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"Hello, Central!" How Much Longer Must Dear Earth Shan Suffer?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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us planet of "free will". I have concluded that NONE of the above situations truly exist. The reason is - The Reptilian Illuminati! They truly have negated any semblance of "free will" on Earth Shan since their arrival! How can mortal man be expected to cope with and negate the evil machinations of these evil ones, when They are confounding even the plans of The Lighted Realms? How much longer must dear Earth Shan suffer their microwave and scalar earthquakes, their depleted uranium, which is causing damage on par with a "forbidden" nuclear event. DU IS A DEVASTATING NUCLEAR EVENT!! Mortal man does not have the power to combat these evil ones, nor could We ever comprehend the depths of their depravity and destruction. If We The People were to ever mount an offense against Them, they have all kinds of weaponry that would destroy Us, and perhaps even Earth Shan, in a flash!! Beings from the Lighted Realms have admitted that They have made mistakes and underestimated these dark ones, so how could mortal man ever overcome Them?

That brings me to "As Above So Below" and "As Below So Above. Well, I'm not aware of any reptilian Illuminati running around "Above"!! We're stuck with their despicable evil and destruction here "Below"!! Also, wasn't it some kind of "mistake" that They were allowed to sneak in here in the first place?? From my search for TRUTH, I truly have come to think that these evil ones are doing as much or MORE to harm Shan than We The People!! Plus, what about the radioactive probes that have been deployed to Jupiter and Saturn. What is suddenly causing the strange formations on the surface of Jupiter? They are launching their evil and depravity into space - with each shuttle, satellite, and "space probe"!

Well, perhaps I'm just getting sick and tired of seeing day after month after year go by with no end in sight. Meanwhile people and the ecosystem and Shan are dying a little/LOT every day!! Lightworkers are trying their darndest, but how many of them have researched the evil and depravity of these ones - Collectively, They have no clue about - designer viruses/bacteria/fungus, being spread by injection and CHEMTRAILS; depleted uranium; fluoride, mercury and other heavy metals in CHEMTRAILS, the fact that there has long been a cure for every disease, while millions suffer horrible deaths and millions more contribute to useless causes; how about weather ownership and modification-like Katrina; how about the detention camps and foreign armies to round Us up; how about the ability to control our minds with their massive array of "cell phone" alias microwave towers; then there are the "chips" that most anyone who has had surgery or dental work in the last 10-15 years ALREADY HAS IN THEIR BODY SOMEWHERE? My list is so long and so sickening, I think I'll stop here.

Why must God/The Lighted Realms honor Our "free will" while the reptilian Illuminati negated it ages ago? Why must Earth Shan continue to suffer, as well as her plants and animals that are becoming extinct at a frantic pace? We The People and the Lighted realms haven't overcome the dark ones in all this time. With such a HUGE liability, Shan should ascend to her rightful place before irreparable damage is done! I shudder to think what "Black Button" there is somewhere, that can be detonated when the Illuminati think their cause is lost, for then Shan would be lost!! It doesn't have to be a nuclear device of any kind, as They have lots of other powerful technologies at Their fingertips, many of which They are using, in "milder" forms, right now!

You have a LOT more knowledge about all this than I do, thank goodness. I know/HOPE my reasoning is amuck in numerous areas. I just see the light going out in so many people who have worked so long and hard and have seen nothing to make them think they are making the slightest difference. I guess that's one of the tests - to keep believing despite no apparent progress. It just seems that the "rules of the game" got REALLY messed up when the Reptilians slipped onto the gameboard!! PLEASE help We The People to see where what I have described is incorrect, and how the game is still even despite the change in rules in midstream!! WE really need a good Bellringer pep talk right about now! Thanks for listening!

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 21, 2007


Dear PD:

Thank you for your letter and "cry in the dark". From a third dimensional perspective our world looks very bleak right now. Evil has run its course, as you have described, leaving little hope of recovery of our planet and her people by the Lightworkers.

It is true that Creator God Aton called a halt to our Third Grand Experiment at the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987, because the Darkside had cheated. They had broken our agreement by bringing in off-world evil 4D aliens to help them win against the Light. With the Experiment ended, our Darkside adversaries were now to return to the Light, as they had agreed to do in our original contract.

This they refused to do, and they pressed on toward their goal of total world domination by the Darkside. The Lightworkers have stood against them, up-setting their plans time and time again for another twenty years of "over-time". This was not anticipated in Heaven's Plan, but we had held Earth Shan from being destroyed by these evil ones.

In 1998 with the threat of nuclear being detonated a second time in war on our planet, Creator God decreed that such would no longer be allowed. Because the Darkside had broken their agreement with the Lightworkers and with Creator God, Heaven could now step in and intercede without compromising the Cosmic Law of Non-interference on our third dimensional planet.

No one has negated our freewill! The Reptilian Illuminati have over-whelmed us, as Lightworkers, at times, but our freewill is intact. Many Lightworkers have failed to use their creative thought-power of their God Spirit within, and also to call upon the Forces of Light for help, when the Red Road of Truth became difficult to travel.

Many of us have forgotten our Mission and our power. We focus on the 3D world around us, and think we are limited physical beings, living in a chaotic world, that must be controlled by physical means. "The world is too much with us, late and soon!" The Truth is that we are spiritual beings with great power, who have come into a 3D world to learn our lessons in soul growth, and to use our spiritual power to make a difference.

The Plan was for us to complete the Third Grand Experiment, learn our lessons, the Dark workers would return to the Light, and together we would bring balance and harmony to Earth Shan in the 25 years allowed by Creator God from 1987 to 2012. Our planet would then move into 5D along with her people, who had graduated out of 3D, and we would establish Creator God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Shan, as is true for all planets in 5D and higher dimensions.

Obviously we have not kept to this plan. Things change, as freewill choices must be honored. We have the power, and we have the help of the Forces of Light, and the Light is winning, but we just do not realize it yet. In fact the Light has already won on Earth Shan, but we are so focused on 3D and buried in our little local and personal battles with the Darkness, that we do not yet realize the "War" has ended.

What we are seeing are the death throes of the Dark Dragon. Our beloved U.S. of A. is the home of the Dragon, and the Dragon has been conquered. Know it! Go within and know it! In this very long battle with Darkness our hostess Mother Earth has been badly damaged, to the point of her death. She is now beyond our help to heal, and she has been granted permission by Heaven to heal herself.

So, the ending of the "Age" shall be different than originally planned. We could have had a smooth transition into 5D with no negative energy resistance, but now Earth Shan is destined to have a violent birthing into her glorious future.

I assure you, my sister, that our planet shall not be lost to Darkness or to any of the Darkside's tricks, such as nuclear or particle beam technology. We have not failed in our mission. We have stood against the Darkness in twenty years of over-time, and we have prevailed.! Heaven's Plan is unfolding right on Heaven's schedule at this very moment. Look around you and see it coming into your own awareness. Blessed is he, who sees with the heart!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen. See our 3D world crumbling all around us! See the rising of the Phoenix of Truth from the ashes of this passing civilization. All appears chaotic because our Mother Earth has already started her cleansing in earnest. Look at the drastic weather patterns, the increasing earth quakes and volcanic activity, and know that our planet is shaking off the pollution and negative energy.

The Darkside has no power! We have fought a good fight. We have kept the faith, and the Light has won! Go within and know it! Rest and peace and joy lie ahead.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer