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"Hello, Central!" We Are In 5D Where Karma Is Not An Issue, So Why Can't We Have NESARA, Clean Up Our Planet and Have Smooth Sailing Into Our Golden

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s been spoken about evacuation and I have a question; if We are in 5D (, why would Mother Gaia choose to go through the destructive physical changes? Why can those changes not be smooth and allow Us to stay on Earth and clean up Our own mess through Our soon-to-be improved technology and spiritual abilities (creation by thought)? Even though Karma is no longer an issue in 5D, perhaps it would be best for Us to clean up after Our Selves?

From what I understand of this entire ascension, We are ascending as a species, as Humanity, along with Mother Gaia and all Life in, on and above the Earth that has been part of Our former 3D experience. Knowing that the energy of one enlightened Human Being can raise the frequencies of millions of Humans at the average energetic level of consciousness (Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins), have We enlightened ones not been helping everyone else along into the higher energies so that they can also experience awakening to the Truth even if it takes something as dramatic as NESARA and First Contact? If We are in 5D and George W. Bush still runs the American gov't, does this not further testify to Our desire as Humanity to have closure to this whole grand story of Light Vs. Dark? Does the fact that Mother Gaia is still hanging on not testify to Her desire to see that same closure?

I for one am continuing to hold My heart's grandest desire as what is in Our Highest Interest, that being that We can stay on Earth Shan if We so desire and show Mother Gaia that We are indeed the physical angel stewards that We have come here to be. Patience, faith and determination are Our most helpful virtues now until NESARA helps the masses experience the Light and even though many still remain in 3D, many of those People have good hearts and will do just fine in the higher frequencies with a little bit of real education.

What are Your thoughts about these questions/comments? As always, I commend You for Your work and send My blessings for Your continued alignment with Our Highest Path.

God Bless Us All,

Light, Love And Power Be Us Now,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 25, 2006


Dear DK:

Who said we are in 5D? Our planet is now vibrating at the 5D vibration rate but does not step through the door into fifth dimension until a polar shift occurs. We have waited too long and have done too little clean-up for Mother Earth to survive much longer.

Who said karma is no longer an issue in 5D? We will not enter fifth dimension unless we have dealt with our karma here, but the Law of Cause and Effect is the basic Law of the Cosmos. What does the Bible say happened to Lucifer when he allowed his ego to take control?

The Mormons believe that they can get their relatives, dead or alive, into Heaven by doing baptism by proxy for them. Are you saying that David R. Hawkins is suggesting that we as Lightworkers can raise the energy of others to push them into the fifth dimension? My friend, we may negate much negative energy by our positive energy, but everyone graduates into "Heaven" based upon their own credentials. If they haven't walked the "walk" they don't get there. We can not do it for them.

Our grandest desire and highest interest may be to clean up the mess we have made on Mother Earth, but is that in her best interest at this time? It may be too little too late! That is exactly my point. Good intentions don't "cut" it! We have delayed so long in helping our planet that all the "blood transfusions" in the world may not save her, unless she takes control and does her own massive cleansing. I believe that time has nearly run out for us to do much good for our dying planet.

Like you, I remain hopeful that the "one more chance" being given to complete the deliveries and NESARA Announcement on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 27-28 will be successful. It would be most helpful to many people to bring closure to the NESARA Mission. It would send a very strong signal to the Darkside that they had lost control of Earth Shan forever. Regardless of what happens in these remaining days of November, 2006, I believe that there is little time left for us to bring balance and harmony to our planet.

There is certain disappointment that will result, if the NESARA Mission fails, but if it succeeds,we may have little time afterward to work on restoring our planet. Yet, you must understand that we have gone more than nineteen years into over-time with this mission. No matter how you look at this situation, we certainly have not failed.

We have stood strong against the Darkness and presented Truth and awakened more than the Lighted Realms ever thought possible. There has never been such a Dark planet. Satan's minions have gone further into the depths of evil then Satan had ever imagined possible, and still the Lightworkers endured with faith and patience and tenacity.

My brother, we have held the Torch of Truth high for all to see. We have not failed! Think of what Earth Shan would have been like, had we not prevailed in "over-time"! Let us hold positive energies for a grand finale this week.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer