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"Hello, Central!" Will The Dark Forces Be Allowed To Take Office Yet Again On January 20, 2005 In The U.S. Or Will NESARA Be Announced On Television Before Then?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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anuary 20, 2005, and continue their dark ways, would be a crushing blow to the millions who have prayed and worked endlessly for peace and NESARA.

The Masters seem to have indicated removal of the dark forces by NESARA many times; including this past holiday season. We have called for The Masters' help in this removal ceaselessly. Yet, They choose not to do so.

What is going on?

Will the dark forces be allowed to take office yet again?

....or will we really and truly see our great NESARA announcement on television before January 20, 2005?

We will continue to pray and do our best to remain hopeful.....amidst huge suffering.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 4, 2005


Dear R:

Thank you for your letter. As things stand at this moment in time, I am being told by Creator God Aton of Light and by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet, that we are at the point of great positive change. The work of the free-willed Lightworkers, who are assisting the Forces of Light to bring these needed changes, has quietly moved forward in spite of many obstacles. There is confirmation that funding of the Farm Claims and prosperity programs is secretly and quietly happening. The present plan is to complete this process during the first two weeks of January, 2005.

Mother Earth, through the Sumatra under-ocean earth quake and resulting giant tsunami wave, shook off much stored up negativity. This has greatly changed the energies of our planet for good. Those great souls, who left us during this disaster, are now helping us and Mother Earth from other dimensions. Also, the people of Earth Shan are responding to this disaster with a great Tsunami of Love and compassion. Goods and services and money are being offered in great amounts to help these disaster victims and their broken communities. Even the children around the world are giving what little they have to help the "Tsunami children". Such acts of Love and compassion are creating great positive energy, which is assisting to raise Earth Shan's frequencies higher and higher.

There are other reasons to believe that change is here. Our planet is receiving unprecedented enormous amounts of positive energy from our sun at the present time. This energy is coming from Alcyone, the great central sun of Pleiades. Alcyone is receiving it from the greatest central sun of our Milky Way Galaxy, who is receiving it from Creator God, as a gift to our planet Earth. Our scientists do not understand this phenomenon and are in awe of what is happening.

Also, Planet X/Nibiru has returned and the Annuniki, who have returned to Love and Light, are here to "collect" their wayward people and remove them from Earth Shan. This is now happening, and as a result, our planet is becoming much lighter and brighter in the cosmos.

The people of Earth Shan are demanding peace and an end to war, suffering and disease. Evil can not continue much longer is the face of such overwhelming positive energy. Even the recent U.S. presidential call for disaster relief by Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr., and Clinton, though it was used as a political maneuver, was done under duress. The Darkside is definitely walking the "razor's edge".

From all that I know at this time, I believe that NESARA will happen before another Darkside U.S. presidential inauguration occurs on January 20, 2005. That is the present plan of the Forces of Light, and with our continuing petitions, prayers and positive energy for peace, abundance and freedom for everyone, I believe that things shall finally be brought into proper divine sequence, and that Creator God shall give the order for Earth Shan's Golden Age to begin before January 20, 2005. That is what I know and hold within my heart. May you do the same. I believe in miracles, and miracles are happening!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
