM

Subject: Illegal Immigration

Looks like it is going to take alot of patience and understanding with some individuals over the illegal immigration issues. I never thought your site was posting anything racist about immigration, as some individuals are saying.

My point of view, and probably your own, was that all of of this illegal immigration was causing inbalance and disharmony among the American people and no matter that some of these illegals have paid taxes, etc. Most do not and only drain the system.

It doesn't come close to what it is costing the Middle Class taxpapers each year in the United States and since this was done up to 2004, does not account for 2005-2006 of which a few more billion dollars can probably be added (and this is the real reason the Americans are protesting because we cannot even take care of our own citizens with decent healthcare, etc., and why should we pay for people who aren't even citizens and think we owe them something, when we do not).

Citizenship is something that has to be earned, not given so lightly. When a country can take care of their own citizens, then a country can be in a position to give to others more freely. The United States is not in that type of position, at the present time, because of the flagrant fraud that is occurring from the Zionists.

Instead of all of these individuals coming to our country to take from us, there should have been something done about getting Mexico to take care of their people (instead of forcing them to come into the United States illegally and telling them how to, just because they don't want to take care of their own people -- this is the most outrageous atrocity, in my opinion). Mexico, along with our government has been corrupted for far too long.

And unfortunately, the Zionists have wanted to destroy America and the Middle Class Taxpapers for quite awhile. NESARA and other changes cannot come quickly enough to end all of these atrocities and inbalances.