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"Hello, Central!" If One Needs To Experiene Another 3D Placement, Will That 3D Planet Be, As Evil As This One?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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is would be welcome.

In Love and Light W.M.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: W.M.

DATE: August 7, 2007


Dear W.M.:

Thank you for your letter.

We are all here in 3D for our lessons in soul growth. If we have not learned them, we will continue on in another 3D lifestream until we do. You will choose where you will go to learn them, and yes, it could be a 3D planet in nearly the same shape as this one.

Hopefully, you will graduate into 5D and will not have to return to 3D. Forgive yourself of all past errors, correct what you can, ask Creator God to forgive you, drop the baggage of the past and move on. The key to graduation to 5D is then to live the eighteen Laws of God and Creation. These are found in Phoenix Journal #27

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Know that we are all Returned Masters on Earth Shan at this time, according to Hatonn. We have already graduated into 5D in our past experiences. We agreed to return to Earth Shan and help with her transition into 5D at this time. We have returned without memory of our past, with a mission to fulfill. We set "alarm clocks" along the way to awaken us.

Most have ignored their "alarm clocks" and have not awakened to the Truth. Thus, they are not fulfilling their mission and learning their agreed upon lessons in soul growth. Hatonn says that we agreed to a handicap of 350,000 more years in 3D, if we did not awaken to Truth and complete our mission on this present trip back to Earth Shan. Yes, those additional years in 3D could be very similar to what we are presently experiencing on Earth Shan.

This is serious business, and the Laws of God and Creation are absolute. It is high time that we "be about our Father's business" and live the Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer