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"Hello, Central!" It's Like A Bad Dream From Which You Never Wake Up!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ushing the Sirian takeover agenda, Mike Quinsey gives positive channelled messages that promise Paradise on Earth - but always in an unspecified future time - and nothing ostensibly changes except that the darkside carry on like they have for eons - unchecked, whilst more die from wars, poverty and disease, or go broke thanks to crooked bankers, or suffer in a myriad of other ways thanks to these Illuminati creeps. All due to their individual freewill choices, we are told - karma that needs to be resolved first. An awful lot of karma needs balancing out, or so it seems. When is the end of this 3D nonsense ever going to be in sight?

The deliveries (and subsequent Announcement) were scheduled for July 27, then July 31, then this weekend just passed - nothing happened. The Chinese have read the Riot Act to Paulson in person to no avail, Tsai Cheng Lee's Official Global Announcement of July 3 fades into history, Benjamin Fulfords threat to kill the Iluminati has fallen on deaf ears by all appearances, the Wantagate shenanigans with International bankers playing "pass the pillow" continue as they hold onto the trillions they are supposed to have paid out. Poof and Caspar play oneupmanship with each others cryptic communiques. So it goes on.

Now we are told via Nancy Tate, if ever we can believe anything anymore, that the darkside are planning their last final bid for power over us that will enable more of the sleepy heads to awaken to reality - but that this is going to take a year or so, and "it will all come out in segments in the next twelve months". To bring it out in the open all at once would "overwhelm the people" and "delay the desired result". Is this just another disinformation CIA satellite spin or what? Depressing if it is remotely truthful.

Discernment - go within for what resonates with the truth. The only truth we know is that Heaven will win in the end, but some of us are getting mighty impatient as the pace of change is snail like in order to accommodate everyones right to "freewill".

I reckon it is just too bad if much of humanity isn't ready to have the Divine truths revealed such that the shock will be too great for them - they can go immediately to another 3D world for their enlightenment - just give those of us who are ready, and have been for years, the chance to move on to 5D Ascension with EarthShan - NOW!




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 8, 2007


Dear DC:

Thank you for writing and expressing your frustration, and the Truth of the spiritual confusion in the Internet world. We, as Lightworkers, see only fragments of the Divine Plan that is emerging for Earth Shan, and find it difficult to place the fragments together for a clear picture of our future.

There is so much more than what we see. The changes under way encompass the whole planet and not just our country. Global Family, made up of the Family Dynasties of our planet, is bringing the Divine Plan to fruition. Our Western Hemisphere is spiritually out-of-step from the Eastern Hemisphere, and that is being corrected. Agreements made earlier must now be met.

The three most important are: 1. Stop all war, 2. Restore economic balance with the people, and 3. Honor Mother Earth by restoring the environment. Obviously the Bush/Clinton Cabal is having great difficulty showing sincere progress to Global Family on these three requirements. We wait for our funding of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims in the U.S., but this is tied to the process of the whole world having settlement of their debts and bringing financial balance to their people.

Great progress is being made in this area, and our world will very soon have a global gold-backed international banking system with money of true value. Each nation will be sovereign with their own gold/silver-backed monetary system. Those government leaders, who refuse to comply with the three requirements from Global Family, will be removed from power and replaced by people of integrity. This is already happening in some countries, and NESARA will accomplish that very soon in the U.S.

It is easy to become discouraged, when we focus on the voluminous "spiritual" disinformation and media propaganda constantly presented to us today. There appears to be so little Truth, and so little progress in restoring goodness to our world.

I share your frustration at the "snail pace" of restoration, and the need "to accommodate everyone's right to freewill". Know that people are sorting themselves out, and the pace of restoration to goodness is ever quickening. In Heaven's Plan sequence of events always takes precedence over timing. When sequence is accomplished, then timing is immediate.

My friend, the signs indicate that we are definitely at this point. I believe, that during this present month of August, goodness shall finally burst out upon our planet and her people. I believe that Heaven shall win, now! Keep hope alive and create positive energies for our new day a-comin!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer