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"Hello, Central!" The Ballgame Between Fourwinds and Bank of America!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t going through that document helping give clarity to the information I was presenting. As a lightworker I believe my role to be one of truth, helping others who seek such information, and grounding higher energy levels as they become available to Earth Shan. I have found with the raising of my own vibrations new streams of thought seem to enter my consciousness, epiphanies if you will. This is something I'm sure you have experienced as well but one in particular I thought was particularly relevant as a sign of things to come and decided I would share it with you.

I am 25 now but when I was 6 years old I played for a baseball team in a T-ball league. The team I played for was 'Fourwinds', which was a moving company that was our sponsor. This was the first sporting team I had ever played for and we had a season to remember. We won every single game we played except the championship game. As you can imagine for 6 year-olds that was quite a shock not winning. The team we lost to was 'Bank of America'. It occurred to me the other day how interesting this was considering the times we are living in and the lesson I learnt from this experience. I see that loss as a lesson to never give up, always believe in yourself, and most importantly to keep things in perspective by keeping your ego at bay. By letting ourselves, even as 6 year-olds, get complacent and egotistical we lost. The interesting part is how this experience relates to us all today. I read your website 'Fourwinds' on a daily basis and see it as a beacon of truth, love, and light. 'Bank of America' represents to me the old ways of control, profiteering, and darkness. All together this little baseball game seems like it holds a greater lesson for humanity. If we never give up, we believe in ourselves, and keep things in perspective we of truth, love, and light will prevail over anything the dark has to offer. For those out there that await NESARA and other changes in government, business, banking, and life in general - hang in there, live in love and together we will win. The truth is we already have. Remember my team 'Fourwinds' was a moving company!

I hope you found this as interesting as I did Patrick and if you'd like to share it on your website feel free. Just on a side note I also have recently been reading John Grau's website 'Sign of Jonah' and find it quite valuable in understanding 3D thinking. It might be of some benefit to your readers to link this site to Fourwinds. Either way thanks again for your time and I wish you and your family all the best.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 16, 2007


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter and interesting childhood story. The four great virtues are Wisdom, Bravery, Fortitude and Generosity. They correspond to your "never giving up" (Fortitude), believe in yourself (Bravery), and keeping things in perspective (Wisdom).

We have had a link to "The Sign of Jonah" for some time.

Thank you for holding the Light in your community.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer