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"Hello, Central!" Can NESARA Go Forward Without The Dove

Patrick H. Bellringer

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but I do believe I have some common sense. When I read the Dove postings & combine them with Candace's postings, it seems to me that NESARA cannot be announced until Dove is finished with her work. For example - Candace's last message stated that NESARA could not be announced this past weekend due to the hurricane. St. Germain said he is working with Dove. Dove said they have more work to do to bring NESARA to announcement. When you put 2 and 2 together - the math is more in favor of Dove and when her actions are completed. Or am I wrong? Can NESARA go forward without Dove? Also, the country has to tip more in disfavor of Bush. So it has to be PERFECT. In my heart, I'm thrilled to the core awaiting such a wonderful moment. I'm a mother and it was always my "thing" to never tell my children ahead of time when something special was being planned - like going to an amusement park. Because if it rained and we couldn't, they would be so disappointed & I right along with them. I feel the same with the NESARA announcement. Whether it's before or telling us "we couldn't announce it this past weekend" or very soon, etc. is disheartening. Seems to me - the time has to be PERFECT & I don't see that yet, ie Dove's reports, Bush's ratings, etc. So, in my mind NESARA is still aways off ~ still imminent :) ~ but aways off. Your thoughts? Love, light & many blessings ~



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 29, 2005


Dear C:

Thank you for your letter. I honor you for being an enlightened and wise mother. The Dove was side-tracked from the NESARA mission nearly 1 1/2 years ago, when she chose to "do it her way" and not believe in the need for Divine help. In May, 2004 the Forces of Light were allowed by Creator God and the Galactic Federation to give assistance to our NESARA announcement team and White Knights to complete the NESARA mission.

The work of the Forces of Light has been to remove 4D evil beings and technology from Earth Shan. They have neutralized all weapons of mass destruction and soundly defeated the main forces of Darkness on our planet, which the White Knights could not do.

Believe me when I say that NESARA is definitely going forward without the Dove! She would like to believe that she is playing a major role by talking with people and distributing her secret packets of information. I seriously question her motives in demanding names and addresses of people, seeking information about various "key" civilian and military people, and obtaining information and videos of Farm Claims people and their meetings of the early 1990's. Is she trying to fill in the gaps of her ignorance of history or is she collecting names and information for Darkside purposes?

Many times we have been admonished by messages through Candace Frieze to not give anyone our name and address or that of others. Reference was made to Sandra MacFarland's Group in "Sananda's Final Message" and again in "Hurricane Katrina", as a cause for concern, as they were collecting names. It was suggested that this was also being done by the Schlossers in the A and A twice weekly phone conferences.

Why then in the message "Hurricane Katrina" is St. Germain saying, "This would be a good time to visit, run by my good friend and associate, Dove, for the details?" He is referring to his discussion of down-structuring the economy by 90% after NESARA, but the implication is that the Dove is working for the Light as St. Germain's associate.

This is contradictory information and very confusing to the Lightworkers. It is one thing to refer people to a website for information, but quite another to imply that through association Ascended Master St. Germain approves of the Dove's collection of names and information, when he just warned us about Sandra MacFarland doing the same thing.

Violinio Germain has told me that he has not spoken with the Dove in a very long while (years). This tells me that Candace Frieze has had an "Ego slip" and was not receiving from Violinio Germain at the moment she wrote the statement which I have quoted above. By her own admission Candace Frieze has said she tries to avoid confrontation, which suggest that she does not want people to think negatively about her. This would certainly include the Dove. I suggest that these things happen for our lessons in discernment and to push us to go within for our spiritual answers.

You comment that Bush must be in greater disfavor by the people for NESARA to happen. I disagree. Bush is at the bottom of the scale now, but the lying media inflates the numbers by 300% and says his approval rating stands now at 40%. Pity the poor man for he is running scared and has no place to hide.

NESARA has been stalled off a few days by hurricane Katrina, but the mission is at an end. Katrina was down-graded very quickly from a category five to a category one storm by Divine intervention. Now it is time to bring NESARA to perfection, also, by Divine intervention.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
