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"Hello, Central!" Never Give Up; Hope is Here!

Short Cakes

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k and Anne for their unconditional love and determination that they give daily to bring us this information website and an opportunity to share our own thoughts and views.

Much as been said about the delays, the condition of the world, the dispair and seeming hopelessness. Some are concerned about a possible evacuation and others are excited about it. I believe Patrick is trying to prepare each of us for the possibility of an evacuation so we won't be frightened and we will be prepared. I also know that we are children of Light experiencing life in this physical body and world. That we have the spark of the Divine, the Mighty I Am Presence, our true self created in the image and likeness of God within each of us. That we are truely co-creators with God and because this is so and is our true reality we can and do create our own world and the world around us. So, the more of us that hold the image of the Golden Age now, Peace, Love and Freedom now, the National Economic, Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) announced and implemented now, new leadership in Washington now - the faster our world will change and the more souls that can be saved that will move into this new age of Light and Love.

This is not as easy as it seems. The truth of who we are and the power of God within has been hidden from us so it takes work to break through the old thoughts, feelings, fears and negative momentums of lifetimes. We have to be diligent and when the waves of fear and doubt, negative thoughts and feelings hit us - we need to realize that is not who we are - its what the darkside, evil wants us to believe. We need to stop it before it takes hold of us. We all have a lot of help if we only will ask. Call on the Ascended Master, Archangel Michael, the Angels of Light, our own personal Guardian Angels of Light and ask for protection, for help. We have the right to demand that all evil, all that is less than God's Light and Love be removed from our lifes and world, never to return again and to be replaced with the God gualities we want to outpicture and have in our life - like love, forgiveness, peace, hope, joy, freedom, healing, abundant life and prosperity. No, its not easy to look at ourself and say this is an area that I need to work on if my world and life is going to change for the be better.

People are changing and the world is changing for the better if we just really take a closer look and don't get drawn into the news and lies of the darkside, of evil. People are more open to the truth and more are searching for answers than ever before. I can see a big change in just the last year. Even movies and website that were not available even a year ago are popping up everywhere and people are embracing these new found truths. A wonderful DVD called "The Secret" which will help you and provide you the tools needed to stay positive is available now (can be found at: This teaching has been know by the so called "Powers to Be" for 1000's of years and they have used it to control the children of Light and have kept it from us. The Secret can be seen on Opra Winfrey this Thursday. Also another movie called the Celestine Prophecy has come out and is on DVD. I found it on Netflex. It is based on the book by the same name that came out about 25 years ago. It gives you 9 insights which really gives you an idea of who you really are. The movie is a wonderful adventure story.

Dear friends, don't lose hope, don't believe in the big lie, the illusion of a reality that is not meant to be ours. It is true, we are here on a mission and each of us in our own way can make a difference, can co-create a new world of love and light. We each have the same Light of God within us. We each have the same ability to be a part of this great awakening. It's up to each of us to take a stand and say, "Enough is enough. I Am a child of light and I will not accept the lies and tricks of the darkside, evil anymore." We each have free will to choose what we want for ourselves, those we love and for the world.

So, what if, everyone that reads this decides that each day they are going to make an effort not to accept the fear, the old creations any more but instead they are going to cast them into God's unconditional love and light and ask the heavenly host of Light for help? What if each day we pray for and visualize the world we want to live in, a world of peace, love, prosperity, freedom, N.E.S.A.R.A. - even if its only a few minutes a day and we don't let anything move us from that belief and focus? I believe if we each tried we would see things change in our world, especially in our own personal world and life. Prophecy can be changed. Much of it already has because we the children of Light are waking up to the truth. As with many of you, I have also gone through so much hardship in my life but that is changing now because I have decided that the only one that is going to change my life and world is me with the help of God in and through me. I am learning to recognize all the blessings big and small that I didn't notice before and the power of gratitude. I Am constantly giving thanksgiving for everything in my life and what I am praying for even before it manifests. The Secret works. With truth and knowledge comes power and change because you know the Light and power of God within can be the power to change the world, to bless all God's children with the abundant life, love, peace and freedom.

I also know without any doubt as events unfold before us God and His Legions of Light will protect us and help us move into this Golden Age of Wisdom, Love and Light. It is already here waiting for us to accept it. God has already promised us. Just remember to make the call and ask for protection, wisdom, descernment, help and what ever you need. Then believe, know it is done, know that God's blessings are unlimited and available for all. Listen to your heart, that still inner voice when in doubt of whether something is true or not or whether it is of the Light. And as Patrick has said, when in doubt demand that all that is not of the Light leave your space and world and replace it with God's Light, Love, Truth and Abundant Life.

Each of you are always in my prayers and heart. May God bless each of you with His Love, Peace, Freedom, Joy, Prosperity, Healing and the Abundant Life,