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"Hello, Central!" What Are Thse Bank "Packages", And What Is Their Relevance?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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(although I read the history of NESARA) . Could I ask you to explain what these packages are...and their relevance? Also, I don't understand many of the abbreviations such as UPS , 'O' , 'CH', 'MK', 'FC', 'CH' and 'Freedom' packages. Further what is Renminbi? ...and who are 'they' as in give 'them' advanced missile technology?

I have been following the Wanta scandal with interest...and certain channellings and I am perplexed about what is happening...Can you help? Perhaps you can point me to the dates of earlier postings so that I can 'pick up' on the situation.

Thanks in anticipation,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 22, 2007


Dear SM:

There is a long history behind what is presently occurring. The International Bankers for many years have had a system for making great wealth through what is called "roll programs". Money is put into an investment process, where a high rate of interest is earned in a very short time. At the end of each cycle the principal and interest earned are re-invested or "rolled" over into the next cycle, so that in a short while the amount has grown to a very large return.

The rates of return are phenomenal, such as 1:100,000, 1: 500,000 etc., and done by ripping off the assets and natural resources of other countries, especially of third world countries. Through this process the banking families have become filthy rich. Money is power, so bankers today control the world.

A quarter to a half century ago children of these wealthy banking families began to question their family's goals and the use of their wealth. These children, sometimes called "wealthy visionaries", developed a plan to invest money into "roll" programs for the purpose of creating wealth to be used for the humanitarian needs of the world. This was done covertly by one hundred of these children, and these programs became known as the "Prosperity Programs. Over time these programs were secretly opened up to small investors in the general public in many countries, so that one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a time.

These small amounts were handled by trustees, who collected the money and kept records, and combined the small investments into the large amount, let's say, one million dollars, that was required in order to enter a "roll". The news of these programs spread by word of mouth and especially via multi-level marketers. Thousands of people invested and great wealth was generated, but little, if anything, was ever paid back to the investors.

Intrigue and greed and fraud became common among the bankers, government people and many of the trustees of these programs, who wanted to steal the money for themselves. Court cases have been fought and people have gone to prison, and others have died because of this wealth. This is the Darkside, but there is a Light side to these money programs.

God, too, as a plan, and there are many good people known as "White Knights", who have been working hard to restore this great wealth to the investors for its intended purposes. This is now happening, because the plan was to use this wealth for good intent, and Creator God has decreed it so. The plan is to return this money to the little people for their needs, and from whom it was originally stolen.

The evil U.S. Government, including the false President Bush and Bush crime family, the Clinton crime family, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the World Court, judges, attorneys, bankers, military and many others have all tried in every way possible to steal this wealth intended to restore our world to goodness. Without the help of the Forces of Light this could never happen. Know that the Light has won, and this is, indeed, happening. Global Family is overseeing this process and is determined that these monies shall be used only for goodness.

So, the bank packets or packages containing instructions on how to access their money are being delivered to the investors at this time. When this process is completed, the NESARA Announcement can be made publicly, which enacts that law in the U.S. , the benefits of which shall spread throughout the world.

I shall not explain that law, as you have knowledge about it. There are some seventy-two Prosperity Programs, including "O" or Omega, the largest one and Freedom, the one that is to be funded first. UPS stands for United Parcel Service, a worldwide private company delivery service. CH means Clyde Hood and MK means Mike Kadoski, alias Les Cruse, two of the trustees of these Prosperity Programs. Renminbi means the people's currency or "yuan", the official currency of the People's Republic of China. Finally, FC stands for the Farm Claims, a program in the U.S. in which a class action lawsuit was brought against the government for banking and tax fraud. I shall not discuss that further, here.

May this help your understanding,and know that the Light has won on Planet Earth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer