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"Hello, Central!" Is There Any Hope For My Mother, Who Is In An Advanced Stage Of Alzheimer's Disease?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Peace & Light!



Another late night....lots of reading to do.... ;-)

In fact, so much that I am having trouble remembering where I am finding things of import and interest!

May I ask a question of you, that you can either answer or direct me to where I can find answers? It is a personal question revolving around the health of my 87 year old Mother. (And I am sure others would appreciate some insight due to their circumstances...)

My Mother is afflicted with Alzheimer's and is in long term nursing care. Her mental condition is very sad and deteriorating. She has been in a nursing home for over two years, but affected by the slide into Alzheimers for about three years previous. Organically she seems very strong, but for the most part, she is really "not there".

When NESARA is announced and all of the "following developments" begin, I have read about healings and technologies that will greatly help those in dire medical need. I would love to learn more about this. Will there be any hope for my Mother and others in like condition? I am resigned to her ultimate fate, as this disease progresses, as is my entire family - but my Father, I think is suffering the most as he cares for her every day, and misses her terribly.

Is it foolish to "hope" for miraculous interventions for people like her? Can you provide any comfort and insight for those like my family and others who are dealing with these very tough issues?

Peace and light....


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 27, 2005


Dear DV:

You asked about Alzheimer's Disease reversal and of healing in general after NESARA. The good news is that when the starships land and the healing technologies are brought to us, there will be healing possibilities for every disease we have on Earth Shan. At some point we can be totally well again, as well as young again!

There is much that can be done for your mother's Alzheimer's Disease problem, which is also known as Dementia or loss of memory. The cause of Alzheimer's Disease is the deterioration of the brain cells due to long term exposure to various toxins and to poor nutrition. Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark has done much work with the causes of disease and has written several books on her work. I have found helpful her two books, The Cure For All Diseases, and The Cure For All Cancers. These books can be obtained in most book stores and health food stores.

She has found that parasites in the human body and the toxins they produce to be a basic cause for disease. She calls this problem, "Fluke Disease". I suggest that you read Dr. Clark's work or an article that I wrote based on her work. The article is entitled, "People of the Lie: Fluke Disease" and can be found on Fourwinds. (Click on "Writings" and scroll down).

The worst human parasite is Fasciolopsis buskii, a flatworm that lives all of its six stages within the human body. Parasites (flukes) in the brain release toxins causing harm to brain cells and subsequent loss of memory over time. It is relatively simple and inexpensive to do a two week parasite cleanse with herbs you can acquire in a health food store. That is all explained in my article referred to above.

Other sources of toxins that harm the brain are metals and chemicals to which we have been exposed in daily life. The worst are xylene, toluene, aluminum (cooking pots) and benzene. Others are bromine (brominated bread), chlorine (chlorinated water), lithium, bismuth, vanadium, tungsten, iridium, asbestos, moth balls and various solvents. Also, there are certain foods that carry molds that produce toxins that are harmful to the body, such as in dried grain cereals and cheeses. I also note that human parasites thrive on the alcohols that we ingest (grain alcohol), and the alcohols that we rub on our skin (cosmetics, shaving lotion, mouth washes---wood alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol).

I list here some simple steps that you can do to reverse Alzheimer's Disease.

1. Remove all sources of toxins, alcohols and molds from the patient.

2. Immediately begin a two weeks parasite cleanse.

3. Supplement the patient's daily diet with a high level of vitamin B-Complex of good quality. Be sure it is a B-Complex and not separate B Vitamins.

4. Replace the patient's drinking water as much as possible with colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic which is nothing more than distilled water with microscopic particles of pure silver in suspension. This will destroy all harmful bacteria and viruses in the human body, including AIDS, HIV, West Nile, Lymes, etc. For further information read my article, "People of the Lie: Colloidal Silver" posted on Fourwinds. (Click on "Writings" and scroll down). You can make your own colloidal silver very inexpensively by buying your own silver generator deluxe model from for $180. Again, for more information, see the article referred to above.

5. Continue a maintenance program of the human parasite cleanse to remove parasites constantly entering the body from food sources, pets, human waste, etc.

6. Optional: Purchase a Parasite Zapper, a electrical device which kills parasites in the body with a very low intermittent electrical current. This device was developed through holistic health means, and again Dr. Clark has her own model. See Miracles can happen in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. It is possible to have full memory restored and even the physical damage to the brain corrected. The use of the parasite cleanse has been of great help in the healingof many diseases today.

Do not be discouraged. There is much hope for your mother's recovery from Alzheimer's Disease in spite of what the doctors may say, even at the age of 87, if you are willing to help her.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
