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"Hello, Central!" A Call To Healers And Prayer Warriors!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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efs may be....

Lucia Bastis-Uy-Rabideau will over the next two weeks faces a serious heart surgery and recovery...

I respectfully request of all Fourwinds readers thoughts of Love and Healing.

One prayer I use daily is an update from Violini Germain's (aka Le Compte de Sainte Germaine) the I AM DISCOURSES:

Transmute,transmute from white,rose gold, silver violet fire all causes and cares not of God's desire.I am a being of cause alone ,that cause is Love the sacred tone.(Repeated three times)

Thank you in advance for your good will in whatever way you choose to exercise it.

Collectively we hold the balance of life in our hands.

Light ,Love and Power to you all.


We request the help of Fourwinds readers to send Love and healing energies to Lucia, as she faces heart surgery, and to all in need of healing on Earth Shan at this time,. May Hilarion the Healer and the Healing Angels attend these ones, immediately. May you be blessed for sharing your power of thought to perform miracle of healing for our fellow travelers.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer