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"Hello, Central!" How Could We Have Won In 3D On May 7, But Failed To Win In 3D On May 9?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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osperity programs, The Second Coming and The Golden Age.

There is some confusion I would like to inquire about. Already I entertain questions from friends:

1. How could we have won in 3D on May 7, but failed in 3D on May 9?

2. "Those responsible for delivering bank packets again defied the World Court, The U.S. Supreme Court and The U.S. Justice Dep't...."

A. Which delivery systems failed failed to follow these orders?

B. Have these delivery systems now been permanently put out of business, as previously stated, or are they still delivering other packages ("business as usual")?

Please share whatever you are allowed to at this point. Your words are deeply appreciated.

I will continue to pray and call for Nesara Now. Thank you.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 9, 2006


Dear RH.:

Agreements were reached on May 5 for all to be completed by the delivery process on May 8 and 9. These are 3D decisions to be carried out by 3D people. The Lightside had won on May 5, because prior to that date nothing was to be given to the people, and the Darkside was in the position to control the U.S. and take all funds in these various programs for themselves.

UPS and Fed. Ex. are the two main delivery systems responsible for bringing the bank packets to the recipients. They have continually shown their allegiance to the Carlyle Group and the Bush Crime Family, who have great power through their control of much of the world's oil and gold. Basically, the U.S. Military, the Industrial Complex, the U.S. political and judicial systems are all subservient to them.

Therefore, when agreements are reached and orders must be carried out, those who are to enforce those orders are always compromised by the Darkside. Either they are in fear of the Darkside, or they have come under the influence of the Darkside, or they actually work for them as double agents. Never has there been anyone in authority during this long NESARA Mission process, who has been able to cause the enforcement of the agreements reached and the orders given.

It is Divinely imperative that 3D humans participate in every step of this mission to restore balance and harmony to our planet. We created the mess and we are required by Heaven to assist in cleaning it up with their help, but we must take the first 3D actions. Having now failed all 3D options thus far, we are running out of time.

Yesterday, the negativity created from the failure of the NESARA Mission again was so great that Mother Earth nearly "flipped" her axis. One more time our Star Friends prevented that from happening, but they, too, are tired of the waiting and of the suffering on our planet. The people of Earth Shan have been on this Darkside merry-go-round far too long.

What options do we have left to turn things around to goodness? Some believe we have exhausted all 3D options at this time. Who will enforce the Laws, the agreements, the orders of the NESARA Mission? Who will enforce the embargo ordered against UPS and Fed. Ex. for not carrying out their orders?

As things stand at this point in time, Heaven and Earth are in agreement that Divine Intervention in full force is now necessary to break the 3D impasse created by the recalcitrant Darkside. If Mother Earth can continue to hold a bit longer, that mass intervention would be in the form of First Contact. If not, then it would be "Lift-off".

All enlightened ones, and especially the Lightworkers worldwide, are honored by Heaven for creating through their prayer power phenomenal amounts of positive energy to push the Darkside so far toward the abyss. They have not failed nor have they been defeated on this 3D level. It is the Darkside, who has failed their contracts by refusing to turn to the Light. Their only salvation is to immediately step from the Darkness into the Light. Failure to do so will cause their demise.

We have reached the end of the Great Chess Game between Light and Darkness on Earth Shan. No matter the Plan we follow, whether it be A, B, or C, the Light wins! In the end "check mate" against the Darkside shall be declared by Creator God Aton, and all evil shall be removed from our beloved planet forever.

From all appearances Plan A is no longer viable, and we are to follow Plan C, unless Mother Earth decides otherwise. Be in hope and peace, knowing that goodness is being restored to all of us, who so choose it.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer