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"Hello, Central!" I Have A Question For You To Ask Aton For Me!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: K

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 6:22 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hello Mr. and Mrs. bellringer I have a question for you to ask of Aton, he knows of me but I want to know if what I have been knowing in my mind is true. Concerning who I am I have been avoiding somethings which I can\'t speak of but have the things I\'ve experience true he will know, ask him about Karen I watch a space ship at night which is the brightest star in the east, I have done my homework about are past. I read artile # 6 you just printed I don\'t think Aton is to happy with me, could you ask him about K. in Florida thanks.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 21, 2007


Dear K:

Thank you for writing. We each have our own connection to Aton through our God Spirit within. It is not my place to ask Aton about your personal matters. You must do that for yourself. Aton communicates by thought, and you already "think" he is unhappy with you. You are communicating but do not know it.

State your concerns and questions to Aton through your thoughts and listen for an answer through your thoughts. Also, your conscience knows right from wrong. Let your conscience be your guide, and you will know, you will feel what is right and wrong for you.

You say you are watching a space ship at night, the brightest star in the east. You can also communicate with the Lighted Realms via their ships. Look intently at this bright star-ship, and in your thoughts (or out loud) tell them (those aboard) that you want to talk to them.

You can only ask yes or no questions through this method of communication. Tell them to answer your questions by moving their ship up and down for a "yes" answer, and back and forth sideways for a "no" answer. Start with a simple question such as, "Are you a starship?" or "Are you from the Lighted Realms?" or "Are you reading my thoughts?"

Try another question such as "Am I crazy to be doing this?" or "You are only a bright star in the Eastern sky!" Once you have proven to yourself that this really works, move on to the personal questions you wish to ask. Tell the Star People aboard ship that you want to talk to Aton. Ask your questions! Watch for and hear in your heart the answers.

It is truly exciting when you discover how to communicate with anyone of the Lighted Beings through your thoughts. This can happen in your quiet time or on a crowded city bus--anywhere, anytime! Have fun!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer