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"Hello, Central!" What Becomes Of The Art Work On Our Planet In The Case Of Major Earth Cleansing?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 20, 2006


Dear JR:

Thank you for your letter.

The art work, technology, and documents of importance are always preserved from one civilization to the next. The historical record is never lost and is entered into the Great Hall of Records of Nebadon Universe.

The records of Atlantis, for example, are presently stored in 5D under the Great Pyramid in Egypt, in Peru and elsewhere. The records of Lemuria are stored in Mt. Shasta in the city of Telos, which is in fourth dimension. These will be preserved. Creator God is an orderly God and nothing is ever lost. The thoughts of every person are stored in the Akashic Records on the great Ashtar Command Center computer.

The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, also known as the Phoenix Journals will be found in the Great Library of the Realms of Light, as will my writings and the writings of many, many others, who have given Light to humanity over the centuries.

You will have access to any and all records when you arrive in 5D.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer