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"Hello, Central!" What Are The Laws of Creation?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nix Journal # 27, it states,

"The highest command of The Law of Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation."

This statement implies that there are multiple Laws of Creation.

I have searched through the Phoenix Journals and have not been able to find any additional Laws.

Are there additional Laws of the Creation that you are aware of and could refer me to?

My interest is the application of the Laws of Creation relative to life on Earth Shan.

I understand that the 18 Laws of God embody the essence of the Laws of Creation within them, but I AM still interested in the knowledge of the "source" Laws as a basis for applying wisdom to the many choices presented to us daily.

Thank you for your time.

Namaste, AN


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 26, 2006


Dear AN:

Thank you for your letter. I have asked the same question and the answer I have is simple, yet very complex.

The Laws of Creation are the common sense, logical laws such as gravity, light, electro-magnetic and nuclear, and pollution, ecological succession, survival of the fittest, cause and effect, and balance of nature, etc. These are not specifically stated but only referred to throughout the Phoenix Journals, especially in The Pleiades Connection Series (Journals 30-37), the science area of the Journals.

We learn these laws through nature through wisdom that we gain from knowledge and human experience. Those, who defy these laws, break themselves upon them, as they destroy nature itself. The natural world is a very complex world of orderly processes, which work in harmony and balance. Our ignorance of these Laws of Creation and the Darkside's defiance of those laws has upset this balance in so many ways.

That is soon to be restored, and we shall again be taught to live in balance with our Mother Earth;.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer