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"Hello, Central!" Resist Not Evil! Say What?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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has encouraged me to send you the attached for your discernment. They said you were expecting something along this line - ??? really ? I just hope this is helpful to you.

In any case, I recently ran across an older article from Germain and was challenged to respond to it. My response is attached for your review. I also included the original article in case that would be useful to you. I call your attention to a short update I inserted at the top of my resonse from GAIA yesterday. See how that resonates with you two.

Best wishes and Blessings,


* * * * * * * * * * * *


Violinio (Saint) Germain

Channeled thru Donna Simelunas

September 19, 2001

(REPRINTED 06-30-07)

(CAUTION: All or part of the information included herein may contain Spiritually-Channeled material and may cause Activations; thus, it requires learning to use one’s Discernment and Resolution along The Way of Soul Mastery wherein one has not only the ability to interpret and perceive it in a manner that allows one to fully be in one’s own power, but also to reject any or all such information if it does not resonate within one’s Heart and Mind nor make sense at this point in Time-Space, and not as right or not as wrong. It is hoped that these perceptions inspire those reading this to find their Truth within and LIVE IT as an ASCENDING HUMAN.)

Each day as you awaken and open your eyes to the Light of the SUN, you become aware that the world has changed and you have changed relative to it and within it. This past week you have each awakened through numerous layers and veils. Your hearts have opened and your eyes have been made to see through many of the illusions and misperceptions of the world as you have known it to be.

There is a natural equilibrium that strives to regain balance at all times in this Universe. As extremes are realized, energy moves in and out of that equilibrium, always attempting to level itself to a DIVINE Quietude of PEACE. For every act of Darkness and destruction there is an opening for an equal constructive act of Love and Light. Embrace the Love, Honor, Sympathy, and Compassion being expressed and experienced at this time. Allow it to change you and to deepen your sense of Who You Are.

As those (planes?) shattered the Twin Towers, so was a crystallized shield around the heart of Humanity shattered. You all felt it, did you not? Those of you that work with energy understand this concept of a crystallized shield. Through the eons of time, trials, pain, and suffering, the heart of Humanity became vulnerable to the outer effects of war and struggle. To protect itself and its gentle nature, it armored itself with a shield. That is of what We speak.

The heart (stripped of this armor) is a beautiful thing; it allows the flow of Love freely and abundantly, in and out, without restriction, or misqualification. This is evident in the actions and feelings expressed throughout the world this week. Love has been expressed not only nationwide, but worldwide.

This opening of the heart of Humanity has allowed for a tremendous in-flow of DIVINE LOVE ENERGIES from the Angelic and Ascended Realms. Never in the modern history of Earth Shan has there been such a time when Humanity, collectively, has been so receptive and inviting of this DIVINE ENERGY. So, although this event is surely tragic beyond comprehension, it has resulted in such Love that your world has deeply changed because of it.

Can you embrace and appreciate the Balance in that? Use this opportunity to further open your heart – to further penetrate the Love and Light within you and the Planet. Allow the pain to be felt and the tears to fall. Men and women alike offered their tears freely and openly this week. Allow the cleansing of the heart to continue and wash away the old hard shell that kept Love hidden behind locked doors of fear and anger.

There may be a tendency for some to grip their heart in a fist of fear and anger as the days proceed and the rubble clears. It has been written and accepted in your psychology that anger is a natural step in the path to healing. Perhaps this has been so, but nothing is absolute, and nothing has to result in anger or retaliation. Allow yourself to move beyond the programmed dogmas and conditioned beliefs that have held your heart static.

We invite you to dwell in the open-heartedness and the good that has been felt and expressed, as this is the Upward PATH.

You may gather the crystal shards and rebuild your shield if you wish. Or you can leave the crystals glistening about the atmosphere to magnetize and reflect back to you the Love, Light, and Joy that is the True Reality shining upon you. The choice is yours.

Do not allow yourself to get caught up in the conspiracies and the control dramas of the "victim and the perpetrator," as that is the old way. That energy, if allowed, will run itself out and completely dissolve. Or, it can be re-energized for another round of the same, until you decide, collectively, that you have had enough. Have you had enough yet?

Do not allow yourself to become prey to the distorted patterns of fear, war, retaliation, and anger. Be aware of where, and to what you give your attention; beware, as that is what will manifest!!

Be mindful of what you are resisting.

Resistance is a powerful magnet, which ATTRACTS only that which is being resisted.

Tricky though it may seem, it is the Law.

As your brother Yeshua, said, "Resist not evil" (Matthew 5:39 KJV). In His DIVINE WISDOM, He understood that evil does not exist in the Mind of GOD; rather, it is but a man-made construct held in the lower Consciousness, made real by the power and recognition YOU give it through fear and resistance.

It may surprise or even amuse some of you to hear this, but your "secret cabals" as they have been labeled by some, have used the strategy of resistance in their favor throughout time. They intentionally feed information and ideas that serve their agendas and provoke your resistance, so that their agendas will have your added power to manifest.

They know that resistance works to attract and serves no other function.

Resistance is a mighty teacher in Duality for sure. And in your efforts to avoid limitations from being inflicted upon you, you protest and resist, drawing into reality exactly that which you are resisting. Review your Earth's history and you will see a pattern of Truth in what we speak.

We urge you, "resist not evil". Give it no power at all.

Do not allow yourself to be blinded by false patriotism and lies. Ask within for the Truth to be revealed. Seek the Truth. Expect the Truth. Demand the Truth. Live the Truth.

Collectively, if you do this, you will draw to you the Real Truth. Your thoughts will create a Vortex that will magnetize Truth, and the Darkness in its effort to hide [resist] the Truth, will magnetize it into Reality!!!

See how you can righteously use the Law of Resistance in service to The ONE!!! Use Universal Law with Mastery to create HEAVEN on Earth, as that is how it was intended to work from the beginning. These are your tools, use them wisely, and do not be used by them.

Notice the words of those in influential positions. Notice what they are affirming. "A long, hard road to recovery," seems to be a common theme. We say to you beloveds – DO NOT ACCEPT IT into your Consciousness. There is no absolute here.

You have the ability to change it! When you hear such statements, use your Consciousness to counteract them with something constructive such as,

"Recovery is swift.

Resolution is swift and peaceful.

We are at peace."

It does not have to be a long dark road ahead. Do not allow ‘war’ to be declared for you, if it is not your choosing.

Use your ability to change things through inward action and there will be no need for outward action.

Remember that YOU Are The CREATOR – so what do you choose to create?

Please use discernment toward all information you receive from all sources. I assure you, there is no Master or representative from the Higher Realms that is declaring war or proclaiming the long dark road ahead.

Detach yourself from the various exploited potentials.

Visualize it as YOU wish it to be.

If pictures enter your Consciousness that are not the ideal of Peace, immediately hold them in the Violet Flame and release them into the Light, and then breathe in PEACE.


Affirm the Love and Light that you are.

Affirm PEACE.

Affirm Ascension.

And Transmute anything that comes in your PATH or enters your Consciousness that is not of The LIGHT and LOVE.

We urge you to Guard Your Words and Discussions, your Interactions regarding the potentials of war and retaliation [Anger and Fear].

Again We remind you, whatever you focus attention on is where you hold your Consciousness, and is thus, what you Create. Be mindful and Create Consciously and Responsibly.

Esu Immanuel Yeshua said, 36 “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (Matthew 12:36-37 KJV)

We cannot stress this enough, as so many allow their Consciousness to run off by itself at times, giving power to the outer projection and creating chaos.

It is Mastery to control and direct your thoughts and words, beloveds. So, be very mindful of what you are resisting and what you are calling forth through your thoughts and words.

Many of you seem to be looking for something "to DO" to assist or to bring resolution. Remember always that the outer projection is the illusion. The illusion is only real when you believe it into Reality and allow it to run you. It is empowered by your Beliefs. You have the ability to run your Reality and out-picture it Consciously as you desire it to be.

The TRUE Reality is the Christ-Self within. So, therefore, the only thing for you "to DO" is to focus your heart, your mind, your energy and your attention on the PEACE, TRUTH, and LOVE of the I AM Presence within you. If you join together to do this, as you have all joined together this past week, as One Heart of Love, the Legions of LOVE and LIGHT will band with you and manifest Once (ONE's) and FOR ALL Heaven upon Earth. Can you be the Master that watches and observes, while remaining completely detached from all

Appearances, and detached from the outcome, holding firmly to your True GOD-Reality?

Can you walk The Middle WAY and allow the energy to run its course, holding the Heart Flame steady with the flow of The Mighty I AM within, without allowing the outer disruptive currents to cause you to waver? Can you accept that there is One POWER – One DIVINE ORDER in the Universe and hold your Consciousness there until it becomes manifest in your Reality?

And the answer to all of the above is, of course you can! So, will you but do it! Allow the events of the day to liberate you from the illusions of bondage and limitation. Every event, every tragedy is but another call to wake up from the deep slumber that you have allowed to capture your attention. The alarm clock is ringing; it is time to awaken to the Truth of

who and what you are. Will you awaken or just roll over and wait for another day? The time is now! Be in PEACE and Share your LOVE and so shall be the new order of the day!

So be it.


I am with utter confidence in each and every one of you.


I AM your loving brother St. Germain

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2001

Donna Simelunas



This Channeled Energy Is

Embellished by ONE POINT OF LIGHT

Serving the Most Radiant One in His Mission

(Emphasis [MINE] throughout) – I AM Amaroth

Pursuing My Destiny Mission of ILLUMINATION of all,

ASCENSION of Mother Earth and Her continuing Inhabitants,

Service to Others - YOU and The LIGHT within The Law of ONE


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One Plan To “Resist Not Evil”

(response to Germain’s article on same subject)

(excerpts below taken from that article)

June 30, 2007

UPDATE on July 7, 2007:

(On 777 GAIA told me She expected today’s massive and ever-building energy wave to wake up half or more of the Lightworkers [the 144,000] plus others and that following the next huge 7-17 Re-Connection and Earth-Healing Creation Energy Wave [ten days from now when we Fire The GRID] we likely will be evacuated to Ship in preparation for the 888 Ascension. She has certain required changes She must make prior to that with our help. CMD)


This World has now deeply changed to LOVE.

Can you embrace and appreciate the Balance in that? Use this opportunity to further open your heart – to further penetrate the Love and Light within you and the Planet.

Nothing is absolute, and nothing has to result in anger or retaliation. Allow yourself to move beyond the programmed dogmas and conditioned beliefs that have held your heart static.

We invite you to dwell in the open-heartedness and the good that has been felt and expressed, as this is the Upward PATH.

Do not allow yourself to become prey to the distorted patterns of fear, war, retaliation, and anger. Be aware of where, and to what you give your attention; beware, as that is what will manifest!!

Be mindful of what you are resisting.

Resistance is a powerful magnet, which ATTRACTS only that which is being resisted.

Tricky though it may seem, it is the Law.

As your brother Yeshua, said, "Resist not evil" (Matthew 5:39 KJV). In His DIVINE WISDOM, HE understood that evil does not exist in the Mind of GOD; rather, it is but a man-made construct held in the lower Consciousness, made real by the power and recognition YOU give it through fear and resistance.

They [Dark] know that resistance works to attract and serves no other function.

Do not allow yourself to be blinded by false patriotism and lies. Ask within for the Truth to be revealed. Seek the Truth. Expect the Truth. Demand the Truth. Live the Truth.

Collectively, if you do this, you will draw to you the Real Truth. Your thoughts will create a Vortex that will magnetize Truth, and the Darkness, in its effort to hide [resist] the Truth, will magnetize it into Reality!!!

See how you can righteously use the Law of Resistance in service to The ONE!!! Use Universal Law with Mastery to create HEAVEN on Earth, as that is how it was intended to work from the beginning. These are your tools, use them wisely, and do not be ‘used’ by them.

Notice the words of those in influential positions. Notice what they are affirming. "A long, hard road to recovery," seems to be a common theme. We say to you beloveds – DO NOT ACCEPT IT into your Consciousness. There is no absolute here.

You have the ability to change it!

When you hear such statements, use your Consciousness to counteract them with something constructive, such as,

"Recovery is swift and complete.

Resolution is swift and harmonious.

We are at peace."

It does not have to be a long dark road ahead. Do not allow ‘war’ to be declared for you, if it is not your choosing.

Use your ability to change things through inward action and there will be no need for outward action.

Remember that YOU Are The CREATOR – so, what do you choose to Create?

Please use discernment toward all information you receive from all sources. I assure you, there is no Master or representative from the Higher Realms that is “declaring war” or “proclaiming the long dark road ahead”.

Detach yourself from the various exploited potentials.

Visualize it as YOU wish it to be.

If pictures enter your Consciousness that are not the ideal of Peace, immediately hold them in the Violet Flame and release them into the Light, and then breathe in PEACE.


Affirm the LOVE and LIGHT that you are.

Affirm PEACE.


AND Transmute anything that comes into your PATH or enters your Consciousness that is not of The LIGHT and LOVE.

We urge you to Guard Your Words and Discussions, your Interactions regarding the potentials of war and retaliation [Anger and Fear].

Again We remind you, whatever you focus attention on is where you hold your Consciousness, and is thus, what you Create. Be mindful and Create Consciously and Responsibly.

Esu Immanuel Yeshua (Jesus) said, 36 “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (Matthew 12:36-37 KJV)

We cannot stress this enough, as so many allow their Consciousness to run off by itself at times, giving power to the outer projection [illusion] and creating chaos.

It is Mastery to control and direct your thoughts and words, beloveds. So, be very mindful of what you are resisting and what you are calling forth through your thoughts and words.

Many of you seem to be looking for something "to DO" to assist or to bring resolution.

We are now well aware of the deception used to keep us from knowing Who We Are and WE THE PEOPLE have had Enough !!! We refuse to play the Game any longer, and say STOP – BE GONE to all such trickery.

Remember always that the outer projection is the illusion. The illusion is only real when you “believe it into Reality” and allow it to “run” you. It is empowered by your Beliefs.

You have the ability to “run” your Reality and out-picture it CONSCIOUSLY as you desire it to be. Selah.

Well, then, let’s get started – this is to transmute negativity to positivism

In all the daily RESOLUTIONS given below, Remember:

"Recovery is swift and complete.

Resolution is swift and harmonious.

We are at peace.


Affirm the LOVE and LIGHT that We are;

Affirm JOY and PEACE;


AND Transmute anything that comes into our PATH or enters our Consciousness that is not of The LIGHT and LOVE in the Violet Flame

I AM THAT I AM chooses to bring Full Focus upon and Out-Picture / Project / Envision / Visualize the following RESOLUTIONS on behalf of and for the betterment of each and every Lifeform on Planet Earth Shan (GAIA):

GUARDIANS OF NEBADON - contract-holding GUARDIANS and VANGUARD WAYSHOWERS continue to protect and uplift all Lifeforms toward ever higher evolution; and attempt all the responsibilities inherent in the N E S A R A Program

(CONSTRUCTIVE) THOUGHTFORMS – focus on continuing ideal Planetary surroundings and environment of UNLIMITED Truth, Honesty, Harmony, Freedom, Sovereignty, Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Ascension, Purity, JOY, LOVE, and PEACE

CHEMTRAILS and VACCINES - provide a continuing form-fitting self-cleaning transmuting, neutralizing 0.0001 µ Filter Suit

In Short: provide a clean, pure, and friendly chemical environment

ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - provide a continuing form-fitting “Faraday Cage” Suit plus a similar Lead Suit AND a clear, friendly Global EM Spectrum

In Short: provide a clear and friendly background EMF Spectrum

FOODSTUFFS - provide ready continuing sources of a wide variety of abundant, disease-free, GM-free, pollutant-free, radiation-free, nutritionally-potent (restored to orig blueprint), and reasonably priced, tasty foods UNTIL we are evolved enough to live on the universal energies

In Short: provide ready sources of a variety of pure foods

WATER - provide ready continuing sources of abundant, disease-free, GM-free, pollutant-free, radiation-free, potent (restored to orig blueprint), and reasonably priced water

In Short: provide ready sources of pure water

VITAMINS / SUPPLEMENTS - provide ready continuing sources of a wide variety of abundant, disease-free, GM-free, pollutant-free, radiation-free, nutritionally-potent, and reasonably priced herbs and supplements

In Short: provide ready sources of a variety of pure supplements

DNA REGENERATION - provide continuing restoration, activation, and reconnection of all 12 DNA Double-Helices raising all vibration from the former 666 energy codes to 999 in preparation for the unprecedented Ascension of GAIA including her inhabitants and Divine entry into the Higher Realms (5D or Higher)

In Short: provide reconnection of all 12 DNA Double-Helices

LIGHT RAYS - provide continuing increasing global infusion of all RAYS from the GREAT CENTRAL SUN and all STARGATES raising all vibrations in preparation for the unprecedented Ascension of GAIA including her inhabitants and Divine entry into the Higher Realms

In Short: provide continuing increasing global infusion of LIGHT RAYS

YOUTHING - provide continuing ~30-year-old bodies free of disease, degeneration, deformity, pain, AND matching our orig blueprints

SACRED GEOMETRY & LANGUAGE OF LIGHT GRIDS – provide continuing increased regeneration of all friendly SACRED GEOMETRY and GLOBAL ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC ENERGY GRIDS plus the two protective Planetary Firmaments fully restored until there is no longer need for them

In Short: provide fully restored friendly Earth Energy Grids

LIFESTREAMS - provide continuing abundance, health, wealth, joy, and peace leading toward Reunion with Twin Flame and ultimately The ONE

You are the Light that illumines Mother Earth.

