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"Hello, Central!" Can You Explain Why Tragedy Happens?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. They all have families of there own.

I got a call at 4am this morning, my grandson was found dead in his apartment due to an overdose of heroin. My son asked me what might be God's reason for this to happen. I'm sure the meager attempt I made at trying to answer him was not very comforting.

I am 75 years old and I know all the responses from family and clergy. I have been reading your site for several years now and am impressed at your wisdom in dealing with difficult situations. Do you have an explanation that I can give him?

Thanking You in Advance



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 3, 2007


Dear D:

I apologize for not receiving your e-mail. We have had some interference, and that may have been the reason.

I am very sorry to hear of the death of your grandson. We send you our Love and the Peace the Angels bring to our troubled hearts. When things happen such as the passing of your grandson, which seem so unreasonable, we always ask, "Why?"

The "Why" question is most difficult to answer. Each of us enter this 3D lifestream with a soul contract we have made with Creator God for our continuing lessons in soul growth. We are not given to know the soul contract of another person, for that contract is between that person and Creator God alone.

It is possible that your grandson agreed to experience drug use for his own lessons. He may have caused another person in a past life to reach his demise via drugs, and now it was his turn to learn what he had done to another. Creator God Aton in the Phoenix Journals says that we have been and done everything. We have been both the victim and the victimizer. If we kill in this lifestream, we will be killed another lifestream. If we shoot an animal for sport, we will be killed by an animal in another lifestream.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma. What we do to another, will be done to us. This is also known as the Cosmic Law of Returns. The energy you send out, be it positive or negative, shall be returned to you in like kind, but always in multiple amount.

The underlying question is always one of intent. What was your grandson's intent? Did he use heroin for the experience, and not fully realizing its potential, over-dosed on it, or did he intent to commit suicide? If he intended to take his life, then he had decided not to continue on with his lessons in soul growth. Creator God says that when we cop-out of life via suicide, we shall return to another 3D lifestream and pick up with our lessons right where we left off in the last one.

No one skips any lessons or any grade in our 3D schoolroom of Earth Shan. We may take detours and delay them, but we must ultimately pass every test to graduate into fifth dimension or Heaven.

There is one more point to consider. We have a freewill and we may choose to deviate from our soul contract at any given point in our pathway;. Your grandson may have chosen to do just that, and chose to use drugs. As a result, he, unknowingly, was overcome by the effects of heroin that caused his death.

It is not for us to know the reasons, "why" something happens to another person. Our task is to learn from these experiences and to help those we can along our pathway. We send comfort and understanding to your son and his family and to you and yours in these challenging times. May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer