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"Hello, Central!" I Want To Try To Make A Difference, But I Wonder What One Or Two Woman Can Do Of Significance?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ite almost every day to see what's the latest. God Bless Yall!!

(I'm not sure I want my comments posted on your site, esp not my email address published, as I'm going to be gone for a week, and here's why....)

Being a psychiatric nurse and definitely being a Lightworker, I'm going on a little Katrina-relief road trip of my own, leaving Austin, TX on Tuesday to go to my hometown of Baton Rouge where I grew up for a week, to do some hands-on volunteer work there. To sit here in Austin the last 2-3 weeks feeling helpless and only doing 24/7 praying for my part in the recovery and visualization of everyone that's supposed to survive to do so...has finally gotten to me. Now I have to go see the effects of this magnificent display of force on Mother Nature's part in my home country, with my own eyes, and to pitch in with my own brand of love and support to anyone who needs me. Besides being a nurse, I also teach Feng Shui, so I feel the storm was a great 'water purge', so even though it looks so horrible now, I know good things are on the way to LA and the whole area.

My trustworthy best friend from San Antonio and I were given donations and we're driving her SUV full of necessary items we're buying for people both in the shelters in Louisiana, and we'll bring em out to their demolished homes. There are those who are still without utilities and who need assistance. We're going to sites where the Veterans for Peace group is directing us to go, near Covington & Slidell, LA, where Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore were last week. They're now moving their entourage to WashDC for a peace march next weekend, but there is still a good contingent of VFP people there giving assignments of where to drop off the supplies we're bringing.

There are still people 20 days after the storm who really are stranded and were being bypassed by the emergency relief workers. Three weeks after the storm, daily reports continue of people who survived alone for this long, almost "by the hairs of their chinny-chin-chins" with nothing.... and it's like the media is ignoring these peoples' needs, to now target the stupid political fight over "whodunnit" and "who's gettin' paid" for the fix-up in New Orleans et al. When egos are involved with other people's money, man, it's anything but pretty, and few divinely driven actions are resulting, from what I've seen there and heard thus far via my many relatives in the area.

I keep getting this intuitive feeling that we're going to go do this as an initial 'fact finding mission', a "two or more" project as yall call it, my friend and I doing this now, with a more long term plan being its overall contingency. Even though I havent lived in LA since 1992, it is my home territory where a great deal of my family still lives. So I feel a responsibility to bring light and love there. A lot of the problems I'm hearing about "on the ground" there in LA is the small-minded peops wanting to rush in for the "fast money", greedy people want to collect windfalls on the backs of people who've suffered in this catastrophe.

The other night I watched a great show called NOW on PBS, where the TV man had a group of "locals" from all walks of life in LA and was doing a GREAT JOB doing what I'd call a needs assessment, how the community can rally and fix their own problems that they identify need fixing, not have "carpetbaggers" from the NE of the US come "fix the problems of these dumb Southerners" which is so bogus, when we all know the real intent of all that--chiefly a land, money and power grab.

It's maddening there are so many whose least concern is Louisiana's or Gulf coast residents' recovery of their stability. Is that just more of the "Cabal" trying to make a last stand?? What can I do about this?? I keep wondering what a difference one woman can most people, I've always had to work for every dime I get, so it makes me really mad that some think they can run down to LA and get these no-bid contracts or other scams, to get money on a thin promise to 'do good' by the people, that ends up not helping my home state in the least.

I cant help but wonder if all of these idiots who want to rush in, get pallets of cash from FEMA et al to do "recovery" (turn New Orleans into a nasty, Mafia-franchise like Las Vegas) is exactly what's also happened in Iraq, a cash grab, all talk, and no 'walk', no recovery or rebuilding...undoubtedly with karmic consequences.

If only people who now think they are destitute after this storm could know that with NESARA, they are going to have everything they need or want, and no longer have to listen to the lies of this dang hateful, violent government, and that the upshot of NESARA is that EVERYBODY needs to think long term, "for the good of all" ... long range, SMART projects, shifting their thinking out of the paradigms that created such nightmarish existences, like what's been common in New Orleans and these other areas of abject poverty and suffering for decades, no...for eons.

What do you think, Patrick? I know myself, I have to try to make a difference, but I wonder what one or two women can do of significance?? I keep envisioning myself doing grief and loss groups with those who've lost it all, "WishCraft" groups (all the GrisGris queens of New Orleans'll love that!!) but I know already that's something I'm good at--getting people to think out of the box about "WHAT COULD BE" ...but this would be SO JUICY!! it could all be, if money were no object or obstacle, and we could rebuild Louisiana and New Orleans to be the paradise it was always possible to be, and they could all create their vision of a perfect and completely satisfying and spiritually based world, where we all help each other and everyone thrives, not just survives.....I have no doubt that everything yall talk about on your site about NESARA is real, even though like all who know about it, I feel at times impatient, like, "C'mon, let's just DO this thing, so we can get on with God's business".

I just wish for the sake of alot of these people and their peace of mind that NESARA was already a well-known reality.....because I have compassion for all these folks who may be stuck in the unknown, be afraid, and they just do not know what great things are on their horizons, when this heinous government is taken out, and they gain their rightful inheritance to get off the money wheel of bad karma, and they completely understand that the keys to heaven are in their own hands, to create our collective heaven on Earth. I know it's going to be great, but to get from today at "Point A" where there's still alot of darkness to "Point B" where all things are possible, well, we've got some walking to do in between!!

Love & Light, KB

(please do not post my last name or email...I'm not THAT internet savvy and my little old patched-up computer would melt down if I got a big buncha replies!!)


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

To: KB

DATE: Sept. 19, 2005


Dear KB:

Thank you for your letter. I honor you for your caring and commitment to helping those in need.

Do not doubt your intuition and decision to help the Katrina victims. God's work goes forward on the backs of the "little" people. You will never know the difference you have made except in retrospect. Only until we take action can the Angels of Light assist us.

Remember, they will not do it for us, but they will help us, if we ask for their help. Take the Angels with you and put them to work! Where two or more are working in my name, there is the Love and Power of Creator God. That is when and how miracles happen.

"Miracles" are common place in the Higher Realms, but when the spiritual dimensions intersect our 3D world, we are shocked at such "magic" and call them miracles. So, my sister, go with your friend to Louisiana and create miracles, and bring Light into the Darkness.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: KB


Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 1:26 PM


Hey Dear Patrick,

Here's my report back on our Katrina relief road trip we made to Louisiana, as you'll remember I wrote yall last week, asking if we're on the right track (below). What an incredible journey it was; miracles were the order of the day!! We left on Tuesday 9/20 & returned to Austin late Thursday 9/22 [a day early] because of Hurricane Rita coming our way, nobody knowing where it'd land up...either leg of our road trip's experience was enough to write a complete book in and of itself, but the trip back which normally is an 7+ hour drive took NINETEEN hours' driving, complicated by gas running dry everywhere, and thousands of people in TX & LA stranded on the highways. Lucky for us, we took the backroads of LA & TX to return to Austin finally. It somehow helped, our traveling mostly west, not north, thereby avoiding the worst messy traffic reported on interstates out of Houston.

The new 2005 word to add to dictionaries in evacuation jargon now is contra-flow, when municipalities turn all interstate roads in the one direction leading out of an area, to expedite the evac. effort, starting with Katrina, but now used in Houston for Rita too!

My friend and I distributed goods and cash donations Weds. given from the hearts of Austin and San Antonio people, to many good folks in grave need in Bogalusa, LA. This was ironic, as Bogalusa is the town where both my parents grew up, listed on the Veterans for Peace blog as an area ignored by the initial emergency responders as in desperate conditions. Our whole trip was about flexibility, as I had initially thought we were delivering these goods to Baton Rouge shelters, which shifted when we found out how so many parts of rural LA were still mired in the initial recovery effort, many still without food, water or shelter. We also never expected to be run off a day early by H. Rita. Talk about go with the flow!!

It was an honor to be of service in my family's hometown, a place so frightfully poverty-stricken even before most of our family moved elsewhere decades before. I still have relatives there who said they went three weeks without electricity or water, which was restored last week. The devastation of Katrina was evidenced everywhere from wind damage mostly: huge lob-lolly pine trees upended or twisted off, sev. hundred-year old solid live oaks tossed over like matchsticks, homes with trees sticking out of their roofs, and thank God we saw there were many diligent utility workers from all over the South who'd spent the last three weeks sawing trees to make roads passable and restore the electricity and water. We left these wonderful "family relief kits" with folks given to us by shelters in San Antonio and we gave them mostly to families in neighborhoods where our intuition led us to do it. And then most of what we had left over, we left in the capable hands of my aunt who works at the local Medicaid [welfare] office. They had been getting all manner of more-than-usually vulnerable people in dire straits coming in asking for additional assistance, with preemie babies and elderly to take care of, and she and her coworkers promised to pass the goods on to whoever's in need.

During the entire trip to and from Louisiana, my best friend and I constantly experienced a most wonderful feeling of surrender to God's energy, and being carried and protected by archangels to do God's work...even the long ride back, filled with anxiety that we might end up like Houston evacuees, stranded overnight in he car without gas in 95+ degree heat, we knew we were doing God's will every mile. But we were spared that fate and actually enjoyed this monkey puzzle of an adventure, thanks to countless souls along the trek who helped us find highways not inundated with traffic and available gas when we needed it. Around Lake Charles, LA, these six brilliant APEX radio stations joined forces & simulcasted their broadcasts in the whole W. LA--E.TX areas, with everyone calling in constantly, telling the DJ's and listeners where to drive, what areas to avoid, where gas was still pumping, who had water or food or shelters. We saw evidence every hour that it wasn't just ourselves doing "two or more in God's name" projects~~police, EMS, utility workers, radio, mechanics, people in convenience stores going out of their way to give aid....Especially at midnight in College Station, TX we ran into young college men who'd been driving all over their town using their cell phones, to keep abreast of what stations still had gas, to help people safely & expediently be directed as we were to find gas, and then they were directing traffic on the ground at the gas stations. They really were the reason we got the gas to make it all the way home.

We shook our heads over and over on this trip, how monumental is Heaven's response when one prays with an open heart for guidance and resources to do our "two or more" projects like this one, then putting boots on the bricks to take action. But it was also evident God was working everywhere through all manner of people, pulling together to make this event go from a nightmare to a warm, memorable but not painful summer dream for all concerned, not us alone. We felt like we were being given back many times over the love and encouragement from those we encountered, much more than what we were bringing to help out the needy in LA. Even a few of my relatives, who are surly at times when my "Lightworker ways" conflict with their rigid Born-Againers' beliefs, were calling us throughout our journey home to TX wishing us the best & praying for us, because they were concerned watching the exodus from Houston on the news, worrying we might be in similar straits like the media showed.

Amazingly, we never felt that stressed, we actually laughed constantly at the coincidences and little miracles, because we had surrendered to the process, trusting the "two or more in my name" being EXACTLY what we were supposed to be doing. More than once on this journey, we saw cars being pushed by another bigger one who could, so as to prevent the broken-down cars from slowing traffic, and this was almost the metaphor for our whole trip--we felt as if God were hauling us along, as we were doing what we promised to do for others.

Thanks to all the love and prayers we literally felt the whole way; we seemed to be walking God's "Yellow Brick Road" all the way to LA and back to TX, and for that we are so grateful. The night before we left, after I had sent you my question, CAN TWO PEOPLE MAKE MUCH DIFFERENCE........I had this weird thing pop into my head which I had to go get up and write down, which was, 2FEMALES, which a little voice in my head said meant 2 Feminine Energy Masters Aligning with Louisiana's Evolutionary Success!! Aint that funny???!! We'll never know from those we gave relief how our efforts did make a difference, but we know we did, and we were THRILLED and honored to be able to do it. Because we know, "There but by the grace of God go us!!"

Thank you too, Patrick for your encouragement for us to do what we felt driven to go do....when I checked online at FourWinds from LA.

Much love, KB
