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"Hello, Central!" Bellringer, You Are Full of Contradictions! (Updated October 1, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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a great deal of credibility.

You mentioned other opinions about the so called 'Sleep or Stasis spoken of by others as being wrong because it would not be in accord with our 'free will'. That we did not give permission for this condition to be imposed on us as a race. Yet in the very next breath you say that the Earth is probably about to tip on its axis and that the Star people are then going to evacuate the planet, with pets, as you have said in previous texts.

I'm sorry but this is a glaring contradiction. The human race has not been consulted over this either.

The vast majority of folk would not ask for this, would not be aware of this supposed provision for our survival.

People being exposed to this experience would be totally traumatised, releasing so much negative Karma into the Universe through their absolute TERROR of an event like this, that all the light which we might have would be extinguished instantly don't you think? For the Gallactic Friends to be able to handle the billions of people they would have to resort to some kind of sedation would you think?

You also mention in previous texts that those who do not remain calm and surrender to the BEAMS would be left behind to cope with as you have said, almost certain death on a 3rd dimentional cataclysm. Your lack of logic and cold heartedness beggars belief.

You say that Jupiter can't explode and become a Sun as this would upset the delicate balance of our solar system when infact in the next word you state that the rest of the planets are at 5d allready. But it would not be to upsetting for all the entire Galaxy for us to move along thousands of light years in distance and take on a Sun from the Piaides.

Please Patrick, compare apples to apples etc. Don't denegrate some poor other persons site who is trying to do just the same as you and give out information to a thirsty world and make catagorical statements that only you have all the facts because you have the Phoenix Journals.

Sounds very much to me like the claims made by the two major world religions as to their total 'Rightness' and "You who don't believe are going to Hell!".

I must state that I do not think that the Big Sleep theory is right or that yours is either. It could be a combination of both. (Would be great to fall asleep and be gently brought back to waking "On Board") Would be more loving.

We do not have the capacity as a race to exercise free will. We are simply too damaged by the horrific genetic interference over millenia by ET's who have distorted our dna, our minds and intellect, causing us, through no fault of our own as a species to behave in ways that has left the diabolical events in world history with the attendant Karma that goes with it. This done deliberately so that we could be controlled in our ignorance and fear.

We need and deserve Devine Intervention from an All Loving Creator. Most of what has happened as the result of 'cause and effect' as the debt load of world Karma was beyond our control even though we "Did the deeds". A Universal 'Catch 22"

Certainly our free will was never even considered by the darker ET's and Fallen spirit beings from higher plains who 'Interfeared' with our Innocence.

I commend you for your zeal Patrick, to you and your good wife. I love you unconditionally.

We are all IMMORTAL in our Devine Self, our I AM Presences.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: October 1, 2007


Dear PVR:

Thank you for your letter. I speak the Truth of the Phoenix Journals. If you take exception to that, you must consult with Hatonn/Aton and the Ascended Masters, who presented that Truth to us for our time.

You neglect to consider that you agreed to return to this planet and assist with her transition into 5D. Earth Shan has a freewill, as a spiritual entity, as do you and I. It is Creator's Plan, not ours, for her to move into 5D. We have trashed her (people of earth), and she is now dying. To save her life, she must self-cleanse through earth changes, over which we have no control.

There are no contradictions. We all agreed to experience here and now. Do not limit God. The Star People have great ability and have done planet evacuations before.

You attack me and claim that I am destroying another's work and website. My friend, your ignorance and lack of discernment are showing. I did not write the Phoenix Journals. I am only presenting them to you for your edification. If their message contradicts what another claims as Truth, so be it! I am a Truthbringer, and I stand firmly on what Creator God Aton of Light is telling us through these Journals. Discredit them, as you wish, and trash me, as the Truthbringer, but that does not change the Truth, for Truth stands on its own merits.

You talk nonsense about freewill. We are not damaged and warped individuals because some race altered our genetic make-up in the past, leaving us not responsible for our actions. This defies the basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. You reap what you sow, and are held accountable for what you do. You came here (we all did) as Returned Masters to assist at this time, but most (including you?) have yet to awaken to their true mission.

Know that the Darkside knows more about freewill then you do, and proves it daily. You are lost in the fog of doubt and that you have been treated unfairly, so you are handicapped in your freewill and not responsible for you mess, so exceptions should be made in your case?

That's a good line, if you plan to repeat more lifestreams in 3D.

Creator God's Laws are absolute. The entire Cosmos operates upon laws that are absolute. You can say and think and do what you wish, but you shall not change them. That is probably the greatest problem people have with the Phoenix Journals. This present civilization has evolved to the point of such permissiveness and "free thinking", that we object vehemently to any restrictions or rules. Is it any wonder that our society is now shocked at the suggestion of the finality of the Laws of God and Creation?

We do not deserve Divine Intervention. Such intervention is happening to save our planet, not us. We save ourselves by faithfully following the Laws of God and Creation, and we repeat our lessons until we do. Know it.

May you find your way to the Red Road of Truth, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----

From: ME


Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 11:30 AM

Subject: misconduction?

Hi Pat

Do U mean that we have been misconducted by Candace and the others? If so, whom should we believe then within these ends of time? Tell me sincerely and please do not post my email address.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: October 1, 2007


Dear ME;

As I have said repeatedly, our work at Fourwinds and the Truth we present is based solely upon the Phoenix Journals. Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters used these Journals, as a means of giving the people of Earth Shan the Truth one last time, prior to the "end of the Age of Darkness". We measure all information presented today by the "yardstick" of the Phoenix Journals.

If what Candace Frieze and others are saying runs counter to what Creator God is saying in the Phoenix Journals, we set it aside, as being untruth. We are to use great discernment in everything.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: T


Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 4:42 PM

Subject: Contradictions reply;

From: PVR

Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 6:30 AM

Subject: Contradictions

I can reply about how the evacuation process happens. How about how we usually do it?

The first to go are the kids, which is usually anyone under the age of 8. They don't have the knowledge to decide for themselves, so they are automatically evacuated up to the ship. The smaller ones, who get upset, will be made to sleep so that they go through less trauma. The older ones will be evacuated at the same time, but they would be awake. From my experience with kids, they want to leave once the shift begins. And they go willingly! Same with the pets. They know what is going on and go willingly. Telepathy, remember? We can talk to them.

Next are the people who want to be evacuated. There is a list of people already in the massive computers about who they are, and they go next. With all those ships up there, they can all go at once and not cause a bottleneck. Any who get upset in spite of knowing this is going to happen, are made to sleep.

Next are the last miniters, the ones who wait until all this begins and decide they want to go. We look at their aura, and if they have love in it, they are automatically evacuated as well. If they don't have love in their aura, we have to land to pick them up, because the transporters would hurt them. We land to gather up as many as we can in the 15 minutes left.

I have been known for helping as many as I can grab and going right down to the last second, evacuating those people. I have also gotten in trouble for this. Because it puts me and the ship in danger. So I have been warned to behave myself this time around. :)

Finally we reach the point where no one can be evacuated anymore, and we have to back off. Those that are not on the ships now, it is too late. We can't help them.

But don't freak out, only the body dies. The spirit doesn't!!! They will go on after their body dies, and they will be sent to where they are to belong. We take care of everyone, on the planet, in the planet and above the planet. And evacuation means everyone. The only thing that kills the spirit, the golden cord, is a direct hit from a nuke. And that is not going to happen.

How do I know this? Because I'm an Earthean Eagle and have done evacuations before.