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"Hello, Central!" Response to Sheldan Nidle Reports Posted on Fourwinds

Patrick H. Bellringer

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es. I have emailed you with questions. No replies resulted. I am aware that ( via Trusted News Trader) has attempted more than once to have your appear for a talk show interview to put your messages and point of view on the table to an audience. Their claim is no replies from you ever resulted from telephone calls or emails. Is this true from your point of view?

You speak much about a "Galactic Federation" , the United Nations, and associations with the "Light". For the "Universal Record", do you, the POA, or the Sirians you claim to represent have any affiliations, pacts, or agreements with the Intergalactic Federation Commanders Hatonn, Esu Immanuel Sanada, Soltec, or Ahstar?

Do you and/or the PAO support the validity of the Phoenix Journals and the Truth as presented one last time by Rumor has it that you are not a person. Rumor has it that you are a computer tape. Will you step up to the plate this time and answer these questions?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 17, 2007


Dear AM:

I have forwarded your letter directly to Sheldan Nidle at with my request that Sheldan Nidle respond to your letter directly back to me through "Hello, Central!". His response shall, also, be posted accordingly on "Hello, Central!".

Thank you for your efforts to gain clarification in seeking Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: JM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 5:14 PM

Subject: Shelden Nidle

Dear Patrick,

Its is sad to say, since Shelden Nidle has not responded to the "Hello Central" must mean that his writings lack creditability. I think enough time has passed for a response, his writings clash with the Phoenix Journals, so I am not surprised by the silence.

In Love And Light



----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: bellringer

Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 1:19 PM

Subject: FOLLOW UP/Sheldan Nidle Postings

Dear Patrick:

I believe someone who has personal integrity will step up to the plate and respond to direct questions. It appears Sheldan Nidle is unable and/or unwilling to do so. I honor JM for adding inner voice and discernment to this matter. I believe Sheldan Nidle is a salesman that operates within the intelligence community of the adversary. I believe he is part of a much larger network that has invented the " new messiah" of First Contact, that is, "they will come", "they will do it for you", 'the saviour will arrive". "We will know them by their fruits". The words used, the way they are used are the fruits in this case. Examples are as such:

The title "Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation". By what authority does this person speak for another group? What spiritual hierarchy? What galactic federation? It is protocol to provide a "cover" of goodness . Give it some "lore" and lure them in.

Key words that sound good are part of the lure. Selamat Balik! How many of us speak Sirian? How do you know this is Sirian? If you take this man's word for it, then his authority (superiority) is established. "We return"? Who are we and where have we returned from? Earth Shan is under quarantine and survellience by the true Federation of Light and the Ashtar command. Is this man traveling the galaxy in a space craft? I think not. So where have we returned from? A Russian cosmosphere perhaps? The word "cajoled" is used. "...we have supported our Earth allies and cajoled them into carrying out their mission." Cajole means to cage, entice into a cage, or to chatter like a jay. Which Laws of the Creation does this violate? One in attunement with Creator Source does not put people in cages nor think in that manner. The adversary does.

Key phrases are part of the lure. "...we wish all to know that this present reality is not acceptable to you any more." Buy this one and your thinking is done for you. Other alarm bells of phrases in this programming include "with our own goal to alter you", "unacceptable to our general protocols", and "willingness to reign in our response to aggression against us...". This last one is a message that concerns war. Creator Source is not into war. The adversary is.

Key word images are part of the lure, thus the emphasis on discernment. "The Divine decrees this, and in keeping with our sacred allegiance to Lord Surea..." . I interpret this to mean that Sheldan Nidle believes in a Lord Surea which is Divine to him. Using the words "The Divine" is also still favored as a lure by the adversary to make things believable. Lord Surea is in question here. At this hour Yahoo has 820 references and Google has 8,080 references to this name. The majority of references circle back to one source, Sheldan Nidle. If you care to explore you will find such quotes from this man as :

"Bear in mind that Lord Surea has solemnly decreed your imminent liberation..."

"Consequently, we have petitioned our priests and priestesses to ask Lord Surea for divine guidance in these matters..."

"in addition, you have come under the wise and boundless protection of Lord Surea.."

I ask Sheldan Nidle one more time to step up to the plate and answer these questions from his point of view. I send love and compassion to him in his journey and petition that he turns to the One True Light in his journey!

In Love and Light,



----- Original Message -----

From: DB


Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 7:13 PM

Subject: RE: Sheldan Nidle

Dear Patrick,

Regarding the discussion of Sheldan Nidle; as co-moderator of PAO Connection, a yahoo group based on Sheldan's PAO website, I'd like to point out a few things.

First off, I appreciate the fact that AM starts of his discourse with the phrase "I believe.....". This is an honest statement that what he or she writes is based on the writers beliefs and not necessarily facts.

I invite everyone to read Sheldan's background on his website, if they haven't already done so, and to read any of his books to get deeper info about that which Sheldan speaks.

There may be many reasons why Sheldan does not answer, and to automatically assume that it's because he has no integrity and is telling a false story is quite a leap.

Keep in mind no one is obliged to answer a random post on a website simply because it refers to that person. No matter how important we may think our posts are, others may have another opinion.

Sheldan has 2 M.A. degrees and has worked with many scientists, none of whom questioned his ability or integrity.

He has been reporting information from his Sirius contacts since 1996 at least weekly, however, he was first contacted as a child, which was in the late 1940's. The story has never changed, only the details of exactly what was happening, which would change according to developments. He did not ask to be a GF contact, but he WAS asked by the GF to do this service. He obliged and has been passing out reports since 1996.

He has been in direct contact with Washta of Sirius since he was a child and was brought on board Sirian and other ships many times. His is not a telepathic receiver. In addition to meeting many members of the GF in person, and being physically lifted onto ships, he also received a communication implant that he receives the messages through. It does not rely on telepathic ability, ... Sheldan has described it as hearing voices like through a walkie-talkie.

I realize that simply typing these things proves nothing, however, anyone is welcome to verify what I am saying through their own research, if they so desire.

But like anything else, be it 911 or whatever, you can look at the motives behind an action and get a better picture.

For example, let's say that none of what Sheldan says regarding the GF is true/real, and that he has been making it all up...

Well, what would be a good reason to have done that? To make money? Sheldan's website, does have a store where you can buy his books, DVD's and a few other items. I don't know, but I'm guessing he sells a few books and DVD's here and there, but in general, I don't think he or anyone else selling these types of books, etc are on the fast track to financial independence.

Perhaps he does it to become famous. Well, beyond circles of people who are interested in this info, I'd venture to guess not many others have heard of him, nor does he pursue fame or notoriety.

There is no cost to read the weekly update on his website nor has there ever been. There's no request to "join" anything. There is no requirement to "do" anything, or "be" anything. Yes, there is information on the site that people may want to consider in deciding what to "do" or "be", but of course, it's an individuals decision, and it has nothing to do with Sheldan directly.

Sheldan's reports have been mainly emphasizing the need to raise our consciousness above the usual good/bad way of thinking. He has passed on info from the GF that it is better to act with integrity regardless of what others say or do. To love others as ourselves, and to not condemn anyone, as we don't know what they are dealing with.

Not bad advice, but even more than that, where is the ulterior motive? In other words, you are invited to take the info and use it as you see fit, and you are asked for NOTHING in return.

AM seems particularly leery of being "lured in" to something. But what? As I just explained, you have no obligations once you read Sheldan's reports. What will you be "lured in" to do? Buy a $20 book? Act with higher purpose? Try to use discernment and patience in your day to day dealings?

The 'lure me in to something statement is not valid, because there is nothing to be lured into. Most of the criticisms in this post seem to be directed at Sheldan's grammar, as much as anything. Phrases like "We return" - which I take to simply mean, we return to our contact this week to further update you. Is it all that ominous? 'Update for The Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy' is the title of the messages, as that explains what it is. I invite the readers to access the archive section of the PAOweb site and read some of the messages from the last few years, and then decide for yourself if you think they are valid.

But, it seems far fetched for a reader to say all of what Sheldan writes is bogus, simply because the reader/writer isn't familiar with Sheldan's background, his work or his history. And to say because he didn't stop whatever he is doing to specifically answer YOUR post, must mean he is illegitimate is absurd.

I invite this person and anyone else reading this to look at the bigger picture, and to do a little research before making pronouncements such as this person makes.

thank you



Original Message -----

From: T


Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:07 PM

Subject: Sheldan Nidle reports... LOVE EVERYONE!!!

How many people have reminded us not to shoot the messenger? Sheldan has always said that if we don't like what we are reading, that he is writing, move on and read other stuff. He never tells us we have to accept it. He's not forcing us to do anything whatsoever.

Starseeds do things in different ways. As many as you see, they will have a different way of doing things. Because they are not required to do anything any differently!!! We are told to do what we can, where we are, with what we have. If we can manage to work as a team that is good. But it isn't a requirement at all.

We all agreed to come here before our birth, and the fact that we are born here means that we usually forget who we are until we grow up and get back to the frequency that we once were. It is a trigger, and wakes us up to who we are. Tuella explained this very well in her book, Project World Evacuation. (I learned a lot from my sister.)

Anyhow, Lightworkers need to learn to work together, not pull each other apart for being different!! Yes, be discerning! It could save your life!!! But don't attack what you don't understand! Let others do their thing, and you do yours. That is all any of us can do, because we are all on our own path!

Remember that thing, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? That is one to live by. Then we will be kinder to others who are not on the same path we are.

Forgive others, as you hope they will forgive your shortcomings.

Love others, and hope they will love you as well.

Help others every chance you get, because it is coming back to you threefold!!!

Be patient with others, and pray they are with you.

And above all, remember that when you put down or hurt others, you are only hurting yourself. Because we are ONE!!!

When they tell us, Thou shalt not kill. They aren't worrying about us killing people, they are worrying about us and what it does to us when we kill people. That is why HEALERS are told never to use their talents to kill. It damages you, and takes away their chance to learn.



----- Original Message -----

From: DK


Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:44 PM Subject:

Re: "Hello, Central!" Response to Sheldan Nidle Reports Posted on Fourwinds

Hello Patrick,

Thank You so much, dear Patrick, for putting up these posts, calling certain People out. As always, the ultimate lesson is to look within Ourselves and ask/know what Our feelings are telling Us about the truth/deceit and the level of truth/deceit being offered to Us. I have read Sheldan's updates for a couple of years now and it has become clearly obvious to Me that the beings and their motives behind the messages are very much in Our Highest Interest in accordance with God's Highest Will.

JM wrote, "Its is sad to say, since Shelden Nidle has not responded to the "Hello Central" must mean that his writings lack creditability. I think enough time has passed for a response, his writings clash with the Phoenix Journals, so I am not surprised by the silence." Of course, there could be no possible reason as to why Sheldan would not have responded to this 'challenge', the least of those being that He doesn't waste His time with darkside agents, whether they are actively seeking Him or passively voicing the doubt and fear that makes them "known by their fruits." Also, where do His writings clash with the Phoenix Journals? There was nothing of this in JM's first post, and now He is throwing in unproven claims to support His/Her obvious bias that Sheldan should not be listened to.

AM followed up with much that was intended to lead the reader to a state of fear through warped logic and straight up lies. Here are some quotes from AM, followed by more enlightened reasoning, none of which were within JM or AM's posts:

"I believe he is part of a much larger network that has invented the " new messiah" of First Contact, that is, "they will come", "they will do it for you", 'the saviour will arrive"." The first part of this should read, "...He is part of a much larger network that has recognized the Heaven-inspired and God-decreed event of First Contact." First contact is not a new messiah, nor have I ever read that in any of the updates I've read. I also very specifically remember reading that those behind the updates are not here to do it for Us, since that would stutter and ultimately hurt Our evolution. Yes, they will come, yes, the saviour will arrive (this can be taken many different ways, as 'the saviour' exists on many levels within Us and without); see how they mix truth with lies and broken logic? The Bible is a classic case of this type of subtle manipulaiton. (I love the Bible, it's got a ton of very high-level truth; at the same time, there is obviously much manipulation of original writings towards darker/lower-level understanding.)

"What spiritual hierarchy? What galactic federation?" Read the Urantia Book, online at .

"It is protocol to provide a "cover" of goodness . Give it some "lore" and lure them in." A decidedly prejudiced viewpoint expressed again to cause the reader to react with fear; after all, only bad guys use cover to lure People in, right? Why would We of the Light need to remain hidden considering that the darkside has ruled the planet for a while now and actively saught to remove We of the Light to further their own agenda?

"If you take this man's word for it, then his authority (superiority) is established." Of course, giving someone authority in some way is to deem Him/Her superior as well. (End sarcasm.) Authority is given where truth is spoken and lived; superiority is a childish game of judgment that is left behind when the higher levels of truth are integrated. Our feelings are the only path to the level of truth that can internally/in(ter)dependently accurately assess who is living truth and who isn't.

""We return"? Who are we and where have we returned from?" I laughed out loud at this one. AM has already answered the second question in His message by quoting the title of Sheldan's updates, which AM has also already asked about. Here are a few examples of redundant questions used to lead the reader to have doubt about Sheldan's messages. To answer, yes, they return, in the form of connecting to Us through the message that is being shared. Believe it or not, some beings are actually psychically developed to the point where if one of Us is reading their message, it is like they are there with Us, sharing that message in more ways than the simple reading of words; to these beings, they are returning to connection with Us when We consciously connect with them.

"The word "cajoled" is used. "...we have supported our Earth allies and cajoled them into carrying out their mission." Cajole means to cage, entice into a cage, or to chatter like a jay." That is so not the definition(s) I've found on many internet dictionaries. Cajole - "to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance" ( 'Entice', yes, but is this not to be expected considering that Our Star Brothers and Sisters have been aware of the divine plan long before many of Us? Of course they've been working towards completing what they knew and have known for a long time must happen before We make the full transition that God has decreed Us to be making at this time. Many People have had to be enticed at some point to add their energies/power to the ascension that is happening; can the Light not also use enticement in its endeavours? Also, considering how slanted the playing surface has been (darkside influence) in connection with the general level of consciousness of Humanity over the last many decades (self-destructive until mid-90's), was it not to be expected that there would be some reluctance to change things? Remember, fear and doubt cling to the status-quo even when it is clearly not in Our Highest Interest to do so; also, Our national/world governments have been the ones displaying this reluctance moreso than most, and by now everyone has had more than enough chances to see why.

""...we wish all to know that this present reality is not acceptable to you any more."" This is accurate; Our current state of government/media/legal system/banking system corruption, fraud and extortion is unacceptable to those of Us who are brave enough to face the truth and do what We can with Our power to help this situation change.

"Buy this one and your thinking is done for you." Another great line for creating fear within the reader; I counted about sixteen of these types of lines through out the entire message, only counting those lines that were obviously biased, prejudiced and/or leading where no factual basis was offered for why the viewpoint of tearing down Sheldan's credibility was being offered as truth.

"Other alarm bells of phrases in this programming include "with our own goal to alter you", "unacceptable to our general protocols", and "willingness to reign in our response to aggression against us..."." Great job at picking out lines and taking them way out of context! It is funny how a group of words without their original referencing context can be taken to mean so many different things if the context is changed. Yes, they will alter Us just by First Contact and Humanity's necessary adjustment to being galactic citizens (when We are ready). Yes, they have protocols; every organized heirarchy does, even the darkside one(s). As for the third line, this was taken from the section talking about the darkside using force, esp. airplane fighters, etc. in an attempt to physically destroy/chase away Our Star Brothers and Sisters. No, this is not"...a message that concerns war." It concerns showing the darkside that they no longer have the options they thought they did and if a few more soldiers have to die for NESARA to happen, that is better than everyone on the planet continuing to be denied Our rightful freedom and abundance, not to mention how many chances the darkside has had by now to quite sacrificing their brainwashed troops needlessly.

"Lord Surea is in question here." Here is the quote from one of Sheldan's updates that reveals the truth about Lord Surea; "The triune Godhead that is the Creator is best expressed by the decrees of Lord Surea." ( By this, it is clear that Lord Surea is another name for the Father God Creator Mind of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit original trinity (again, read the Urantia Book for more info). As is explained in the Uratia Book, Father God is known by many names the Universes over; indeed, I have come to understand that each of Us shall know the Father in a different way than any other sentient being in this multi-dimensional experience, and so it is to be expected that He have more names than one. Lord Surea is Father God Aton.

DB's response pretty much answered everything JM/AM asked/doubted about. Discernment is important; just make sure Your compass is set to North (Love) before attempting to use it to discern the validity/level of truth being presented. One who jumps to conclusions and presents silly arguments such as the ones in AM's message are to be watched closely with much caution, for these are the types of People who are susceptible to the lies of the darkside and are likely still creating fear and doubt about anything that serves We of the Light. Sheldon is very much aligned with "...the One True Light..." and anyone who also is was able to tell that the moment they read any of His updates.

Stay the course, dear Brothers and Sisters! KNOW in Your heart that NESARA and Our ascension with Mother Earth IS in all of Our Highest Interest in accordance with God's Highest Will. Be ready to help Your family/friends understand why everything is changing and what is expected of them once Our God-given rights are respected once again by Our leaders and Our long-term physical abundance is guaranteed with a bit of patience and common sense; many are ready for this, at the soul level, and will integrate the big change very well. We are returned Masters, are We not?

In Service To And As Our Highest Light, Love And Power, Thank You God For Your Heavenly Grace, Divine Guidance and Omnipotent Co-Creative Will, Much Love and Blessings To You All, DK


----- Original Message -----

From: CM

To: bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:45 PM

Subject: Sheldan Nidle/Comments

Dear Patrick,

I would like to add the following comments to the Sheldan Nidle matter.

Do we possibly have a meeting of the minds brewing between the Urantia and the Phoenix Journal people?

The following quote from a recent response sends a red flag alert to me concerning Sheldan...."he received a communication implant that he receives the messages through. It does not rely on telepathic ability....Sheldan has described it as hearing voices like through a walkie--talkie." Does this mean he has given up his

free will and to whom?

The question still has not been addressed. Does the PAO or Sheldan support the validity of the Phoenix Journals?

Thank you, CM


----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:20 PM

Subject: Followup/Nidle Postings

I have studied the Urantia book and the Urantia Foundation. I did not find the Urantia book readable. It presents a detailed format of "heirarchy". God Aton of the Lighted Realms is not into "heirarchy". All are equal in His Presence without title,

pomp & circumstance, and there are no titles nor divisions that allow for one being more superior than another. I have 3 degrees. So What! A degree does not make the person. This is the game of the adversary. God Aton of the Lighted Realms is not in the business of priests and priestesses to take and pass on messages to obtain a divine decree. The adversary is. The bottom line on "hierarchy talk" is that it is human, it is governing, it is controlling, and it is thinking for you. Does this format, this approach allow you freewill expression? I think not. We are all each others teachers. Every moment is a teaching/learning

experience. That is what we have in common. By freewill, each learns as they so choose.

I thank those of the PAO group that have responded thus far. May you find the Truth you are seeking in the journey. If you care to, take a look at the Phoenix Journals!

In Love & Light,



----- Original Message -----

From: RT

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 6:42 PM

Subject: Hello Central

In regards to the coments that began at Sheldans expense I have a comment to add after reading AMs words of wisdom. I too have had an uneasy feeling about Urantia and another weighty tome called Ohaspe that is in much the same vein and purports to be the history of the higher and lower heavens with our little persons at the bottom mostly. They all say marvelous things that confound our little minds but the message is loud and clear, that we live in a creation that has within it the big and the small and wherever we go we are confronted by those greater and those lesser than ourselves. The trick is to act appropriately under all these circumstance so as not to offend the more powerfull and possibly be destroyed and to cultivate life and beauty as much as possible thereby lifting up the weak and making it strong and bringing about harmonious growth and cultivating the unevolved and thereby spreading the benevolence of the creator further and further. This is the work of God manifested throughout the realms. The hierarchical aspect as far as I can see is not pushed onto those of lesser power by a God awakened being but the universes are ordered non the less and it would be inappropriate to not recognize beings greater than ourselves or to pass by one smaller of great heart without recognition. "What you do to these the least of My creatures you do unto Me" the Father of all is purported to have said. It is ironic and part of the great mystery that we are small individuations in this infinite cosmos and one with it at the same time. I dont know if the books writen by men can delineate the ordered heavens clearly for our finite minds but I know a strong man when I see one and I can feel a warm heart when it is near. Those who wish for us to bow down before them have made their positions clear by this. Lending more power to that would not be harmonious with the boundlessness of the Fathers Love for all but to give respect when it is due is appropriate and is only good manners. This is all I have to say about Hierarchy. Cheers,



----- Original Message -----

From: DK


Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:31 PM

Subject: Re: Followup/Nidle Postings

Hello again dear Patrick,

This is a great thread We've got going here :) I hope many People are getting much out of it.

To quote CM, "The following quote from a recent response sends a red flag alert to me concerning Sheldan...."he received a communication implant that he receives the messages through. It does not rely on telepathic ability....Sheldan has described it as hearing voices like through a walkie--talkie." Does this mean he has given up his free will and to whom?" To quote DB, co-moderator of POA Connection, "He has been reporting information from his Sirius contacts since 1996 at least weekly, however, he was first contacted as a child, which was in the late 1940's. The story has never changed, only the details of exactly what was happening, which would change according to developments. He did not ask to be a GF contact, but he WAS asked by the GF to do this service. He obliged and has been passing out reports since 1996. He has been in direct contact with Washta of Sirius since he was a child and was brought on board Sirian and other ships many times. His is not a telepathic receiver. In addition to meeting many members of the GF in person, and being physically lifted onto ships, he also received a communication implant that he receives the messages through. It does not rely on telepathic ability, ... Sheldan has described it as hearing voices like through a walkie-talkie."

TLDR version; obliging is NOT equal to giving up free will. And even though Sheldon may not have consciously, while in this incarnation as Sheldon Nidle, ask to be a GF contact, His soul/Higher Self certainly did, as did many others.

AM's last post was a very good one with some great insights. "All are equal in His Presence without title, pomp & circumstance, and there are no titles nor divisions that allow for one being more superior than another." From the level of absolute Unity, this is absolutely true. "We are all each others teachers. Every moment is a teaching/learning experience. That is what we have in common. By freewill, each learns as they so choose." This is another high level truth, and well stated at that. The difference between these two statements is that the latter one is now moving beyond absolute Unity and into the levels of duality and apparent separation and it is from this level that AM makes some limited and illogical statements.

"God Aton of the Lighted Realms is not into "heirarchy"." From the absolute level of truth, God is into EVERYTHING, since God IS everything. From a more separated perspective, the base creative thought behind this statement is one that equates God with Chaos Theory since if God is not into heirarchy (aka organization, order) He must be into chaos. This is true, BUT IT IS ONLY HALF TRUE, as it is only one half of the complete dualistic truth of chaos and order. Without one, the other becomes useless. Without chaos, the Light never grows due to stagnation; without order, the dark destroys everything due to no containment of its destructive nature. To only recognize God as being into one of any dualistic half of the total truth is to limit God and thus experience only half the picture, which will always leave one 'searching' for more as AM alludes to at the end of their message. Remember, We are what We speak.

"God Aton of the Lighted Realms is not in the business of priests and priestesses to take and pass on messages to obtain a divine decree." What do You think We all are doing right here, right now, on this website, and even everywhere in LIFE period, if not taking and passing on messages to obtain a divine decree? Those of Us whom are posting are passing along a message so that those of Us whom are reading may make a decision, aka exercise Our God-given right of free-will, and thus make a divine decree since WE ARE ALL THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD, MADE IN HIS IMAGE, AND OUR DECISIONS ARE DIVINE DECREES. This is why faith is such an important virtue; We have to make decisions about things that We don't always see the whole picture about, which is especially true when We are at the crux of extending Ourself half-way so that God can reach out to Us and cover the other half. After We have accepted God and God has accepted Us, then it becomes possible to have Our feelings in alignment with the higher levels of truth, and it will become readily apparent that God very much utilizes organized efforts through His Heirarchy to accomplish His/Heaven's decrees, if that is not already apparent.

And why wouldn't We of the Light have an organized heirarchy? We are all a part of the big picture and We all have a role to play. No one does everything. And yet, just because We have different roles within the big picture does not mean that any one role is superior to another, because they are not. If one fails or succeeds in their mission, everyone is affected accordingly. At the same time, there is no denying that some People are more enlightened than others, and are thusly more appropriate for a position that would be considered 'higher' within the heirarchy. The use of the terms higher and/or lower is only for the purposes of simplifying comunication about the organization; in no way, shape or form does it denote superiority/inferiority, and anyone who thinks otherwise obviously has their own issues within this self-destructive level of human consciousness to deal with.

"The bottom line on "hierarchy talk" is that it is human, it is governing, it is controlling, and it is thinking for you." The first two parts of this statement are completely correct. Heirarchy is based on organizing the parts of the whole, and as human beings within a multi-dimensional experience that includes apparent separation, equating heirarchy with human is quite accurate. Yes, it is governing, which is what organization is all about. To then go on and equate those things with being controlling and thinking for (Us) is extremely leading as well as being completely unfounded. How is it controlling that God uses an organized heirarchy to help accomplish His/Heaven's decrees? How is God/God's Heirarchy thinking for Us just because there is a such a heirarchy? WAKE UP please, and take back Your power while You're at it. No one thinks for Us unless We allow it, and if You think that God is controlling in any manner, whether directly or through proxy (His heirarchy), then You have much to remember about Our God-given right of free will.

"I did not find the Urantia book readable." I was in the same boat a few years ago when I first came accross the Urantia Book. It is written at an extremely high level of truth and verbal/written communication. After a few more years of focused spiritual evolution, I am finding that I am finally now able to sit down and read sections of it without having to reread some sentances three or more times over. If it's not readable, don't read it, as there are undoubtedly other things for You to remember before You are ready for this book. Of course, this book does start off with its heaviest concepts first, so the reading does get easier farther in. Maybe starting with the last section and reading the sections in reverse order would be easier.

I thank God everyday for the Heirarchy of Light and Heaven, for without this heirarchy, We would not be at the place that We are with NESARA being as close as it is to being announced. Stay the course, dear Brothers and Sisters; Our efforts in affecting the Higher realms to ensure Our ascension transition as decreed by Father God are causing the fruits of freedom, abundance and knowledge to be ripening before Our very eyes. Please remember that without alignment with Our One Father God Creator, regardless of what name/conceptualization You know Him/Her by, freedom, abundance and knowledge can be more of a curse than a blessing, which is why Our work is truly just beginning. Be ready; Our time is almost at hand.

In Service To And As Our Highest Light, Love And Will In Accordance With God's Highest Will, Thank You God, For Your Heavenly Grace, Divine Guidance And Perfect Co-Creator Will, Love And Blessings To You All, DK