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"Hello, Central!" Are You Hoping or Knowing About NESARA? What's Going Down"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g that "NESARA is here tomorrow".(a bit generalised i know.) So what I'm thinking to myself is, is this man "hoping" more than " knowing" that these events will unfold. Why make a public statement so important, unless the facts are assured? Then in late september/ early october, the UPDATES have dried up. Interesting!! If you've the time, i'd love to know whats going down. Security-wise,i'm as safe as houses. Ask your higher self about me. So lay it on me Patrick!,




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 19, 2006


Dear JW:

I can only report what I know to be happening at the moment and the plans for NESARA. G.W. Bush has fought hard to win. This week he tried to "nuke" three American cities, but all his plans are monitored and stopped by the Forces of Light. The announcement of NESARA and the banking change are planned to happen yet this week.

You should know that we live on a freewill planet and freewill choices dictate what happens. What do you want to have happen? If enough people want the same thing, it will happen. Ponder that, my friend. NESARA is God's Plan and God always wins!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer