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"Hello, Central!" NESARA Is A Fraud, A Sham! It Will Be Announced Tomorrow, Which Never Comes!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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act tomorrow never comes, NESARA will be the same.

P.S. If you don't understand how tomorrow never comes, it is because tomorrow is always one day ahead of today.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 7, 2005


Dear SL:

You are such a foolish twit that I should not even bother to waste my time on a letter to you. Why are you afraid of NESARA? Do you not want good things to happen to you and your fellowman? Are you so afraid that you might be wrong about NESARA, that you will not even identify yourself in your letter of shameful statements? Are you telling me that you are really against goodness and are working for the Darkside? How sad!

Wisdom, discernment and faith are what raises mankind out of the dregs of 3D existence. You laugh because you lack such qualities. Have you ever heard the statement that "fools rush in where Angels fear to tread?" Ponder the meaning of those words for your own enlightenment in understanding NESARA.

My friend, you are in for the biggest "shock and awe" of your life, and you will be weeping in agony when NESARA sweeps you off your feet. If you continue to scoff and ridicule when world peace and our coming Golden Age arrive, you will end up on another 3D planet without memory to figure things out. This is Truth, my brother, and remember that you were warned. I know that most people "down under" are far more enlightened than you appear to be. It's high time to wake up! Maybe some day you will understand the statement "He who laughs last, laughs best".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