You are the Bringers of the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

“There can be nothing but Beauty”

Much Gratitude to MASTERS, ANGELS, DEVAS, ELEMENTALS, GUIDES et al that all of the above IS ALREADY SO.

May you gain much Knowledge and Wisdom, and Pass Every Test.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 8, 2007


Dear CD:

Thank you for your letter and the document claiming to be from Germain, and your response to it. As you know, the whole basis of Truth for Fourwinds rests upon what Creator God Aton of Light and Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters have given to us one last time before the "End of the Age" in the Phoenix Journals.

Therefore, what I am about to say is not my opinion or the opinions of others, but the Truth, as given to us in these Phoenix Journals. My work is to discern the Truth given to us in these Journals and present it to those who seek it. Truth is always simple and can be easily understood by everyone. Thus, the Laws of God and Creation are simple, clear and easily understood.

First, the writing you have submitted, purported to be from Violinio Germain, is not from him. All these Lighted Beings always identify themselves clearly when they begin their message, so the reader knows who is speaking. This is not the case in this writing, and someone has attached Germain's name at the very end.

Secondly, the Ascended Masters, of which Germain is one, know thoroughly the Laws of God and Creation. As we shall see, this writing purported to be from Germain does not meet that test. The title "Resist Not Evil" appears to be the main theme of the writing, and is based upon the words taken from Esu Immanuel's "Sermon on the Mount" recorded in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible in Matthew 5:39.

The assumption you make is that the Holy Bible is true and correct from beginning to end. Any wise scholar knows that 2000 years of record keeping, translations, revisions, human error and deliberate alterations have greatly changed the original message of the Biblical writings. That is the basic reason for Creator God Aton, Esu Immanuel Sannada and the Ascended Masters giving us the Phoenix Journals today. That is, also, the reason the original writings of Esu Immanuel were kept hidden for 2000 years and then recovered by Billy Meier and presented to us today in the form of The Talmud of Jmmanuel. The Talmud agrees with the Phoenix Journals and verifies the errors presently existing in the Holy Bible.

Let us consider the statement "Resist not evil". In Matthew 5:38-39 (Revised Standard Version) we read, "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' (lex talionis). But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also". . .

In Phoenix Journal #2, p. 36 we read, "You have heard that it has been said: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, exercise justice according to the natural Law of Creation, so that you find the verdict in logic and wisdom. Exercise love where it is warranted, and punish where the Law of nature demands punishment. Ye shall, further, remain with the Laws of The Creation in deciding justice, for ye may not impinge upon the Laws of The Creation in that which has already been laid down for thy judgment in wisdom".

Now, in The Talmud of Jmmanuel, the original writings of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel, Chapter 5, verses 39-41 we read, "You have heard it said: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, exercise justice according to the natural Laws of Creation,, so that you find the verdict in logic. Offer your love wherever it is warranted, and punish wherever the law of nature demands punishment".

We can readily see that Journal #2 and the Talmud totally agree but run contrary to that recorded in the Bible. The Bible leads us to believe that we are not to resist evil, which is totally illogical for the Lightworker, so to justify this statement, we now have this spin that resisting evil serves to attract the evil to us. This is a deadly twist on the Law of Attraction. Someone has also added the false statement about being struck on the cheek and turning the other cheek to be struck a second time.

Satan always takes the truth and gives it a 180 degree turn, so white is black and Dark is Light, as in Lucifer the Illuminated One, the Bright and Morning Star. I tell you, my friend, that Violinio Germain did not write this garbage channeled by Donna Simelunas, and that the New Age jazz has done a great number on many people's brain-dead heads. Look around you! "The world has [not] now deeply changed to love!" Resistance does not attract what is being resisted.

Consider Law #7 of the eighteen Laws of God and Creation, found in Phoenix Journal #27, p. 29...." You shall not murder your fellow man". It does not say, "Thou shalt not kill', (as recorded in the Bible) which leaves room for misunderstanding of interpretations... This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself and your family if your lives are threatened, because that is suicide which is self-murder and so also against God's laws."

This makes it very clear that we are most certainly to resist evil. How else can we be of the Light, if we do not stand against evil?

I mean no offense, my friend, but you are being misled by spirits not of the Light. This is the time of the last sorting, and we all need to use great discernment in all things, so as not to be pulled into the Darkside's camp. I say again that, if what we are being told and asked to believe runs counter to the Laws of God and Creation, it is not true and needs to be discarded as trash.

I suggest that you watch the movie "Avenging Angel", with Kevin Sorbo (2007) and ponder the ending carefully.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer