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"Hello, Central!" Do You Have Any Suggestions About The Best Technique For Meditation?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Do you mind if I always ask some more question to both of you ? I wonder about many things hapen in this universe but I do not have a person / friends to answer those and make me satisfy.

Do you have any sugestion about the best technic for meditation ?

Love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 14, 2005


Dear MS.:

Thank you for your letter. I shall always try and answer your questions.

Meditation is quite simple. Find a quiet place if possible, sit down in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and focus your thoughts within. Try and close out all thoughts of things around you. Think about those in the Higher Realms and direct your thoughts and questions to one specific Angel or Ascended Master or to Creator God. Then talk to that one through your thoughts and listen for their message to you in your thoughts. It may take some practice to make a spiritual connection.

Be sure you order all dark energies and entities away from you while you are meditating. Ask your Guardian Angels to keep them away from you and to protect you, always. May you always find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
