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"Hello, Central!" Where Are We In The Photon Belt, And What Is To Come?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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where we are in the Photon Belt and what is to come?

I have read all I can find on the web sites, but I didn't find any recent writings and I am curious and concerned about anything and everything concerning our journey through the Photon Belt.

I feel compelled to ask you to fill us all in on what you know or can find out.

God Bless You, and I am sure he does and will.

You are truely a man of light.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 7, 2005

SUBJECT: Photon Belt

Dear A:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work.

In a few sentences I can update you on the Photon Belt. As you know, the Photon Belt is a band of high frequency energy through which our planet passes twice in its' 26,000 year orbit around Alycone, the Great Central Sun of Pleiades. This band of Light energy apparently originates from the Greatest Central Sun of our Nebadon Universe and beyond.

It takes about 2000 years for Earth Shan to pass through this Photon Belt, and its purpose is to "house clean" our planet between 3D civilizations. The energies increase to the center of the "belt" and then recede as we leave the "belt" again. The high frequency energies cause physical pain to those people of low frequency energies, which causes the Darkside and all their people to leave the planet.

During any given civilization, if the people of that civilization have not evolved far enough and therefore, are not ready to move into a balanced and harmonious society of 5D, the planet is "swept clean" of low frequency energies, and the civilization is allowed to start over again with 144,000 "seed" people. This process is repeated every 10,000 - 12,000 years until they "get it right".

The people on Earth Shan never "got it right", but because our planet has been granted her wish by Creator God to move into 5D, the people are being given a unique opportunity to move with Earth Shan into 5D. Because the people of our planet want peace and have chosen Ascension, that is now happening. The Photon Belt energies are clearing off the low frequency Darkside and boosting our planet and her people into 5D and our Golden Age of Heaven on Earth.

This is our final trip through the Photon Belt, and Earth Shan will never again be a 3D planet. We entered the Photon Belt in 1962. The Null Zone or three days of darkness caused by the energy adjustment at entry was neutralized by the Forces of Light in 1962, because the Darkside had big plans to use it to take control of our planet at that time. Now, the Photon Belt is pushing the Darkside off the planet, and there is nothing they can do to stop it. They can choose to leave or turn to the Light, and most are choosing to leave.

I hope this answers some of your questions.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
