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"Hello, Central!" What Would Be the Proper Action Between Me and the Court?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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om the ascended masters. I have also read some of the Phoenix journals. I have been sticking up for my Rights in court only to be persecuted and ignored. I would like your opinion on what would be the proper course of action between me and the court. I can walk away defeated and abused or I can stay the course and go to battle once again to speak my truth. I am always ignored and imprisoned when ever I go into a court room to defend myself. I have been having second doubts and fear due to my treatment at the hands of the corrupt court system. I always like your responses to others that write in and I hope that you will respond to me.

Thank You!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 6, 2007


Dear L.:

Thank you for your letter. You have chosen a most difficult pathway. If you have done your homework, you should know that, as an American citizen in the U.S. you have absolutely no standing under our present court system of Admiralty Law. You are not a member of the U.S. Corporation, but under the War Powers Act, you are an enemy of the State/Corporation.

We are not under our Constitution of the Republic and have not been since 1933, but we are under the Constitution of the Corporate U.S. We do not have Title Three Judges and Common Law Courts, so you are defeated before you begin. You can continue to do battle with our corrupt court system and spend your life in jail to no avail, or you can choose other and more productive routes to bring change. I suggest two options.

The first is to work with the jury system. Properly educated jurors are a powerful force to bring justice both in the courts and in the laws. The jury first and foremost is to judge the Law to determine if it is just and valid. If they find it so, they then judge the crime and determine, a proper punishment. Nearly all juries today bow to the wishes and orders of the Court. They believe the Judge's Orders to the Jury to be Gospel Truth and are afraid to question them.

The Judge has no right to give orders to any Jury, other then to tell them the Law. A wise and educated Jury can nullify the bias of the Court and the corrupt laws, and even throw out the Judge, if needed. Judges fear jury nullification.

Your second option is to work at the local level of law. Law originates with the people at the township and municipal level. If the people of a township understood their power and agreed to an ordinance and voted it into law at the township level, that law is then properly recorded in the County Courthouse by the County Clerk. The County Sheriff then has the responsibility and the authority to enforce that law.

Please understand that the County Sheriff is the lawful law enforcement person in every county. He is elected by the people of the county, and if he does not enforce the laws they make, they throw him out and elect someone, who will enforce the law. The same holds true of the County Commissioners. The people hold the power in a Republic, and if the County "public servants" do not do the will of the People, they throw them out and elect new people, who will.

As the township and municipal governments hold power over the county level, so the county holds power over the state level, and the state over the federal level. Things have become so corrupted today that our government actually operates in reverse fashion, and the people actually believe that the federal government holds power over the states' right, and the state over the county and county over the township. That is pure nonsense!

Our problem is that we have too many walking dead and cement people, who are either ignorant of the Law or are too lazy to use their Power of the People to vote at the local level.

The two greatest powers that the People have are the Jury vote and the ballot box vote. If juries demanded of the Judges to see the Law that states that we must pay income tax, every income tax case would be thrown out of court, as being frivolous, because there is no Income Tax Law! There are only IRS regulations set up by the foreign corporation of the Internal Revenue Service based in Puerto Rico.

Juries must be educated of their power, and use it. Most people today are resentful of jury duty because it takes them from their work and their family and other activities, yet they complain about how rotten is the court system and the government. They have the power to change it, but they take little responsibility to change it for the better.

My friend, if you want to make a difference, stop beating your head against the wall of the court system from the outside. Change it from the inside through the Jury system, and at the local township and municipal levels by the power of the ballot box. Educate the people of their responsibilities, and help them to take back their power!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer