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"Hello, Central!" Why Would Sananda Immanuel Go To Zion And Then To Jerusalem, As Prophesied, When They Are Such Evil Places?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d then I will go to Jerusalem."

Could you perhaps tell me why Sananda Immanuel would refer to zion if zion's meaning is what is causing such chaos since the beginning of jewry, why has Sananda Immanuel referred to this as I will be with you in zion. I thought zion was something that the torah as told by God (supposingly) that the Hebrews should never make a state for themselves because it will only cause hate and destruction amongst them and the people of the middle east, and the world. Zion, in my learning is nothing more than evil that has caused murdering to millions since the 1st destruction of the temple.

Thank you kindly for your wonderful website, and your inspiration.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 3, 2005


Dear MH:

As you may know the Mormons have built a "new Zion" in Utah with headquarters in Salt Lake City, as the New Jerusalem". My interpretation of this quote is that Sananda will go to Utah and deal with the Mormon Church and its evil leadership. Then he will go to Jerusalem, Israel and deal with the evil Zionists, who for many centuries have tried to destroy and kill and control every country they infiltrated. Since the time of Abraham they have tried to destroy the Arabs. They are the Pharisees of old, who again control Jerusalem and, now , Salt Lake City, and by the way, the governments today of Britain and the United States.

The Chosen People of God were the Sumerians of Iraq, and the Promised Land was the Garden of Eden located at the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq. The Israelites killed the Sumerians and stole their history many centuries ago and re-wrote it in the Old Testament of the Bible, as if it were their own history. For example, the Moses of the Old Testament is a fake Moses but patterned after the real Moses of the Sumerians. The Israelites were driven out of Egypt because they were thugs and thieves.

The two recent Iraq Wars have been, more importantly, attempts to gain access to the Stargates in Iraq and the Sumerian library of great knowledge and their 5D technology that is hidden in Iraq. Our true history has many surprises. Some of these surprises can be found in some of the Phoenix Journals. The new history books have already been written and will be brought to us by the Star People when they come.

I may not have answered all your questions, but this is a start.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
