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"Hello, Central!" I Have An Anxiety Disorder. How Do I Stay Calm During Lift-off?

Parick H. Bellringer

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ad anxiety disorder since childhood. How am I to remain calm in order to be beamed safely onto a ship, if I tend to be anxious most of the time? I have read that Starseeds tend to have anxiety issues. What might you suggest? Any insights from you would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 18, 2006


Dear D:

Never be alone. Always have a friend with you, who is bigger than you and who carries a 2x4 (a piece of wood two inches by four inches at least four feet long)at all times. When the beam of Light appears, your friend is to be instructed to immediately hit you on the head with the 2x4, and you will be just fine! Just kidding!

Trust your Angels to help you stay calm. Know in your heart that you are going to a fantastic place of peace and happiness, and where stress is unknown. You are leaving all anxiety and health problems behind. You will be so happy about the occasion that you will forget all about being anxious. You are going to meet other Star Seeds!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

P.S. Just think about my first solution to your anxiety problem, and you will forget about being anxious.