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"Hello, Central!" Habeas Corpus Murdered, Few Notice

Patrick H. Bellringer

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gal non-person. The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben likens them to the first humans to be so designated, under Roman law a few millennia ago. They didn't call them 'enemy combatants' then, they called them 'homo sacer'. This was a human being who could be killed by anyone, without the killer ever being guilty of homicide."

In fact, the idea of homo sacer was contrived as an excuse to impose justitium, or a state of exception, that is to say a suspension of civil liberties and the imposition of martial law. Agamben argues, "the so-called sacred and inalienable rights of man prove to be completely

unprotected at the very moment it is no longer possible to characterize them as rights of the citizens of a state." Unquote

FDR's 'War and Emergency Powers Act 1933' made all people (US and State citizens) 'enemies of the UNITED STATES'. This set up the structure for this latest legislative activity by Congress and Bush eliminating all rights of 'due process'.


It seems that all presidents who have been primarily instrumental in destroying the USA have been of Jew blood:

Washington - of Venetian (Jew) descent as Northern England peerage family.

Lincoln - Rothschild bloodline descent - grandson of a Rothschild.

Roosevelts - Dutch Jew descent (Sephardics from Portugal) Also, (FDR) Delano was Italian Jew.

Wilson - Family was originally Wolfson and Wholson - German Askenazi Jew.

Truman - From a Texas Jew family.

Eisenhower - Father was a Jew from Sweden

LB Johnson - Jew through the Baines family (Texas jews)

Bush family - descendents of the Jews who are recorded as officers in the Civil War (Jacob Bush) - possibly related to Busch Jew family.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 65, 2006


Dear EW:

You are quite right. The original War Powers Act of 1917 during World War I made all aliens within the U.S. enemies of the U.S., and by sleight of hand President Franklin Roosevelt changed the wording of the War Powers Act in 1933 to include "citizens" as enemies of the state.

The U.S. presidents were not selected by accident but all had Illuminati/Zionist connections in order to be allowed to be a part of the One World Order "system". Their reign of terror ends with NESARA. That's what the big fight is all about. With NESARA the people take back their money, their land, their rights---their power. In God we Trust! Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer