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"Hello, Central!"Will The U.S. Government Realize Its Goal Of Warring With Iran?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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now I don't know.

Is war with Iran to be in our experience?

How far will this government go before any major (good) changes come in? Martial Law and Detention Camps are

not pleasant thoughts, although I do not dwell on such things. At times I have to wonder though.

Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 27, 2007


Dear FM:

Thank you for your question, the question that has taken the position of "center stage" in world affairs. The evil Bush/Clinton cabal are determined to capture the monopoly control of the world's oil by any means and at any cost, be it money, resources, or human lives.

They have moved far beyond what any of us could have imagined in evilness to achieve their goals of world control. The Afghan War was a means to provide cover and protection for the building of their illegal oil pipeline through Afghanistan to steal the oil of the Caspian Sea area. The Iraq War was done to force Iraq to sign over 80% of the Iraqi oil resource to U.S. Oil Companies in perpetuity.

Now, the goal is to capture the oil fields and resources of Iran and to finally control the energy resources of the Middle East. Saber rattling against Iran has continued for many years. The Bush/Clinton Cabal seek war with Iran under the guise of stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons. This is all a great lie! Iran is not engaged in building nuclear weapons, but providing nuclear power as a source of energy for their industrial and domestic needs.

As recently as last night the treasonous U.S. Senate "by an outrageous vote of 76-22" passed the Kyl-Lieberman amendment to the Defense Authorization (funding) Bill, authorizing war with Iran. These people covet war, covet oil and covet power!

To answer your question, no war with Iran will be allowed. In December, 2006 forty-eight major countries, including the U.S. signed agreements with Global Family to end all war on planet Earth. Also, Creator God Aton has decreed that not only will no more use of nuclear for evil intent be allowed, but also, that no more war would be allowed on our planet.

It is a paradox that the three Zionist controlled countries of the U.S., Britain and Israel are trying to destroy Iran under the false claim of having/making nuclear weapons, when they are three of the top four nations in our world having stock-piles of nuclear weapons. The U.S. stands at the top with the greatest number of nuclear weapons, followed by Russia, Israel and Britain. Many years ago Iran signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement, but Israel has not only refused to sign it, but also has refused to allow UN inspection teams to come into Israel to inspect for nuclear weapons. They neither will admit nor deny that they have nuclear weapons, even though it is common knowledge that they do, and rank number three in the world in the number of nuclear weapons.

Three times this past summer U.S. Navy planes intercepted Israeli planes and stopped them from attacking Iran. The Forces of Light continue to monitor the Middle East and prevent war with Iran. The Bush/Clinton Cabal and treasonous U.S.Congress shall soon be removed from power. The Age of War is ending on planet Earth. Know it!

We petition for the Light to soon reign supreme on Earth Shan.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer