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Hello, Central!" Have We Now By-passed NESARA, And Could You Describe What Our Restored Planet Will Be Like?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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you please describe what it will look like when those that choose to return to earth first return. Please describe the physical to spritual. Please use as a Hello Central is you want. I think all are interested and would like to know a little of what to expect . . . . . after so many years and effort to get to this point.

Love you Bunches,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 18, 2006


Dear M:

Thank you for your letter. We cannot assume anything in this age of miracles. We must read the "signs of the times", and from the increased earthquake and volcanic activity we know that Mother Earth is very sick and needs relief. We also know that the people need closure with the funding nightmare and the NESARA Mission.

I still believe that closure shall happen. I also believe that a massive evacuation of Earth Shan may be closer than many people think. She agreed to wait through August of this year for some sense of goodness to be achieved, before seriously moving forward with her much needed cleansing and healing. We have now struggled another two and a half months to complete the NESARA Mission, while Mother Earth waited. Time is running out!

I am hopeful that the NESARA Mission and funding shall be accomplished, that we have a most joyous Thanksgiving, and that Mother Earth have relief soon, either by our efforts with the help of our Star Friends, or by her own self-help. If that means evacuation for us, so be it!

You are asking, that should we leave now, what would Earth Shan look and "feel" like when we return? Those who choose to enter 5D frequencies and return to a 5D Earth Shan, will return to a pristine planet. Our planet will again be in its original condition of perfection. The balance of nature will be restored. Our planet is the "seed" planet for the Nebadon Universe and contains the crystal from which all other planets in our universe were created. As such, our planet is also a supply planet and has all the species of plants and animals that are needed to stock other planets being created. These shall again thrive on our planet.

Our earth shall again be spinning on a vertical axis in balance and weightlessness in the Cosmos. The temperatures will be in the low 70's year around everywhere on the planet. There will be no polar icecaps or deserts or destructive storms or seasons of cold and hot. Plants will be watered by air humidity and by water rising from underground.

Our earth will not look as it does now. The continents of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean will have risen. Much of our present land mass will be under the salt water of the oceans for cleansing, including much of the Americas. Australia will be the continent least affected by coming earth changes. There will be more land and less ocean than we have now, but our earth will still be known as the beautiful water planet in the Cosmos.

Fifth dimension and higher is "Heaven", where no evil is allowed. Our planet will be in 5D, so those returning to it will also be in 5D or "Heaven". They will have full consciousness and have the ability to create by thought. In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says that a minimum of 144,000 people are needed to start a new civilization on a pristine planet. So, at least that many will be returning to Earth Shan.

They will return by starship and by thought create crystal cities and homes and live without harming the environment. They will join with their friends of Inner Earth, who have remained inside Earth Shan during her restoration period, and who have also moved with Earth Shan into 5D. They will live the Laws of God and Creation, and all will be in balance and in harmony again. Earth Shan is the last planet in our solar system to move into 5D, so our solar system will also be in balance and harmony. Mars and Venus are in 5D now and are presently being restored to perfection.

What will Earth Shan be like? It will be "Heaven on Earth", as decreed by Creator God Aton long ago. What is Heaven like? It is hard for us to imagine! There will be no evil, no war, disease, pain and suffering. There will be peace, happiness, abundance, freedom and justice. No man or animal will kill for food. We will have free energy, free food, free travel, free everything under a barter system with no money;.

We will be doing things that we like to do and that are helpful to our community and to our planet. We will be both students and teachers, as we learn and as we also teach others. We will travel the Cosmos and learn from our Star Friends and enjoy the beauty of Creation.

What more can I say? Earth Shan will be all that we have ever dreamed possible and much more. My friend, what do you want it to be? You will have the ability to create it just that way!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer