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"Hello, Central!" How Should One's Birthday Be Spent?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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had a birthday on April 30th. My family lives in Cinci, my mother has moved on. Since she has been gone, and since I have been reading the Journals, bullitiens, asking for protection angels, ....I have somewhat removed myself from alot of the goings on about someones' birthday, some lasting all week, some I am told would be celebrated all month. My question is how should ones birthday be spent. I am not sure about whether it is to be celebrated, or not.

Thankyou for your reply if time allows,

Holding you and Anne in the light.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 2, 2007


Dear T.:

How you spend your birthday, any holiday or any day at all is totally your freewill decision. Creator God Aton says to honor every day as being holy, for you shall never have that time again to do over. Enlightened families tend to honor another's birthday, as a special day to give credit and thanksgiving for that person's life and accomplishments in goodness.

The celebration of a "birth-day" is the celebration of life and the miracle of birth itself. Commandment/Law number six of the eighteen Laws of God says, "You shall honor your mother and father" (Phoenix Journal #27). "You must honor the ones, who were the vehicles for your SOUL being sent here by the Grace of God". . . It would seem fitting also, that one's parents' birthdays would be a time for celebration, especially for those parents, who by example have lived the Laws of God and Creation.

Birthdays are good times for reflection, for assessment, for making new personal resolutions, for thanksgiving, and for showing appreciation of another. I heartily recommend the celebration of birthdays, as a time to be happy, especially if it is my own! I love birthday cake!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer