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"Hello, Central!" Democracy or Republic, Who Is Lying?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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eration - July 10, 2007 (with Repsonses).

I guess I am not as smart as I would like to think I am, but, which one of these guys is lying to whom? And us?

Thanks ---------------------- WW


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 12, 2007


Dear WW:

Sheldan Nidle is spouting off his ignorance in his update of July 10, 2007 when he is advocating the return of the United States to a "participatory democracy" in these coming months. A democracy is rule by the majority with no regard for the unalienable rights of the individual or of the minority. Hatonn calls it "mob rule" (Phoenix Journal 28, p. 71). Even the Congress operates by mob rule!

In a Republic the people's unalienable rights, including that of an individual and of the minority, are protected by a written Constitution that has been established by them for that explicit purpose. The majority does not rule. The people may select public servants to represent them, but who may be recalled at the will of the people, who are the government.

According to the original Constitution of the Republic of the U.S. of A., senators were appointed by the State Legislatures, who could recall them at will, if they failed to carry out the wishes of the people. This process was changed to senators being elected by the people for a six year term, as the controllers gradually moved the U.S.into "mob rule".

My friend, Nidle is the one who is lying, for Creator God Aton of Light is most certainly not planning that the Kingdom of Heaven being established on Earth Shan is to be run by "mob rule", as are many of the present world governments. For your edification I have posted the article, "Democracy vs. Republic -- the Distinction by Taoss on Fourwinds Homepage.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer