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"Hello, Central!" What Karma?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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illusion and daily I hear beings beating the drums of karma as if it is a brick wall with no way out. I say it dawned on me today ,and what I mean is that I remembered where I first read about the negation of karma. In the 60s I read The Life Teachings of the Masters of the Far East and it was there on page 80 and 81 of the 4th book that I read the following...

"The so called law of karma comes under the same category.It can be proved today that there is no debt of karma,that the Soul does not bring any of this through.Spiritual understanding takes no account of karmic conditions,or any imperfect condition.It is as foolish as to say that one must correct his mistakes in mathmatics before he can study the rule.The fact is that the mistake is erased of itself when one applies himself to the rule.Ones access to the rule is always direct no matter what his mistakes are,and once the rule is known and followed there are no false results."

So ,Patrick you see that all these years I have believed that I have lived in a state of Grace because of what the Masters taught. I try to live an upright life and therefore I expect that minor transgressions are to be overlooked by beings in authority who have been our so called overlords.

If you read a little further into this section the full extent of this idea is brought to light.It is in accord with the teachings of Jeshua Ben Joseph in that he taught forgivness of sins. The overcoming of karma.

It seems to me that I also read in one or another of the many chanelled books that the idea of evolutionary karma is a Pleiadian idea and is not something that exists anywhere else in the cosmos.

I know that these ideas run counter to the mainstream new age ideas that are presented by the many voices singing these songs of retribution and debt repayment and it makes me wonder just who are these beings who are teaching the so called laws of karma.True Spirit would teach as has been stated would it not?A brother and great fan,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 12, 2005

SUBJECT: What Karma?

Dear RT:

What Karma?

I am reminded of a place in the Bible where it says, "Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." The Cosmic Law of Karma is simply stated. "You shall reap what you sow!" Under the Laws of Creator God and of Creation you are held accountable for what you do. That is Universal Law and no amount of ideas and notions of 3D man can dismiss it or explain it away. Creator God's Laws are absolute, and we shall repeat our lessons in soul growth until we learn them.

I remind you that Hatonn/Aton has given us the Truth one last time in the Phoenix Journals. My friend, go there and read the Laws as presented by none other than Sananda Immanuel, especially in Journal # 27 and # 2. Karma is most certainly not a Pleiadian idea. Even the highest of the Lighted Beings, Lucifer, was held accountable for his actions in the Lighted Realms. Guess where he ended up? Earth Shan finally became Lucifer's "jail planet" after he and he minions roamed the Cosmos and had destroyed many planets including Venus and Mars of our solar system.

It is true that Jeshua Ben Joseph/Sananda Immanuel taught forgiveness of sins, but his message of forgiveness was twisted to fit the agenda of the religious leaders of the day. The Christian cult teaches their sheeple the bloody ritual that the blood of Sananda Immanuel (Jesus) was shed as a ransom to pay for the forgiveness of their sins. His shed blood, supposedly, removes all Karma, all responsibility for wrong doing, all accountability, all past debt to the Creation and to Creator God, and washes the record of Karma clean, leaving it lily white.

Sananda Immanuel says that this is the greatest lie of the past 2000 years. Over the centuries millions of poor souls have passed from their 3D lifestreams on Earth Shan believing this lie. They believed the fairy tale of being "saved" from their sins and released from their Karma by the blood of Jesus. This evil trick caused them to leave their 3D lifestreams without having learned their lessons in soul growth by taking responsibility for their misdeeds.

Thus, they have continued on the Great Wheel of Reincarnation, lifestream after lifestream. Many have returned to the schoolroom of Earth Shan to the same grade and the same lessons century after century without graduating to the next grade in soul growth. Both the Roman Catholic and the Protestant churches have done a great dis-service over time to humanity by deliberately ignoring the Law of Karma. That was a great trick played on us by none other than Lucifer/Satan and his minions these many years, as they remained confined to their "jail planet", our beautiful Earth Shan.

If one is truly sincere and repentant, all past Karma can be removed by forgiving oneself, forgiving others, making restitution where possible, and asking Creator God for forgiveness. Then one must drop the baggage and move on, and never repeat those errors, for those lessons have been learned.

I might add that in these "last days" we are living in a time of instant Karma. The Light is holding us immediately responsible for the wrongs we do. Our lessons are being repeated over and over very quickly to help us learn them, now! All must choose to ascend with our beautiful Earth Shan now, or return to another 3D lifestream of repeated lessons in soul growth.

The Law of Karma applies today to the NESARA law in a very real way. NESARA requires the removal of the present U.S. Government for their evil deeds and holds them accountable. The same is true for the evil bankers and their fraudulent Federal Reserve credit money banking system that was established under the authority of the Crown of England. The same holds true for the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, a very evil, unconstitutional and foreign tax system that was deceitfully put upon the people again by the Crown of England.

The Law of Karma also applies to our world's people today as we consider our Ascension along with our planet into 5D. We are being held accountable to clean up the mess we have made of our planet. Our Star friends will help us, but they will not do it for us. Balance and harmony must be restored with Earth Shan and with her people for Ascension to occur. The Law of Karma demands that we be held accountable to set things right according to the Laws of God and Creation.

The age-old prophetic message has always been, "Repent and clean up your act, or else!" We have a very big job ahead of us to "clean up our act" on Earth Shan.

My brother, do not be tricked into believing that there is no such thing as the Law of Karma. Karma is most certainly not an illusion! Karma is the basic Law of Creation that moves us onward to perfection and to Source, the Oneness of All.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
