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"Hello, Central!" Hatonn Is No Friend Of Mine, If He Is Working With China! (Updated Sept. 21, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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plelike slaves?

If this is true...Hatonn is no friend of mine. Its just more of the same repression of the potentialof the human spirit.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Anonymous

DATE: Sept. 17, 2006


Dear Anonymous:

Obviously you know very little about China or about our U.S. of A. The U.S. has a far worse UN record for abuse and destruction than any other country in the world. I do not condone Communism, but it is interesting to note that in the 1950's the Red Army moved through China and killed all the dogs, that were eating the people's food. The Red Army provided food to every person, and for the first time the people were not hungry.

You would be most wise to determine who Hatonn is before you so foolishly reject him. Know that at times the Light uses the Darkness to accomplish goodness.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DF


Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 9:56 AM

I agree with some of the anonymous post on 9-17. I will say that it is true that the average person of the US or any other country or on any other planet is not responsible for the wrong doings of another individual or group of individuals that happen to be in power or in leadership or for other individuals that commit wrong doings. It is those individuals that made those bad choices and committed overts that need to come clean. It is their responsibility to put their own ethics in. The part I agree with in this anonymous post is the way many individuals (in power) treat its own citizens. It is absolutely bewildering and un-Godly the way numerous business individuals (with the tacit or explicit consent of the individuals in control) work the citizens there in certain parts of the middle east and China 19 hours a day (like slaves) and some behind barb wire fenced in facilities. The past feeding (by the Red Army) only serves to show that these individuals living back in 1950 had some kindness and showed it and yes that is good. But that does not justify wrongness being committed in the here and now by anyone no matter the time or place. Of course there are some individuals who are more connected to source than others. There are some in the US and all around the world connected and operating from source - that kingdom of heaven that is in all of us and that can be used to guide our actions and serve us if we choose to acknowledge and follow it.

I look at how the individuals of leadership use their position to create a more suppressive, unfree environment for its average people now - in present time not 50 years ago. It is current acts by current individuals that cannot be condoned no matter the country. these individuals treat their citizens terribly which is why many average people living in China (under the power of these out-ethics individuals) immigrate and try to get the heck out of there. All your response provided was that some individuals have the good within them. This is true. Man is basically good no matter whether they are on Nibiru or Earth. However, invading Tibet is wrong and so is any other overt/or covert harmful action. Was this action committed by all of China's citizens. The answer - No. A rational person does not think in a A=A=A manner. She/He is able to discern. It is the elite group of individuals that are a part of this dictatorship/communist regime that commit/allow these abuses to occur while the average person keeps their mouth shut and follows along for fear of persecution, imprisonment or death. Not to mention the fact that China's market (condoned and set up by certain individuals) creates a no-game situation for multi-millions of citizens around the planet. These individuals (in China) play the game of paying its workers as much as 97 percent less than workers from some other countries in a deliberate manner to steal manufacturing,money,jobs & power for themselves and to push other countries into economic debt and servitude to China. Lets face it this has nothing to do with how the previous leaders of the US may or may not have committed wrongdoings and certainly does not justify the wrong doings of others or themselves and certainly does not justify paying back a Chinese leadership that is known for supporting slavery, wrongful imprisonment of the average citizen (who actually does not want to be a slave or a sheep ) but wants to be granted the freedom granted at the day of creation and which flows through ones very veigns. one knows deep within the divine rightness of essential freedoms. I don't get it - why a country would be paid back when they are just as out-ethics as many other nations appear to be today. Their unfair market plays have already pushed millions of people into poverty and joblessness. With its population there is no reason other than a harmful un-ethical ruling group of invididuals that prevents them from having a booming economy (with a fair market value that makes their trade with the world more equitable and a leveler playing field). There is no reason why they would have to acquire the manufacturing of the world except through out-ethics market power plays, etc.. The US and other developed countries are a victim of Chinese mercantilism, notwithstanding that mercantilism involves the quest for gold, not fiat currencies. As they tell it, China has kept its currency undervalued to promote export-led growth and is a complete crime to a fair global market. To back this assertion look at China's rapid buildup of foreign-exchange reserves, which are really loans to the US to balance its trade deficits caused by China's unfair market, notwithstanding the fact that the unfair exchange rate has been in effect for more than a decade, that China withstood temptation to devalue the yuan after the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and that fixed exchange rates were a US idea at Bretton Woods when the United States was a creditor nation. If we are to pay back a loan, then they must raise the market value of thei yuan to be more fair on the global stage and stop putting others out of work for their own greed for money and power. So, one could say that some of these loans were perpertrated by the crime set in motion by the unfair market structure and are completely null and void. I certainly would not want to pay someone back who deliberately cripples the world with its unfair market structuring and then loans money. sounds more like a mob boss.

Irrational people blame a country or a race for problems. I don't blame the country of China or any country of the world. It is individuals who have assumed the role of leadership who can change the whole course of history for good or bad. It is those persons that do the right thing - or not. But any action that harms more individuals than it helps is not an optimal decision and certainly lower toned. I will be watching with an analytical mind and looking for the good in the action and the outcomes of those actions and know that the truth will be revealed in this manner and in time. I hope that the world will become a more equitable place from an economic standpoint, but also one that continues to support liberty of speech, ethics, justice, honor and all things good. This is my hope.


-----Original Message-----

From: DGF

Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 8:41 PM

To: ''

Subject: "Hello, Central!" Hatton Is No Friend Of Mine, If He Is Working With China! (Updated Sept. 18, 2006)

Dear Patrick, please post if your heart guides to do so, in reference to the above Hello Central.


God Bless you All,

In response to DF (not to be confused with my initials if you should post, DGF) I have a couple of questions and comments.

First, what individual or company is released from a loan contract / obligation just because he/she/they do not agree with or condone the practices of the loan originator?

Second, the loan was made to the United States in gold to finance the war against Japan. At the time, China was loaning US money to war against Japan, a country in which China had waged war for years.

Whether we/you like it or not is neither here nor there, "We the People" have been mortgaged by the US government to China long before they decided to be a communist government and continues to import China's products (remember we love our conveniences - Count the number of items in your home that says "made in China"). The last account I read was that China holds approximately 51% of the current US debt. They owns us according to these numbers, like it or not. Would you prefer China to repossess the collateral, our homes and properties of the average middle class citizen of the United States to collect on a just debt?

Instead of questioning Hatton's working with the Chinese government concerning these loans, each and every person that has ever heard of Hatton should praise GOD for this Divine Intervention.

Thank you to Hatton, Sananda, Confucius, El Morya, V. Germain, and a host of other Ascended Masters along with the Galactic Federation of Light, my heart is greatful for this OBVIOUS DIVINE INTERVENTION.

Readers of Fourwinds, I have read for years your cries for Divine Intervention, and when IT IS BEING DONE, you allow your american brainwashing and lies to the people to overshadow the miracles for which you have prayed.

Our prayers are being answered. Why should you complain as to HOW or with Whom the Spiritual Hierarchy chooses to work. We/You do not know the Divine blueprint for this planet, Hatton does.

In Love and Light, we Command Justice for All,



----- Original Message -----

From: A


Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 5:15 PM

Subject: Morning

Hi Patrick,

I just had to write before I went to work.

Your latest NESARA update has been stimulating to expectations, but more than that was this comment:

"Irrational people blame a country or a race for problems. I don't blame the country of China or any country of the world. It is individuals who have assumed the role of leadership who can change the whole course of history for good or bad. It is those persons that do the right thing - or not. But any action that harms more individuals than it helps is not an optimal decision and certainly lower toned. I will be watching with an analytical mind and looking for the good in the action and the outcomes of those actions and know that the truth will be revealed in this manner and in time. I hope that the world will become a more equitable place from an economic standpoint, but also one that continues to support liberty of speech, ethics, justice, honor and all things good. This is my hope."

THAT was a summation of everything my son and I discussed tonight, just a couple of hours ago over dinner.

It is just beautiful how light is accelerating, as the dawn takes over!



----- Original Message -----

From: DF


Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:15 AM

In response to DGF

Ok so we pay China back for debt. When is China going to pay back the inequity caused by its unfair yuan value that it has used primarily to cripple the labormarket and the standard of living for millions of others? Do we turn the other cheeck to this and just accept their immorality. Not to mention the Tibetans who cannot return to their homeland for fear of

permanent imprisonment or torture. How about the families that are paid $200 for their daughter to work in a Chinese factory enclosed by barbed wire for oneyear like a slave? The point is if China raised the value of its Yuan to be more compatible with the global stage and certainly much more fair jobs and manufactuing would not be leaving the US with the speed of an anti-gravity craft and the market here would restabilize over time and at which point the US could pay back its debt without devestating millions of lives that I fear will happen through this loan

repayment in full now. Also, to harm someone or a country economically through an unfair monetary valuation of ones currency, use it to push other countries and individuals to their knees financially and then demand immediate repayment - well something just doesn't seem right with that. I am sure I am not alone on this.

The frustration caused by this loan repayment has nothing to do with the loan repayment it has to do with China's action on the global economic

stage has not been conducted with manners since the inception of outsourcing. I agree one should repay debts over time and in a fair manner. Did the contract stipulate a repayment in full or payments over time? At the same time, as this repayment, one has every right to demand that China put its manners in on the global economic stage by not under-valuing its yuan to a level that is unethical and causes a no-game condition and joblessness world wide. The idea or feeling that one is being messed over or that someone could be trying to cause your society or any other society to go by the boards - well that doesn't sit well with me or any other discerning individual who trys to maintain a high moral and ethic level. And I just hope that this repayment coupled with manufacturing loss that they have acquired through its unfair valuation of its yuan won't cause longterm harm, devestation and chaos. I don't profess to know what is planned for the world. Only the one true GOD knows that. I do know GOD would not devestate a nation and will wait for GOD to help and handle the complexity of chaos caused by the greed and immorality of men that seems to be prevelant in most of the corners of the globe today. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs to outsourcing due to an unfair market. My heart goes out in hopes and prayers that this repayment will not dash the hopes, hearts, finances or dreams of millions who did not sign any loan contract and whose lives are somehow intertwined in this chessgame as seemingly helpless pawns. My prayer is that GOD will protect all of the innocent individuals who are tired of being led by dictators and by people without heart. This response is not out of malice it is out of a yearning for closeness to the way things should be here on Earth and then and only Then will my spirit be at peace and part of my life journey be fulfilled.

Peace be with you,