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"Hello, Central!" How Does Australia Fit Into This Whole Scheme Of Change? We Have Great Problems, But The Focus Is On Other Countries

Patrick H. Bellringer

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re passionately interested in the changes occurring around the world, but no mention seems to be forthcoming by any of the channels about our country and whether, for example, the banks here have received their funds to cancel out the horrendous debt problem we have here.

You may be unaware, but Australia is now top of the list of being the highest taxed country in the world I am told. THis is causing much suffering and fear, especially since our interest rate rise for home loans by the banks.

Our laws are squeezing the life out of our freedoms and like the U.S. many are oblivious to this gradual erosion of freedom and worse, are apathetic when told about it.

Our judicial system is horrendous with ellegal kangaroo courts being commonplace now. There is little hope we have access to a jury system as we once had. A judge sits in judgement of a case he brought before the courts when he charged two men with "contempt of court" when they wore T-shorts supporting Trial by Jury and they refused to take them off!!

We have many problems here, and I would really like to hear something positive for our country. It seems we are constantly hearing about the U.S., Israel, Lebanon and England but nothing about us and our part in this whole scheme.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: September 3, 2006


Dear E:

Thank you for your letter. All countries in one way or another have been oppressed by the increasing expansion of the One World Order control over the people over the past many years. That is now to end as this beast is decapitated by Divine Intervention.

As you know, NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time for bringing peace to our war torn world, justice and freedom to the masses, and a balancing of the wealth by providing for everyone's physical needs. That is only the beginning of the transition of our world into a higher dimension.

This process may be starting in the United states through the NESARA implementation, but understand that all nations and all peoples must have an equal sharing of the societal changes that NESARA brings first to the United States of America. Galactic Law demands that this be so for our transition into the fifth dimension. Harmony and balance must be restored to Earth Shan before this transition can possibly occur.

Australia is no exception to this process. All nations must again become sovereign nations, as is their right. Already there are subtle changes happening to restore governmental and judicial control to the people in various countries today. Some are further along than others, but it is happening. Once NESARA is in place in the U.S., change will sweep quickly across our world.

We are living in exciting times, the "end times", for which we so long have waited. Know that these are also the "beginning times" for our Golden Age of Peace. Australia shall be honored for its loving people and beautiful natural resources, as will every nation on Earth Shan. The deserts and wastelands of our planet shall bloom and flourish again with the magnificence of the original creation, and those, who choose to participate in our coming Golden Age, shall live in joy, abundance and peace. Know it, my friend! Miracles are happening and that time is not far off!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer