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"Hello, Central! How Do We Hold On When Things Look So Bad?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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South Texas and here tomorrow never comes. Is this what we can expect for NESARA?

I truly believe that we have been lied to by our Government for many years and truly do not know how to fight like they do. DIRTY! They us our money to deceive us and we let them.

Our court systems do not uphold the laws as they are written, they bend, twist, and mold them to fit their needs. Our Supreme Court Justices are pawns and do as they are told. There is no recourse for honest people.

How do we hold on when things look so bad?

Thanks for all you do.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 13, 2006


Dear GR:

Thanks for your letter. We are all Returned Masters, and we agreed to hold the Light for as long as it takes. We are very close to the end of this NESARA Mission. Know that we are never given more than we are able to carry, and that we have all the help of Heaven, if we but ask. Hang in there, my friend. We are at the "finish" line. Walk in faith knowing that the Light has won!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer