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"Hello, Central!" Wouldn't It Be Safer, After We Receive Our Funds To Put Them In A Neutral Territory?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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to avoid them doing the same thing they did to Leo Wanta's trust funds? It

appears wee can't trust the banks either.

Much Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 29, 2006


Dear LDO:

Thank you for your question about securing your funds in a safe place.

Please understand that all the sorting and "house cleaning" going on right now with the bankers, politicians, judges, attorneys, etc. is for the very purpose of providing safety for your money in your own country and in your local community. Creator God's Plan is being carefully implemented at this time, which provides new governments, judicial and financial systems of integrity.

Believe me when I say that there is not "neutral territory" or "safe haven" anywhere at this time for anyone's funds, and there will not be until greed is eliminated. That is now in the process of happening.

My advice to you is to follow carefully your instructions to handle your funding through your designated Gold Depository Bank. These banks are under the protection of Violinio Germain and his Star People, and no fraud will be tolerated. With NESARA we move into a whole new era, where Light overcomes the Darkness.

Walk in the faith that you and what you are given to share with others shall be totally protected, and it shall be! Know it! We of the Light have not suffered and sacrificed all these years to obtain this wealth to be used for goodness, to have it stolen again by the Forces of Darkness. That shall not be allowed.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer