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"Hello, Central!" How Does One Deal With Doubt, Learn To Trust Outside The Human Race, Awaken Those Who Are Asleep, And Unify Mankind?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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sovereignty without the slightest regard for that which they are getting into. I feel saddened that there are so many power plays being played out among God's creation. In many ways, I have imagined that everything in progress is solely dependent on questioning reality. It seems that we are asleep but will we wake up to a brighter day? There is so much doubt. I don't know how to deal with this doubt in a meaningful way. My biggest concern is the aching body and the sense of this is making me weary of the changes taking place. Also I have observed that so many problems are related to the inability of many to share. This is where I would like to ask my question: on what grounds should we expect to unify mankind? Moreover, I see the importnace of the sky's responsibility to help in clearing up many matters. I know that destiny, of the way of cause and effect, is hard on anyone who chooses to accept any form of intervention. I pray for the success of any well intended mission. There are many other pleasurable observations I have made. Among one of the most interesting is the fact that, each one of us comes up with similar ansewers to the same questions but the little difference is that some put more favor on the flesh while others prefer the spirit. The Andromedans tell us that all souls study their life streams to make them always better. (This is my understanding of their message about reincarnation). My other question is related to this; why are so few souls waking up their bodies? And, what are the workings of creating these traic loops in human growth? I wish that the physical life wasn't so hard for the majority of the world. yet, I understand also that, ideals are a major cause in the peace process. I feel very lowly writing these words because I sense that, many wrongs have been executed upon mankind in the past and today, it is very hard for me to trust anyone outside the human race. I would like to finish off by making one more observation; many regressive beings exist in this reality, old races that may be no more than just misunderstood, but they exist. I find that, creation has generated all of this not by chance but for an intended purpose. However, in the space and time we find that, we judge the validty of that and it is sad that, much of this is done by force. Why?

Loving to hope, thank you.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 1, 2006


Dear L:

Thank you for your letter and appreciation for our work. Your questions are very much connected. Everyone has their own pathway to travel, and we cannot walk it for them. They are asleep or in doubt by freewill choice. Everyone planned their journey before returning to this present lifestream, and each set signs and clues and mileposts along their pathway to awaken them at the proper time. If one chooses to ignore those mileposts and not awaken, one will not accomplish his mission and learn the appropriate lessons in soul growth to ascend with Earth Shan.

All we can do is to present Truth to them to try to jolt them awake. Those of us, who have awakened, know in our heart that a brighter day is upon us. The signs are everywhere. Those of lower frequencies, who do not awaken, will return to another lifestream in 3D to continue with their lessons, because they do not yet understand the unity of mankind, the Oneness of all and the Laws of Balance. Unity is the natural outcome of experiencing the higher frequencies of loving and sharing.

More people are waking up than we realize. The rising frequencies of Earth Shan and the nudges by the Angels is helping a great deal. We have three major signposts ahead, NESARA, First Contact and the Second Coming, that will jolt many people wide awake.

Our first responsibility is to our own soul progression, removing our karma, learning the Laws of Balance and living fully those Laws. As we learn to meditate and communicate through our God Spirit within with the Higher Realms and with Creator God Aton of Light, we will learn to trust those of the Realms of Light. Then it becomes natural to trust our Star Friends, and family who are the "Hosts of Heaven", sent by Creator God to our physical world to help us put things in order.

Knowledge brings wisdom and discernment, which leads to trust. As we discern Light from Darkness, we learn to trust the Light rather than the Darkness, and we learn that force is only of the Darkness. Doubt results from the lack of faith. Knowledge leads to wisdom and an understanding of the Spiritual Realms. This leads to faith in the unseen, which removes doubt.

Our Friends from the Stars have returned to help us create our Golden Age of Peace. Many may believe it only when they see it happen. Blessed is he, who having not seen, yet believes.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer