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"Hello, Central!" What If One Has Grown Tired Of Waiting To Know His Soul's Intent And Just Feels Like Leaving Now? All I Do Is Wait And Worry.

Patrick H. Bellringer

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wait and worry )



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 26, 2005


Dear WS:

Why do you worry? For what are you waiting? Each day is a jewel given to you to use, to enjoy, to learn, to grow, to help someone. This day is all you have. Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow has not yet come. This day is a gift to you from Creator God to use in a rewarding way. If you throw it away by worry and waiting, it is lost to all humanity, and you are less than you could have been.

In time your soul will tire of waiting for you to use today for learning your lessons in soul growth. Your soul and your Guardian Angels may determine that it is time for you to leave this failed 3D experience and to move on. That is your choice. At any time you can choose to stay or to leave. Should that happen, know that you do not skip any lessons or grades on your 3D school room experiences. You will always return from the Great Wheel of Reincarnations to the point where you left off in your least lessons in soul growth. You may have changed your body and the geography, but the same lessons will be repeated until you have learned them. Is that what you desire?

Ask yourself what it is that you are waiting for, and why? Why are you throwing away the gift of today? That is all you have! What is it about which you are worrying? Why? Worry and doubt are two major tools of the Darkside to stall you in your lessons of soul growth. You can change nothing by worrying. Worry stems from a lack of faith in your own creative thought-power. You are what you think!

If you think you are afraid, you are. If you think you are tired, you are. If you think you are helpless, you are. This is based upon the Cosmic Law of Returns. The energies that you create go into the ethers and Creation returns them to you in like kind, but in multiple amount. If you create the negative energies of worry and fear and tiredness and helplessness these will only increase, as these energies return to you in increased amounts.

The reverse is also true. Remember, you are what you think! If you think you are happy, you are! If you think you are strong, you are! If you think that life has great possibilities, it does! Why?---because the positive energies that you create will also be returned to you in like kind and in increased amount. Please understand that through your God Spirit within you have a connection to all the creative energy of Creator Source. Through your thoughts you can tap all the positive energy of Heaven, and that's a lot, my friend! You just haven't figured that out, yet!

Another thing that you may have forgotten is that you never travel your pathway alone. Everyone has at least two Guardian Angels appointed to guide and guard them at birth, and who never leave their side. They never interfere in your freewill choices, but they will respond instantly when you ask for their help. Your Guardian Angels probably do not have much to do, as you have neglected to ask for their help. I have mine working over-time!

I suggest that you find someone who needs your help---anyone and anything. There are people all around you who need something. Be creative. Remember, "Random acts of Kindness"---and deliberate acts of love. Be a listener. Be a doer and do something. Be a helper, a fixer, a driver---love in action.

You will be surprised how quickly you will forget all about worrying and feeling tired. Do some real physical exercise and make your muscles tired. I guarantee you that you will sleep at night. There is no greater feeling than the joy of knowing that you helped someone, who really needed your help and who sincerely appreciated it. In giving your positive energy you receive it back in greater amount. This is another version of "seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you".

My friend, life is really about thinking and believing. What you think about, comes about, because you alone create those energies. Believe that you can do it, and you can. Believe that your Angels will help you, and they will. Believe that you are protected, and you are.

Ask the Forces of Light to remove all Dark energies and entities from your space and fill it with the positive energies of hope and peace and happiness. The waiting is over. I believe NESARA is soon here. The journey of the Lightworkers on Earth Shan has been most difficult, but we have won! Believe it, know it, my brother, and walk in peace with your Angels. This day is all you have to make a difference.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
