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"Hello, Central!" If We Are Living In The Now, And If Time Does Not Really Exist, Don't We Need A New Understanding Of Karma?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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erhaps there is communication between the incarnations as to the result of actions taken.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 15, 2005


Dear MLH:

For as long as we remain in third dimension, time does exist and is very real for us. There is no time in fifth dimension but we are not there yet, so it has no meaning to us now.

The Law of Karma is also known as the Law of Cause and Effect. There is a cause for every effect, and there is an effect for every cause. This is true throughout all of Creation. I might add that another word for Karma is consequences.

Even if there is no time in higher dimensions that does not negate the most basic Law of Cause and Effect. Even those in higher dimensions are not perfect and still have consequences for their actions. They are still learning their lessons in soul growth and will do so until they return to Source.

No amount of word manipulation will cause Karma to vanish. Only by our request to Creator God can our past unresolved Karma be removed now, today, and this we must do, for if we plan to ascend, we take no baggage of Karma with us into fifth dimension. If we choose not to deal with our Karma, then we will return to another 3D planet to work it out and learn our lessons in soul growth.

To confirm Truth go within and ask your God Spirit to show you what is Truth and what is not Truth. He who truly seeks Truth shall find it.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
