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"Hello, Central!" How Long After The Removal Of This Last Dark Cabal, Will Be First Contact?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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onsciousness and i try to be patient.

I wanted to ask a question of you and your insight.How long after the removal of this last dark cabal do you think/know/feel it will be before First Contact by the Galatic Federation teams. or maybe the flyovers of cities and the masses demonstrations of presence. it is my understanding that Heaven has issued a time frame in which this was to occur and this is something the Galatic Federation deems a very important mission.I miss my Star Family and i feel deep connections with them. I sometimes feel like crying when i see Drawings of Pleiadian beings from telepathic transmission to artists or hear descriptions of the ships.Its like Ive been there before and cant really remember.

anyhow i was just wondering if you had any insight to this event...thanks for your time



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: B.S.

DATE: Sept. 29, 2007


Dear B. S.:

Thank you for your letter and your questions. The Lightworkers are tired and need a break. It is high time for the end of the reign of Darkness.

As you know, the basis of Truth for Fourwinds rests on the Phoenix Journals, the most comprehensive revelation of Truth by Creator God Aton of Light and the ascended Masters in recent times. They are the "yardstick" by which we measure Truth in all else at our disposal today.

No where in the Phoenix Journals do I find any discussion of a First Contact by the Galactic Federation via massive fly-overs or starship demonstrations or landings to greet earth humans and to begin a 3D recovery of Earth Shan using new technology on into the future. This is all nonsense spread by Sheldan Nidle, Candace Frieze, Jess Anthony, Mike Quinsey, Milson McCleod, Nancy Tate and others.

Hatonn/Aton says, "We have already made first contact in 1954, when Esu Immanuel returned to Earth Shan aboard the Phoenix". The Star People have made contact with hundreds of individuals across our planet since 1954. In the 1970's one of their more public contacts was with Billy Meier of Switzerland. They have used crop circles, starships with colored strobe lights at night, cloudships in the daytime and many one-on-one contacts to tell us of their presence. First Contact has already happened.

What Hatonn does discuss very urgently in the Journals is evacuation. He claims that Mother Earth has gone way beyond our helping her to recover, and that she is dying and must self-cleanse very soon to prevent her death. Humans have trashed her so much for so long, that even with the help of our Star Friends, we would not be able to save her.

Therefore, she must cleanse herself by natural means. This includes earthquakes and volcanic activity, as the tectonic plates adjust, allowing continents to sink under the saltwater of the ocean for 3000 years, while other sunken continents rise renewed above ocean surface. There is no way 3D human life can survive on Earth Shan during this process, thus, the need for evacuation. You will be re-united with your Star Family when this happens.

Everyone must choose whether to board the starships and be taken to safety or not. I have written much about this, and we have posted the same information on Fourwinds from The Phoenix Journals. The New Age thinking is that in some magic way we will build a 3D Heaven on Earth and live happily ever after. Not so!

Only those, who have graduated into 5D will be allowed to live on a 5D Earth Shan after her 3000 years of restoration. Those remaining in 3D will move on to other 3D lifestreams for their lessons in soul growth. The only "First Contact/mass landing" that will happen in our future will be evacuation. Giving all the present signs of earth changes, that could be on any day! Know that we are all star people, for we came to this planet from the "stars".

See you aboard ship!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer