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"Hello, Central!" Does The Death Of My Enlightened Friend This Week Mean That He Has Chosen To Go On To Another 3D Lifestream? Also, Why Am I Having Allergies?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nd our way forever out of.

"Hello, Central!" What Are The Physical Symptoms Caused By Low Frequencies In The Human Body?," struck me at a very "sensitive" time. last monday, september 18th, my roommate and best friend of four years passed away due to a hit and run on the west side highway in manhattan, NY. he is the spitting image of being an amazingly positive and loving soul. he went through life gaining any knowledge he could find. he would never deny anything, he knew the difference between good and evil. he would always listen. he was a lightworker and didn't even know it. he was well aware of the state of the world, the corruption of the governments, 9/11, everything. truthseeker most definitely. he gained extensive knowledge through me and a few others, who we all came to this same "cross road of truth" through different paths and knowledge., all knowing and believing the same things. he was one of the first people i would goto and discuss what i've learned. with some topics, he would think i was nuts at first, but later on, after it would sink in, he would say that everything i told him made total sense, and he knew. he expressed what he knew and how he felt through the music he created as well. he was aware and was accepting and loving in everything he did. what struck me about your article was when you said, "Those, who have chosen at a soul level to remain in 3D, cannot stand the higher frequencies of our 4D world and are leaving. Strange things are happening."

his death happened on monday. i thought about so many things over those next few days. my mind has been on the brink of everything i have ever known, staring me dead with love in the face, a million doors, inside and out, i believed he gained many many things he needed to know in this time of our and his lives, and he maybe volunteered to leave a little early to help many the people who can be saved. i resinate with that, and i resinate with your message as well. your message came a few days later, and i couldn't help but question, did he decide to stay in 3D? what does that exactly mean? he has to start all over in 3D? he's too good to have to start all over. when i get real deep and think about the whole picture, it makes sense - he would be a perfect candidate to leave now and assist with bringing peace and making this world a better place. if he wanted to do that here on earth, through music, he can most definitely do that in a higher place. i honestly mean that, patrick, with everything i've got.

I'm not asking for answers, i just need a better understanding. I'm sure you can imagine how i feel right now.

there's something else that disturbed me too. i have been getting these random "allergies" lately within the past year for the first time of my life. it did occur to me that it was due to changing in frequencies, but i also thought it may be that i smoke cigarettes and the environment that i live in (NYC, brooklyn, industrial section). it disturbed the hell outa me because you later say that those who are truthseekers and lightworkers are in 4D and aren't experiencing these problems. but i am a truthseeker. i am a lightworker. am i choosing to live in 3D without even knowing it or wanting to? is ones soul contract set in stone and therefore even if the soul is awake and enlightened it still has to start all over if the contract says so? everything you said makes so much sense, but this got me.

I am so confused.

like i said, that message hit at a sensitive time, but i ask you to respond in all honesty, don't worry about "toning it down" for me because I'm in a sensitive state. if you need to give me a "swift kick in the ass" please do... though i will say that it will hurt.

please get back to me when you can.

in love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 30, 2006


Dear AM;:

Thank you for your letter. I send Love and Light to you in your loss. In a short writing such as a "Hello, Central!", it is hard to give full explanations to a given subject.

You ask about your enlightened friend leaving this 3D life early. Please understand that all, who are here now on Earth Shan, are Returned Maters. Most have not yet awakened. Those, who do not awaken will go on to another 3D lifestream to awaken at a later time. They cannot remain here, because Earth Shan is moving into 5D (Heaven on Earth) of much higher frequencies.

Those, such as your friend, who are enlightened and, who choose to leave early for whatever reason, return to the Higher Realms as Masters, and do not need to continue in any 3D experience for their lessons in soul growth. The awakening to Truth makes all the difference in one's future. My statement that you quoted is only true for those, who do not awaken in this present lifestream.

In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says that all people on Earth Shan at this present time are Returned Masters, and everyone of us are here because we agreed to come and assist in Earth Shan's transition into 5D. Each of us placed "alarm clocks" (signals/experiences) in our 3D pathway to wake us up to Truth. Should we choose to ignore these "wake up calls" and continue at the 3D frequency level and not learn our lessons in soul growth as planned, and assist with Earth Shan's transition, we agreed to move on to another 3D experience on another planet, picking up our lessons where we left off here. We, also, agreed to a handicap of remaining in 3D for at least another 350 thousand years. This handicap may seem extreme, but it gives us an understanding of how important we considered our mission to be of assisting Earth Shan and her people into the fifth dimension.

Your second question concerned allergies that you are experiencing. Allergies are irritations of the skin caused by various microbes, reactions to various substances such as cosmetics or food and also commonly result from toxins leaving the body via the skin.

Recently, allergies resulting from toxin removal from the body has become quite common. Our bodies are changing gradually to a "Light Body", as the frequencies rise. Our bodies are "housecleaning" and removing wastes and toxins, as organs change, new organs grow, and the cells change from carbon base to crystalline.

Your body eliminates toxins through the urinary and digestive tracts, the lungs by coughing, the skin by sweating, etc. When the body is in overload of toxins, it often removes them via the skin, which may cause allergies. We overload our bodies with harmful chemicals in the food we eat, the substances we drink, the air we breath, the cosmetics we use, exposure to chemicals in the workplace, and so on.

In addition to that most people drink alcohol, use prescription drugs, illicit drugs, or smoke cigarette as you do. Your body is over-loaded with poisons and has no way to eliminate them except through the skin. It is essential to your transition into a Light body that you stop smoking and eliminate as many toxins as possible from entering your body and from exposure to it.

If you truly are a Lightworker, you must take care of your body first, before you can be of much assistance to others. You must care about yourself before you can truly care about others, for you are the most important person to you in learning your lessons in soul growth. When you have learned your basic lessons as a student, then you can become a teacher of those lessons to others.

I understand your grief at the loss of your friend, and I understand your confusion in these chaotic times. Go within for peace and for clarity. Your Guardian Angels ever stand ready to assist you. You need only to ask them for their help.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer