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"Hello, Central! I Highly Object To Your Labels For Mormons As Evil! (Updated April 24 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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grandfather came across the plains to Utah with Brigham Young but was asked to stay over in Colorado and plant grains for those who were still to come. He then came to Salt Lake Valley the following year.

You obviously are not aware of the Welfare Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Satins (Mormons). Whenever there is an international tragedy. Huge amounts of food, clothing, bedding, etc. are immediately fowarded to help. This activity of helping others is greater in quantity and fulfillment than any other organization!

Get educated, my friend!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: HF (Lavar)

DATE: April 22, 2007


Dear HF (Lavar):

I am surprised that DLB would take my private letter to him and make it public information, when I had responded to his questions in good faith. I am, also, surprised that you would find it necessary to speak for DLB and attack me with your warped notions about the validity of the Mormon Church.

Consequently, I shall make my response to you very public, indeed. You shall find that you picked the wrong person to call ignorant about the evil workings of the Zionist/Mormon Church cult.

In your letter you have given me examples of the humanitarian work that the Mormon people have done both here and abroad. I am well aware of the benevolence of those at the lower echelons of the church. There are many organizations that do charity work, but that does not justify the evilness of the organization. Even the Nazis, the Klu Klux Klan, the Zionists and the Communists do charity work as a cover for their misdeeds.

I know there are good people in the Mormon Church, as there are in the various other "Christian" churches, and I do not condemn them. It is the corrupt system and the leaders of the corrupt system that I call into question.

I hold a Bachelor's Degree (among others) in Forestry from Utah State University, Logan, and had Mormon roommates, went to school with Mormon students, and had some Mormon professors. I met Mormon missionaries, and "jack-Mormons", (those, who had left the Mormon Church) and Mormon families, and had Mormon friends. I learned about Mormonism first-hand and later researched it further in my seminary years.

At one point I drove taxi in Logan, Utah to help with college expenses. Many times we taxi drivers would deliver the good Mormon Bishops on Saturday and Sunday nights to the Houses of Prostitution flourishing in Logan. I remember reading in the history of the Mormon Church about the doctrine of polygamy and how Utah could not join the Union of States of American because of the practice of polygamy. For some strange reason the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles suddenly had a "revelation" that polygamy was no longer needed to propagate the "church", and so Utah was allowed into the Union.

I know that you object to my use of the name "Mormon" and prefer "Latter Day Saints" (LDS), but I use the name "Mormon" because I have found few "saints" in this church, or in any other church, for that matter.

The Mormon Genealogy Library has no equal in the whole world. Why the interest in one's "family tree"? It is based on the church doctrine of Baptism by Proxy. Should one become a member of the Mormon Church, and your family are not members, it is your duty to save them from Hell by doing a baptism for each of them in their absence, or baptism by proxy. Thus, one needs a Genealogy Library to search out one's ancestors as far back in history as possible. Such nonsense!

It is also true that from its beginning, the Mormon Church as been a racist church against Blacks. Though they are allowed to become members today, to my knowledge they still are not allowed to hold any church office or carry any authority in the church.

The Mormon Church pressures all young people after completing high school, to serve two years, as a Mormon missionary, usually somewhere in the U.S. These young people are given the proper answers to a list of questions and off they go to proselyte, as many people as possible for the church.

Many of these young people, upon reaching legal age, rebel against the Mormon Church. Such was the case of a fellow forestry student at USU. He lived a totally immoral life, but when his father could not work due to a work accident, the Mormon Church forced this student to go, as a missionary for two years, on the promise that the church would care for his father and family in their time of need. Such blackmail and immoral missionaries do not create goodness.

Over the years many Mormon missionaries have come to our door to present their propaganda. Always, we have welcomed them and have had very interesting discussions. When they were asked the wrong questions, for which they had no answers, then my wife and I presented Truth to them. For some years these missionaries (boys/elders) would frequent our home on a regular basis, asking serious questions and learning Truth.

One day a higher ranking "Elder" came with them and asked many questions. Suddenly, he jumped up and pronounced me to be the very devil himself, and ordered everyone out of our home. Needless to say, we are now banned from the Mormon missionary circuit, as we have not seen one of them in our neighborhood for two years.

These Mormon boys were always well-dressed and well-mannered, but they had no contact with the real world for two years, as they were forbidden to go to movies, listen to the radio, read newspapers, watch T.V. or have any contact with the secular world. Again, this is total nonsense, and is a means of mind-control.

My friend, I do not call anyone "unfriend". You may be unhappy about my criticism of your evil Mormon Church, but I would like you to know what Creator God has to say about it. He is far more harsh in his words than I have been. I include here only a few of the many references in the Phoenix Journals to the evilness of Mormonism.

Quoting Phoenix Journal #60, As the Blossom Opens p. 70, Creator God Aton/Hatonn says, "The proof of the massive pulling away from the God of Lighted Source is now evident before you---the church (Mormon) has been wholly consumed for the use for which it was originally structured--as the massive servant of the ADVERSARY according to the hidden and secret doctrines of the Freemasonry structure of evil and satanic activities. The leaders are corrupted and will disallow any member from receiving Truth in any form, for the Truth will reveal the total and heinous lies of the vary foundation of the church (Mormon) itself. This is why "Mormon" in the Oriental languages--MEANS "SATAN".

Quoting Phoenix Journal 130, Tracking Down the Killer, p. 52-53, (Hatonn) "In Asia the very word 'Mormon' MEANS: SATAN! Then by all means go find the doctrine instructions for the church of satan".

This is why the Mormon Church is trying to persuade people today to use the name Latter Day Saints in place of "Mormon". It is understandable that the Mormons would not want people to know that they were of the Church of Satan.

Quoting Phoenix Journal 80, Truth from the "Zog Bog", p. 115-116, (Hatonn): "You must know, and especially you who call yourselves 'Mormon' ---Brent Scowcroft is a JEW who was sent into your church to reorganize and restructure your whole church thrust into the New World Order and away from any relationship of 'Christian' association as with 'Jesus Christ'. The disease is most subtle--but most deadly! No matter what you may THINK--if you be Mormon you are now in the New World Order considered Zionists (even as written in your own books) only NOW you are among the REAL Zionists--the Khazarian ANTI-CHRIST! How did you get sucked into such a thing? The SAME WAY millions have been sucked into Freemasonry, Illuminati and Satanism--through the deep, dark secrecy of ritual and brain-washing!"

It is interesting that Brent Scowcroft's handler was none other than Zionist Henry Kissinger, and that Brent faithfully served in Kissinger Associates Corporation (See Phoenix Journal 97, Heave 'Em Out, p. 123).

Quoting Phoenix Journal 80, Truth from the "Zog Bog", p. 132-133, (Hatonn): "The Mormons also call themselves 'Zionists' and, shocking as it may be to you readers--are part and parcel of the so-called 'Jewish Zionists'. Does this mean that all Mormons are Zionists? Yes, if they follow the 'church' doctrines."

Quoting Phoenix Journal 85, Shock Therapy for a Brain Dead World, p. 24, (Hatonn): "Mormonism, as is Catholicism of today, has been based on a foundation of Freemasonry and Illuminati--secrecy and 'pay your way' if you want acceptance in the 'religious' sanctuary of the most high. And WHO is THE MOST HIGH? Come again? It is a MAN, good children---GOD IS ONLY 'OFFERED THROUGH THE RITUAL' as 'BEING FIRST' BUT 'HE' IS NOT! Almost everything in the 'churches' is FIRST before the ACTUALITY of GOD PRESENCE."

Quoting Phoenix Journal 130, Tracking Down the Killer, p. 140 (Hatonn): "The Mormons lived without money. Printed cards stood for merchandise at the church store. This is only an example, for you all must realize that the MORMON church does not serve GOD in these instances and it, as a foundation unit, represents the 'RELIGIOUS' arm in the U.S. of the Elite One World Order". In this regard you may be wise to read Protocol Number 14 of the Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion recorded in Phoenix Journal 224, Birthing the Phoenix, Volume 3, p. 137 ff.

What more do I need to say about the evils of the Mormon Church? The Mormon Church worked hard to stop the creation of the Phoenix Journals by the Ekkers during the 1990's. The Truth revealed in these journals by Creator God Aton/Hatonn, Esu Immanuel Sannada and the Ascended Masters would serve to undermine the very foundation of Mormonism. Since the establishment of Fourwinds more than a decade ago, the Mormon/Zionist heirarchy has continued their evil thrust of trying to stop us from presenting the Truth of the Phoenix Journals to the world. I am happy to tell you that in this they have totally failed.

The saddest experience I had with Mormonism was with my two year college Mormon roommate. He came from Junior College to USU, as a zealous believer, and would spend every free moment in church or doing missionary work in Logan. We had long discussions about what he believed. Over those two years I watched him change, as he discovered the lies of Mormonism, though he never found the Truth he sought. As we parted forever on Graduation Day, I asked him, "What do you really believe?" His sad reply was, "I believe that I am born, that I live, and that I die, just like a dog dies!" As Hatonn says "WITHOUT GOD YOU ARE IN HELL---WELCOME TO HELL!" (Phoenix Journal 79, Marching to Zog, p. 169).

My friend, may you and all other Mormons truly find the Truth you seek! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to once agin present Truth to the people of Earth Shan!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 11:11 PM

Subject: Thank you!!!

I haven't been a member of the Mormon church for, oh, 25 years now? But this article on the Mormons was needed to shock me awake!!! I saw the things they did, and questioned them. Got few answers. It just didn't feel right, what they do.

They refused to give me food when they didn't have proof that I was in the church, and I had kids in the house at the time!

They told me that I had to quit my job because it wasn't proper. There were no other jobs for me, I was disabled!!!

If they knew I was a Healer, and one of the best, they never would have let me in the church. They don't approve of that. Only the men can do this!

I don't wear the right clothes to suit them, etc. Esu said I could go into his church naked if I wanted to. (I don't!)

Thanks for that article. I needed the shock.



----- Original Message -----

From: HW


Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 1:23 PM

Subject: Mormonism

Dear Patrick, Your message answer about Morminism and evil is so true. I am a member of LDS since 1990 and after discovering in 2000. I began to read the Phoenix Journals , my eyes were opened for I knew in my soul that You had more truth than the LDS. I knew that the Original teachings of the Church had been subverted by the Illiminiti.I realized like our own government, It was being run by a secret govrnment that the average member was not even aware of happening.Keep up the good work of bringing truth to the four winds. PS. You are a good writer. You spelled it out so well. WGH, A not so active LDS


----- Original Message -----

From: G

To: Fourwinds

Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 1:53 PM

Subject: Commentary on Mormons

Dear Mr. Bellringer:

Thank you for your excellent commentary on Mormons on the Four Winds website. Your website remains a foremost gathering place for truth and light on the internet.

Blessings to you, dear one.



----- Original Message -----

From: TS


Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 9:19 PM

Subject: Mormons:4/22/07;4/23/07

A superb commentary, indeed. Its too bad that only a few thousand will read it instead of a few billion. I've found a lot about Mormonism interspersed in the journals. My wife, a non-Mormon, loves to rib me about my "voluntary" excommunication from this church years ago. She thinks that my mother and brother (a former bishop) had me secretly re-baptized into the church.(proxy stuff again). She laughs and says; ha-ha. You are going to that silly Mormon heaven, like it or not. This really gets under my skin, but I keep a straight face. Light and Love, TS


----- Original Message -----

From: HK


Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 7:49 AM

Subject: Mormons

Jolly good job there, Patrick…straight to the point about the Mormon church. I spent a life time in bondage to those people and finally extracted myself from their brainwashing in 2005 by resigning. Free to think for myself…your site has been an invaluable source of truth with the Phoenix Journals. While it is fair to say that there are many wonderful Mormons who do many wonderful things to help humanity …that doesn’t justify the TRUTH lurking behind this cult which is one VERY dark and insidious organization who’s very core is the devil himself. Talk about illusions...with a sugar coated picture perfect LIE that is presented quite well to the world. Glad I’m out of that pack of lies for good!
