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"Hello, Central!" I Am Being Rejected By My Family And Friends Because Of My Enlightenment! (Updated June 8, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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at I and many others like me are going through. I've told them about importance of spiritual growth and about "the end" times. (Emphasizing the spiritual growth). I've also told them about ET's, since many of my family members are "in to" UFO's.

This has only brought misunderstanding and rejection. My family is afraid for me, because they think I've joined some cult. They sometimes talk to me as if I had lost my sanity. My friends reject me, 'cause of my thoughts. I'm constantly accused of arrogance, because i'm showing other people possible ways to overcome personal problems. Just because I have been able sort out many of my "personal demons". It is a shame that people cannot rejoice over other people success.

I would be lying if I said it doesn't bother me.

I'm engaged to a girl, who is the love of my life... At least I hoped so. She has also taken the "negative side". I'm being ridiculed by my family, friends and other loved ones. The girl i'm engaged to, doesn't WANT to understand me. She has taken the path not to handle these things. I have lost the feeling of being "soul mates" with her.

I sometimes feel that her negative energies pull me back down to lower frequencies, and I feel that all this seriously disrupts my growth.

I've tried to support my loved ones on this "inner self growing" matter, but how can I help them if they have already chosen their point of view.

I would like to know if other 'awaken' people have had same kind of expiriences. Have they lost their bonds between family and so on. Is all this part of our growth and how should one relate to this.

I'm not going to give up yet. But i've heard that some people disconnect their "lower frequency" relationships , in order to achieve higher self.

I don't want leave my 'negative' loved ones behind, but it's starting to feel like impossible task to live with my loved ones and to achieve higher understanding, at the same time.

Lots of love to you


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 8, 2007


Dear JL:

Thank you for your letter and writing about your concerns.

The path to enlightenment is not easy in this very Dark 3D world of Earth Shan, and few have truly awakened. All, who have chosen the Red Road of Truth, have experienced ridicule and rejection by the unenlightened. It has been ever so. Esu Immanuel bears witness to that in his life of 2000 years ago.

My family and my wife's family have rejected us and claim we are members of a cult. Your story is a repeat of what Lightworkers and Truthseekers experience the world over. Those, who remain in the Darkness, have lower frequencies and physically cannot endure the higher frequencies of the enlightened person, and they cannot connect mentally and spiritually and emotionally because they lack understanding and wisdom.

There is nothing you can do to change another person, if they do not desire to change. By freewill everyone chooses their pathway, and it may take many lifestreams in 3D for some people to learn their lessons in soul growth. We have all taken detours on our road back to perfection.

Creator God Aton has said that all souled beings on Earth Shan at this time are Returned Masters, but most have yet to awaken, and many will choose not to do so in their present lifestream. All Returned Masters agreed to come to Earth Shan at this time to assist her and her people to make the transition into 5D. Thus, we all have a mission, a task to do and a contract we have made with Creator God Aton, which we agreed to fulfill.

You are concerned about your fiancé, your family and your friends and your strained relationships with them. This is only natural because of your enlightenment and your caring nature, but each have choices to make and lessons to learn. You are the most important person to you, and you must not allow others to deter your learning and impede your progress along the Red Road of Truth.

Though others choose to reject you, any Truth you share with them will be planted by the Angels in their heart and will always bear fruit, if not now, in future lifestreams. That is Cosmic Law!

You can best help those, who reject the Truth, by sending them the positive energies of Love and Light through your thoughts, and remain caring and helpful always. The life that speaks of goodness will attract those, who desire goodness. Know it!

Ridicule and rejection is hurtful and pushes us to choose between the lower frequencies of revenge and anger and the higher and positive frequencies of discernment, wisdom, Love and peace. Learn to drop the negative baggage and move on to the higher ground, but always with an open mind and ever ready to help your fellow travelers, for in the helping is the joy of the Red Road.

I honor you, my friend, for your strength and endurance. Be in peace.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: A&C

To: bellringer

Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 3:05 PM

Subject: Response to JL Letter, "I Am Being Rejetced..."

Dear JL,

My wife and I have found in our experience that it is not often that Lightworkers will or can respond to each other in these times the way they are. You have asked if other people are experiencing what you are experiencing in your awakening. The answer is yes. My wife and I have have experienced what you describe with both our families. We feel your concerns when you say "I've tried to support my loved ones on this 'inner self growing' matter', but how can I help them if they have already chosen their point of view"?

Our awakening came some 2 years ago. In our excitement we discovered that no one in our families were excited about Truth. We were rejected as "communists", so to speak, or not responded to at all. But in our readings and studies of the Phoenix Journals, thus far, we learned that no can experience the

knowing you have come into as you know it unless they can open their own limited, closed minds. The other thing we have learned from the Truth teachings of the Phoenix Journals is that " it is the seed thought that counts".

You can share a seed thought with your loved ones knowing it will grow! If it is a seed thought of Truth, that is, one two or three words of what you know, in patience, it will grow and remain in place, no matter the journey of your loved ones. We support the words that Patrick has shared with you and his words are strong in the Truth Given by Creator God Aton. It is time for those of us like you and like us to have a way to share. If my wife and I, as Lightworkers, can be of any

of help to you in your own seeking of Truth, email us at

In Love & Light



----- Original Message -----

From: CB


Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 8:51 PM

Subject: Beautiful Answer

Patrick and Anne, That was beautiful answer to "Hello, Central!" I Am Being Rejected By My Family And Friends Because Of My Enlightenment!" I am suffering terribly from anger and depression when I was once so joyful and positive.

As a veteran of the United States Air Force I was told that we were supposed to bring about peace, but now I know that was a lie and I look around and see the people I was allegedly defended and realize that a vast majority of them were partying and stuffing drugs up their nose during the time I was taking orders while being owned by the government.

Now those same people are rejecting my pleas for peace and tell me "War is what we do." Well, I don't believe it and I won't give up, but I sure am getting weary; and like everyone else who feels like I do, I need a boost every once in a while. So thank you for lighting the torch down the lonely Red Road of Truth.

Blessings to all our space family members who are helping to liberate us from the war against our sanity. I miss them terribly.

Peace, Love and Light to you and Anne and family.