"Hello, Central!" Some Questions About Queen Elizabeth II of England (Elizabeth Windsor)(Updated 10-26-07)
Patrick H. Bellringer
From: AB
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 12:52 PM
Subject: Hello Central - Some questions about the Queen
"Hello, Central!" Some Questions about Queen Elizabeth the Second of England (Elizabeth Windsor)
Dear Mr Bellringer,
Every now and again on the Four Winds website, you publish insights and information about Queen Elizabeth II of England which seem equivocal. Sometimes she is presented as having a positive role in supporting the Rothschild European Illuminati in their end-time struggle against the Rockefeller USA Illuminati. And at other times she is presented as actively blocking the NESARA process. Are you able to enlarge on the Queen's status in this maggot broth of conspiracy? In this connection, I have seven particular questions:
(1) Within the Illuminati setup worldwide, is Elizabeth Windsor (QE II) as powerful now as her mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was before her death in 2002? Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the Queen Consort of King George VI (King of England from 1936-1952).
(2) What was King George VI's role and status within the Cabal?
(3) Is the wealth of the current Queen greater than is publicly acknowledged? If so, what is her actual wealth and what are its origins?
(4) Does Queen Elizabeth II of England run the Rothschilds or do they run her? Who is senior?
(5) In which ways is Queen Elizabeth II actively and knowingly blocking the NESARA process at the present time?
(6) If the Queen is knowingly and actively corrupt in terms of behind-the-scenes financial conspiracies, how long will it be before her criminality is publicly exposed and the Monarchy in England is abolished?
(7) Are there any members of the Queen's core family who are innocent of Illuminati-linked corruption? Sometimes her elder son, Prince Charles (The Prince of Wales) is cited in this connection.
Thank you for your consideration of these matters.
Yours sincerely,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 14, 2007
Dear AB:
Thank you for your questions concerning the "Queen Bee", though I do not purpose to have all the answers.
Q. 1: QE II is probably more powerful than her Mother, as the family wealth is passed on to the next family generation.
Q. 2.: I do not know other then the King of England was a stooge to the White Roman Papacy and the Vatican Bank and carried out their wishes. The same is true for all English monarchs, including QE II.
Q. 3: Always! The controllers always lie to the goyim about their power, and power is based upon wealth. Such wealth is accumulated over centuries and is passed on within the family. The Queen's wealth today is being increased through unlawful taxation, drug and gun operation, slavery, sex slaves, gems, fiat banking, etc. Much wealth was garnered for the Royal Family in the past through the opium trade in China.
No one is allowed to know the private wealth of the Queen, but know that it is in the trillions of dollars.
Q. 4: The Rothschild Family is by far senior and carries greater authority both in England and in the world at large, than does the Queen. They are international bankers and began their banking scam in the late 1700's. The work of Meyer Amschal Rothschild was carried on by his four sons.
Q. 5: The Rothschild's more recent counterpart in the U.S. is the Rockefeller Family, who are working directly with the Queen, and against the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds have wisely chosen to cooperate with Creator God's Plan for our time, but the Queen and the Rockefellers are still pushing the Darkside's world control plan.
Obviously, the Queen wants her money from these prosperity programs, but does not want us to get ours. Remember, money is power, and these people(?) have worked very hard to take it away from us. Why would they ever want to give it back? Daddy Bush, the Rockefellers, the Queen are all using bribery, black-mail and threats of death to stop deliveries and NESARA from happening, because that spells their end!
Q. 6; It all depends on freewill. The abolition of the Queen of England and England's Monarchy may not happen until Mother Earth buries England in salt water. Know that that shall absolutely happen very soon in our timing. Mother Earth is not waiting much longer for us to get it right!
Q. 7: Yes, Princess Diana and her husband Dodi Fayed and their two children, who are now living under cover in Tibet. Diana has met with the Queen Mother and confronted her about her plot to assassinate Diana and Dodi. Diana's two sons know of her survival, and I believe they are striving for goodness.
May we all find the answers we seek in our on-going search for Truth.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
WEBSITE: http://www.fourwinds10.com
----- Original Message -----
From: AB
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: "Hello, Central!" Some Questions About Diana Spencer (1961-1997), the ex-Princess of Wales
Dear Mr Bellringer
"Hello, Central!" Some Questions About Diana Spencer (1961-1997), the ex-Princess of Wales
In a previous "Hello, Central!" (here: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/hello_central/news.php?q=7124804ef1ef5105976762b5eb62a791) about Queen Elizabeth II of England, you offered some comments about Princess Diana: "Princess Diana and her husband Dodi Fayed and their two children .... are now living under cover in Tibet. Diana has met with the Queen Mother and confronted her about her plot to assassinate Diana and Dodi. Diana's two sons know of her survival, and I believe they are striving for goodness."
If I may, I would like to ask some questions about what you say here.
(1) Is it your information that both Diana Spencer and Dodi Fayed are still alive? If so, why have the world's media reported that they died in a car crash in Paris on the 31st August 1997?
(2) Is it your information that Diana Spencer and Dodi Fayed were formally married before the 31st August 1997? If so, where and when did the wedding take place?
(3) You suggest that Diana and Dodi had two children before August 1997. What were the names of these children? How old were they in 1997? And how is it that no other media source seems to be aware of their existence?
(4) You say that Diana, Dodi and their two children are now living under cover in Tibet. Why is this? Why Tibet? Who is protecting them? What are they being protected from? Is there a suggestion that the Diana-Dodi bloodline may have a spiritual significance of some kind?
I am grateful to you for your consideration in addressing these questions.
Yours sincerely,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 26, 2007
Dear AB:
To further answer your question:
(1) Yes, I told you that Diana and Dodi are now living in Tibet. Queen Elizabeth II of England put out a contract on Diana to have her killed, because she knew the Queen was a Reptilian, for Diana had observed her shape-shifting, and knew of the plans for world control about which Diana was about to go public. The Queen also vowed never to have the Royal line polluted by any Arab blood, such as that of Dodi Fayed.
Why would you even ask such a question about the Zionist One World Order controlled media? They would never reveal the Darkside's secrets.
(2) I did not say when Diana and Dodi were married, because I do not know. You are making assumptions. Obviously, they were married sometime after the assassination attempt on their lives by the Queen.
(3) Again, you are making assumptions. I did not say when Diana and Dodi's two children were born. Those births occurred in Tibet. Again, why would the lying media give you Truth?
(4) I think the answers to these questions are self-evident. Everyone's bloodline has a spiritual significance. Know it! May you find the answers you seek, my friend.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer